Addressing incidents from last year's BikeBike!

Hey all,
My name is Dave, and I was asked to address a situation I created at last year's bikebike before attending the current conference, and after consideration, I wholeheartedly agree with the request and apologize it was not done sooner.
Last year, at the bikebike party, I drank quite heavily and crossed major boundaries of people I never met. I created a very uncomfortable situation for people just trying to have a good time. I was responsible for making people feel threatened for their safety and space they deserved. I apologize for turning a people's night to celebrate into a bad memory for some.
I can not say for sure what happened exactly, because I was too intoxicated to recall a large portion of that night, but the second hand accounts of my actions blew my mind. I have never acted in such a horrific way, nor have EVER considered to do the audacious things I did to people that eve.
But I am responsible for my actions, drunk or not, and in no way excuse what I did. I owed it to the people who worked so hard to make bikebike! a success that year, to the visitors, conference members and all in attendance, to manage myself in a respectful manner, and I blew it. I am sorry.
This year I promise to show the utmost control over my person as to never ever ever ever make people feel the way I did. I frequently dwell on the facts of what happened, and it is a burden I will have to live with, but live with AND change from it to never allow it to happen again. I will not be drinking before/during/after anything going on in the next potential FOREVER, and will also not be attending the celebration going on this year or next.
All I ask is that you take me for who I am, and not the monster I was. I am truly sorry and understand that if I now have a bad reputation with you, I earned every bit of it, but I am trying to redeem myself.
Sending this to 2 giant list-servs is not easy for me, but it is something I am doing to come clean to everyone. Hoping that people not expect a repeat from me, and encouraging others to police their actions and not lose control as I did. Remember a lot of people got their shit together and busted their collective asses to make this awesome thing happen.
If you wish to talk to me about this, please come find me and we'll chat. I'm trying to learn from this as best as possible.
Thanks to everyone for not blacklisting me and giving me a second chance. Again, I am truly sorry, and hope you can get past my past, as I am trying to do the same.
peace, Milwaukee Dave.
participants (1)
Dave Caz