Bike Bike Meeting East Bay 2/24 (Woo hoo!)
hiya folks ivan, emilyn and quentin here. At the last bike bike meeting (bike church, santa cruz, 1/18) we decided to have the next meeting at our house in the east bay. We live at 3090 King St,+Berkeley,+CA+94703,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=image. at Prince St. in south Berkeley. That's two blocks south of Ashby and three blocks west of MLK. We are about three minute's walk from the Ashby BART. Discussed meeting time was noon on sunday, february 24th. If you have a really, really big issue with that time, please email the group so we can see if we need to figure something else out, otherwise, I think that's the plan. Ok? Ok.
any emergencies, please call Emilyn at (831) 421 1942 (i.e., if you're lost, if you get part of your bike stuck in the BART door and need us to send a rescue squad, if you're dying for want of an odwalla bar just a few blocks away, we'll be there.)
Loving Bicycles from your Invasive, Non-Native Bike Church Transplants in the East Bay
participants (1)
Ivan Denker