Help Whole Foods Keep Promise to Fundraise for Homeless Shelter Bike Shop

Dear friends and neighbors,
On Wednesday, September 10, 2008, Whole Foods on Ponce canceled a 5% Day* fundraiser to support an Earn-A-Bike program at Taskforce for the Homeless the Midtown Ponce Security Alliance threatened to boycott the store. Sopo Bicycle Cooperative is a community partner in this project, along with Paideia High School and Americorps. We would like to offer some clarification about the project, and to ask you to support us by asking Whole Foods to reinstate its commitment to Taskforce by rescheduling 5% Day.
The Taskforce Earn-A-Bike project was created by a Sopo intern from Paideia High School and an Americorps Volunteer at Taskforce who wanted to make independent transportation accessible for Taskforce Resident Volunteers (people who complete volunteer commitments at the shelter in order to reside there). We all came together to create an on-site bicycle repair shop that provides access to an environmentally responsible form of transportation as well as opportunities to learn marketable skills. Skill building and reliable transportation are necessary for everyday life, and will help our friends at Taskforce access jobs and independent living.
Sopo and Taskforce for the Homeless are asking Ponce Whole Foods to reinstate its commitment to Taskforce by rescheduling 5% Day. You can help by calling or emailing:
Lesley Sifford 404-853-1681
Let's keep it positive. Ponce Whole Foods staff members selected this project to be the beneficiary of 5% Day. Let's be supportive and friendly as we work together to make sure Ponce Whole Foods follows through with its promise.
*On a designated 5% day, 5% of store sales are set aside and donated to a local nonprofit.
Rachael Spiewak, MSW Executive Director Sopo Bicycle Cooperative
Hours of operation: Tues, Wed, & Thurs 7 pm - 10 pm Sat & Sun 2 pm - 6 pm
participants (1)
rachael spiewak