8000 miles pedaling for the dignity of the immigrant

The following is a post from the blog of Flor Crisostomo, an undocumented worker who has taken sanctuary in a Chicago church for the past several months and has been blogging on her experiences... thought it might be of interest to some of us! The blog is interesting on its own (outside of bikes) and each post is translated into english.
Mario Castellon, ¡si se puede! Mario, 8000 miles pedaling for the dignity of the immigrant
On Wednesday September 2 at 8 o'clock in the morning we received a visit from a thin, tired, and bearded youth. The only thing that he brings is a bicycle with a few flags, loaded with a small carrier of clothes and spare bike parts. What I noticed in his tired face was a big grin of tranquility, peace and a tremendous humility, which these days almost nobody carries.
His name is Mario Castellón, and he has traveled more than 8,000 miles by bicycle since May 31, 2008. His starting point was his home country, El Salvador. His purpose is to help the pro-immigrant fight, bringing the message to the world and the communities through which he passes. Mario wants to bring attention to the importance and significance of more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the long-awaited IMMIGRATION REFORM.
After welcoming him with a cup of Mayan coffee and Mexican bread, talking for a couple of hours, I started to get to know him a little more. He is a very nice person, with immense faith that leads him to believe the situation will change.
He told me of such strong experiences that he has gone through, starting in Guatemala when some police wanted to rob him thinking he brought dollars. After, in Mexico he saw the treatment of the undocumented Central Americans. At the arrival of the United States border he saw companions trying to cross to this country in half-dead conditions. Already, in this place he saw the good and bad of those that understand his message and also that of the xenophobes that still think we live in the time of Hitler or of the KKK. He has slept underneath bridges and in parks, but he says, "everything is worth it, to bring this message to the government of our countries of the support and commitment that we need of the North American government."
We know that it is election time and the press does not cover this type of news. He and I know what we face and what the yellow press wants. He and I understand that the work that we do is so that our message reaches where it has to go, and little by little we are getting there. We both know that the young and the new North America is desperate with a spirit very full of Faith and Dignity.
To him, like me, we have united in the same cause and we are representing it in the form we think is correct. For so many reasons he deserves more than my respect. We hope that he will bring a little attention, that they will give him a hand with the rest of his journey; Tennesse, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, San Antonio to the finish where he lives in Dallas, Texas.
Thank you Maria, may God bless and protect you. You, like I, together with the 12 million of us that we know ¡¡¡SI SE PUEDEEE!!!
*FLOResiste is writen by Flor Crisóstomo. Blog translation is done by Dalia Rubiano Yeddia, Eva Nagao, Willy Barreno, Jesus Carlin and Jhonathan F. Gómez. Design and updates by Willy Barreno, Jesus Carlin and Jhonathan F. Gómez. Edited by **Jhonathan F. Gómez.*

The following is a post from the blog of Flor Crisostomo, an undocumented worker who has taken sanctuary in a Chicago church for the past several months and has been blogging on her experiences... thought it might be of interest to some of us! The blog is interesting on its own (outside of bikes) and each post is translated into english.
Mario Castellon, ¡si se puede! Mario, 8000 miles pedaling for the dignity of the immigrant
On Wednesday September 2 at 8 o'clock in the morning we received a visit from a thin, tired, and bearded youth. The only thing that he brings is a bicycle with a few flags, loaded with a small carrier of clothes and spare bike parts. What I noticed in his tired face was a big grin of tranquility, peace and a tremendous humility, which these days almost nobody carries.
His name is Mario Castellón, and he has traveled more than 8,000 miles by bicycle since May 31, 2008. His starting point was his home country, El Salvador. His purpose is to help the pro-immigrant fight, bringing the message to the world and the communities through which he passes. Mario wants to bring attention to the importance and significance of more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the long-awaited IMMIGRATION REFORM.
After welcoming him with a cup of Mayan coffee and Mexican bread, talking for a couple of hours, I started to get to know him a little more. He is a very nice person, with immense faith that leads him to believe the situation will change.
He told me of such strong experiences that he has gone through, starting in Guatemala when some police wanted to rob him thinking he brought dollars. After, in Mexico he saw the treatment of the undocumented Central Americans. At the arrival of the United States border he saw companions trying to cross to this country in half-dead conditions. Already, in this place he saw the good and bad of those that understand his message and also that of the xenophobes that still think we live in the time of Hitler or of the KKK. He has slept underneath bridges and in parks, but he says, "everything is worth it, to bring this message to the government of our countries of the support and commitment that we need of the North American government."
We know that it is election time and the press does not cover this type of news. He and I know what we face and what the yellow press wants. He and I understand that the work that we do is so that our message reaches where it has to go, and little by little we are getting there. We both know that the young and the new North America is desperate with a spirit very full of Faith and Dignity.
To him, like me, we have united in the same cause and we are representing it in the form we think is correct. For so many reasons he deserves more than my respect. We hope that he will bring a little attention, that they will give him a hand with the rest of his journey; Tennesse, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, San Antonio to the finish where he lives in Dallas, Texas.
Thank you Maria, may God bless and protect you. You, like I, together with the 12 million of us that we know ¡¡¡SI SE PUEDEEE!!!
*FLOResiste is writen by Flor Crisóstomo. Blog translation is done by Dalia Rubiano Yeddia, Eva Nagao, Willy Barreno, Jesus Carlin and Jhonathan F. Gómez. Design and updates by Willy Barreno, Jesus Carlin and Jhonathan F. Gómez. Edited by **Jhonathan F. Gómez.*
participants (2)
Erik D Stockmeier
Erik Stockmeier