Re: [TheThinkTank] Thethinktank Digest, Vol 130, Issue 16

Hi Geoff
I've just setup new premises in a self-converted 30ft x 10ft shipping container in the Olympic Park, London, UK. I visited Condor Cycles, Cloud 9 Cycles, Soho Cycles and a few others that are deemed the best of the best in London to ask if I could photo their workshops and get advice. All were very helpful and because my business runs on a gift economy and open source, all were happy for me to photo their workshops and talk me through what worked and why.
What I found:
- vertical storage (if safe and you have height) good
- keeping only what is needed most to hand, the rest further away (minimal movement wasted)
- dedicated bench/toolboard for facing/setting tools with a grinding wheel (if possible) and heavy bench vice
- lots of space needed to store completed bikes/bikes awaiting service? Make a scaffolding rail & use meathooks - slide the bikes like clothes on a clothing rail!
- double-sided stands are brilliant for frame swapouts and saving space (if you have the width)
- paint benches and tool/shadowboards black - easy to find tools, looks good, stays looking good even when dirty
- PVC piping with angle bend is a great way of storing cable inners!
What I also did
- long shipping containers are dark - I installed a 2.5kW solar system on the roof for internal LED spots and striplights - make sure benches are well lit and lit in a way as to avoid glare
- I didn't have budget for proper storage and benches so bought cheap 2nd hand stackable plastic storage bin boxes and built benches from plywood to exactly fit these (with 1/2" gap around each)
- Benches with tops deeper than the bench width means you can get your feet right up to the bench
- Used a few interior design tricks to make the space appear bigger - racks/storage mounted off the floor - white wherever possible (especially ceiling)....would have uplighters too if more power (our projects runs off-grid)
Other thoughts
- sliding doors? use this space for your safety posters and legal stuff (we need HSE posters, fire safety and company documentation displayed in UK) - or more storage if sliding mechanism can cope
- ensure there is adequate space to move around - a good rule of thumb is 60cm-70cm gap
- have a mix of new and parts used by volunteers/staff? colour code storage bins/boxes - one for old, one for new
- easy clean/non-slip flooring is a worthy investment
- parts washer great if you have chance to get one
Warmest regards,
*Lawrence Mohammed* Director/Head Mechanic *+44 (0)77 222 58587* ** **
/[Location, NOT delivery address] Pro Bike Service C.I.C. Mobile Garden City Olympic Village London E20 1GW/
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Today's Topics:
- Advice on laying out new premises. (Geoffrey Smart)
- Re: Advice on laying out new premises. (Jack Murphy)
- Re: Advice on laying out new premises. (Jean-Fran?ois Caron)
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