Safe Routes to School experience with 2nd grade groups?

Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667

The most experience organization I've heard of regarding this curriculum is "Journeys From Home" out of Florence, Montana.
They've been doing kids programs for years, have good curriculum, and are very dedicated to the mission.
Cheers, Sam Haraldson Bozeman Bike Kitchen
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Jim Sheehan wrote:
Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
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At that age, you need to reach out to and include the parents, because the parents need to hear the message you're teaching too. If it's not reinforced at home, the kids won't retain it or see what you're teaching as valuable.
I've been leading a family friendly cruiser ride for 11 years (since June 2004), I always pull the kids aside and talk bike safety, the parents are right there and they, too, hear the message. I then ask the parents to reinforce it at home when they go on family rides. I know this works because when I'm out with my wife and daughter I hear other riders with kids yelling out the alerts we use during Bike Night. It's gratifying.
Our "Longmont Bike Night" regularly has up to 200 people on each ride, with the 24 week average coming in at 119 - 120. Of these it's almost all young families with kids between kindergarten and 5th grade. The bulk of the kids are between kinder - 2nd grade. Each ride has atleast 30-40 kids, 8 and younger. We have probably 0 hipsters and even fewer people between 18 & 25. Just sayin' this is NOT a rolling Bike Party or slow roll, rather it's an awesome and innovative blend between a bike party and kidical mass (if it needs a label).
To your question: we include a bike night bike rodeo, we call it Bike Night Kids Night, the kids call the shots on music, route and we meet an hour beforehand and play bike games. I think the most valuable thing you can do is to teach families how to ride together.
We're in the midst of a Safe Routes to School program and it's my first go in a leadership position within the SRTS here. Our outreach strategy is based on Longmont Bike Night's success with family riding. In my outside experience looking in, I think SRTS's major weakness isn't funding or what have you - it's lack of parent outreach.
Parent outreach is the #1 goal of the program. Therefore we're holding our bike rodeos on weekends and evenings in an attempt to get whole families to participate. It's working, too. This strategy works because we meet families on their schedule and don't require dual income families to take time off from work or rearrange their schedules. The family approach works because you get them all on bikes, and parents who don't ride get to see their kids having a lot of fun.
Simple answer is get the parents on board. SRTS will say kids younger than 10 should not ride on the street.
In my experience. rjk
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Jim Sheehan wrote:
Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
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Ryan, Thanks for your reply! I agree getting the parents involved is key, but often here they are not involved in even feeding their kids, let alone riding with them. Would love to learn more about the Bike Night Kids Night if you can send a link -- google found a bunch of bar nights...
Also would like to find out about your SRTS work, and yes, I have already pointed out that under 10 is sidewalk safety curriculum.
Thanks again, Jim
Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Ryan Kragerud wrote:
At that age, you need to reach out to and include the parents, because the parents need to hear the message you're teaching too. If it's not reinforced at home, the kids won't retain it or see what you're teaching as valuable.
I've been leading a family friendly cruiser ride for 11 years (since June 2004), I always pull the kids aside and talk bike safety, the parents are right there and they, too, hear the message. I then ask the parents to reinforce it at home when they go on family rides. I know this works because when I'm out with my wife and daughter I hear other riders with kids yelling out the alerts we use during Bike Night. It's gratifying.
Our "Longmont Bike Night" regularly has up to 200 people on each ride, with the 24 week average coming in at 119 - 120. Of these it's almost all young families with kids between kindergarten and 5th grade. The bulk of the kids are between kinder - 2nd grade. Each ride has atleast 30-40 kids, 8 and younger. We have probably 0 hipsters and even fewer people between 18 & 25. Just sayin' this is NOT a rolling Bike Party or slow roll, rather it's an awesome and innovative blend between a bike party and kidical mass (if it needs a label).
To your question: we include a bike night bike rodeo, we call it Bike Night Kids Night, the kids call the shots on music, route and we meet an hour beforehand and play bike games. I think the most valuable thing you can do is to teach families how to ride together.
We're in the midst of a Safe Routes to School program and it's my first go in a leadership position within the SRTS here. Our outreach strategy is based on Longmont Bike Night's success with family riding. In my outside experience looking in, I think SRTS's major weakness isn't funding or what have you - it's lack of parent outreach.
Parent outreach is the #1 goal of the program. Therefore we're holding our bike rodeos on weekends and evenings in an attempt to get whole families to participate. It's working, too. This strategy works because we meet families on their schedule and don't require dual income families to take time off from work or rearrange their schedules. The family approach works because you get them all on bikes, and parents who don't ride get to see their kids having a lot of fun.
Simple answer is get the parents on board. SRTS will say kids younger than 10 should not ride on the street.
In my experience. rjk
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Jim Sheehan wrote:
Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
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Check out our website. We have a bike smart curriculum, with games-based lessons. This program is taught to k-6th, and works great. We also have a publication called the parents guide to safe bicycling.
Go to the youth bike skills link On Nov 6, 2015 11:17 AM, "Jim Sheehan" wrote:
Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
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Hey there,
We are working with the DC Public Schools with the Cornerstone project. And would love to connect you guys with the folks over at DCPS if you are interested in learning some of the direct lessons that they have garnered.
I have been on a ride with one of the schools and it was a great experience. The youth were divided up by skill level and were able to tackle about a 5 mile ride with breaks. All the youth were in second grade (with a like 2 in in 3rd) they divided the days up for them to have a practice day, then one big day for the ride for everyone with more volunteers.
Feel free to email me directly at and i can give you some further insights.
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 2:23 PM, Mary-Catherine Graziano <> wrote:
Check out our website. We have a bike smart curriculum, with games-based lessons. This program is taught to k-6th, and works great. We also have a publication called the parents guide to safe bicycling.
Go to the youth bike skills link On Nov 6, 2015 11:17 AM, "Jim Sheehan" wrote:
Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
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Hi there,
I dug up this thread on Think Tank and would love to see your lessons, but the link is broken. Do you think you could redirect me? Thanks!
Sincerely, ~Carlyn Arteaga BICAS Collective Member/Youth Programs Curriculum & Training Tucson, AZ
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Mary-Catherine Graziano <> wrote:
Check out our website. We have a bike smart curriculum, with games-based lessons. This program is taught to k-6th, and works great. We also have a publication called the parents guide to safe bicycling.
Go to the youth bike skills link On Nov 6, 2015 11:17 AM, "Jim Sheehan" wrote:
Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
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Carlyn, We did a standard Traffic Skills 101 for the first teacher training, and I am working on the curriculum for the second, "how to teach 2nd graders rodeo drills" training, and will send that with some reflections after we teach it on 2/12.
If you are looking for the lessons for the actual 2nd graders, reply off-line and I can send that large file we got from WABA, or DCPS -- it's basically a rodeo broken into 5 sessions, with a lot of classroom mgmt and pedagogical mumbo jumbo (but important) info.
Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 4:09 PM, Carlyn Arteaga wrote:
Hi there,
I dug up this thread on Think Tank and would love to see your lessons, but the link is broken. Do you think you could redirect me? Thanks!
Sincerely, ~Carlyn Arteaga BICAS Collective Member/Youth Programs Curriculum & Training Tucson, AZ
On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Mary-Catherine Graziano <> wrote:
Check out our website. We have a bike smart curriculum, with games-based lessons. This program is taught to k-6th, and works great. We also have a publication called the parents guide to safe bicycling.
Go to the youth bike skills link On Nov 6, 2015 11:17 AM, "Jim Sheehan" wrote:
Folks, We have done some presentations and rodeos for 4th graders, but after the news that D.C. schools are teaching bike riding to all 2nd graders, our district is interested in reaching this younger cohort.
While we have had a bit of experience with this age, any lessons learned from working with schools (especially in Phys Ed) would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667
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participants (6)
Carlyn Arteaga
Jim Sheehan
Mary-Catherine Graziano
Ryan Kragerud
Sam Haraldson
Sterling Stone