Here is your chance to get involved with Gearin' Up Bicycles in Washington D.C.!
We are seeking additions members for the Board of Directors, and we invite you to submit your resume and cover letter. Know someone who may be interested? Please pass this along! Details about the position can be found below.
Gearin’ Up Bicycles provides access to quality used bicycles in Washington D.C. through used bicycle sales and youth outreach programs. We sell refurbished donated used bicycles and provide employment opportunities for young adults in underserved communities. In addition, Gearin' Up Bicycles partners with local youth organizations to provide Earn-A-Bike programs.
Gearin’ Up is growing in all ways -- the number of projects we're working on, volunteer opportunities, and more.
The Board Selection Committee of the Gearin’ Up Bicycles is currently seeking applications from prospective Board Members who are passionate about providing greater access to bicycles while providing opportunities to Washington D.C.
As a Board Member you will be responsible for three areas:
- Governance (strategy, planning, fiduciary responsibilities)
- Involvement in programs/committees that raise awareness and support for Gearin’ Up.
- Development (raising funds, community awareness and recruiting quality volunteers)
Minimum Requirements:
- proven experience as a volunteer and fundraiser
- interest and ability to be an ambassador for the Gearin’ Up
- a commitment to the Gearin’ Up, including time and flexibility to help grow the Gearin’ Up
- a board donation and/or a fundraising commitment
- practical skills/experience in at least one of the following areas: finance and accounting, non-profit law, PR, marketing, creative/design, project management, business management, urban planning, government, transportation or policy
- attendance at monthly Board meetings, Gearin’ Up special events and committee/project meetings
Time Commitment: Board meetings are usually one hour every month or every other month. Initial meetings will be held at a central location, and subsequent meetings will be held by telephone. We ask for an additional 2-5 hours/month to work on specific tasks or projects. We ask Board Members to serve for at least 1 year with a strong preference for 2 years of service.
To Apply: Please submit your resume and a cover letter describing your interest in serving on the Board of Gearin’ Up to KatieLupo@GearinUpBicycles.org (mailto:KatieLupo@GearinUpBicycles.org) .
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Gearin' Up Bicycles