Re: [TheThinkTank] Looking for interactive learning tool ideas

Here's our gear shift demo, FrankenBike. Also has a generator and lights, it works great as a hands-on activity for kids. Jack Murphy Bike Walk Wichita
<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: AMS Bike Co-op <> </div><div>Date:11/17/2016 6:22 PM (GMT-06:00) </div><div>To: The Think Tank <> </div><div>Cc: Hannah Fiegenbaum <> </div><div>Subject: [TheThinkTank] Looking for interactive learning tool ideas </div><div> </div>Hey Folks!
I'm looking for ideas for hands on learning tools for teaching bike mechanics. The Bike Coop/Bike Kitchen is in the planning stages of a project that will one day be installed in our new shop space and serve as an education tool as well as a fun thing to welcome people into the shop. Our concept is to create an interactive wall display that illustrates some basic mechanical concepts. In particular we'd like to use this to connect with kinetic learners, non-English speakers (as English is the predominant language in our shop), and folks who are a bit intimidated to just start working on a bike.
So! I'd like ideas from you about learning tools that we can include on this amazing wall! Modified bike parts that you might use in your intro to mechanics courses, analogies that you use to explain tricky concepts, even wild stuff that you have thought of but has not yet existed (we will likely seek out partnerships with engineers/designers at UBC to help us create some of these things so no idea is too big)
Huge thanks to all - Hannah
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