The AMAZING bike co-op I'm a part of in New Haven, CT is hiring! Applications are due next week-- folks nearby should definitely check it out!
Warmly, Kai ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: John Martin john@bsbc.co Date: Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 2:59 PM Subject: Bradley Street Bicycle Co-op is hiring! To: kai@bsbc.co
Fill out the *interest form* inside by June 30! View this email in your browser https://mailchi.mp/0298ab4c417f/bradley-street-bicycle-co-op-hiring?e=6eccaa0eaa
*Bradley Street Bicycle Co-op is hiring!* Our founder, John Martin, is stepping away from day-to-day duties and we are looking to hire one or more staff by the end of the Summer to fill the following roles.
*We’re open to hiring one full-time person, a few part time folks, or some combination of the two, to collectively cover the responsibilities of all of these roles.* Our main priority is finding the right folks to help BSBC cover the roles below so we can continue to be a community bike shop working towards an equitable New Haven by getting people on bikes. *Shop Manager*
- The Shop Manager keeps the heart of BSBC – our physical shop space –
humming. From keeping an eye on volunteer work hours and managing inventory to keeping the shop clean and being a welcoming, warm presence, the Shop Manager manages the behind-the-scenes logistics to front-of-house vibes for all who participate in the space.
- See more about this role here.
*Lead Mechanic*
- The Lead Mechanic ensures the bikes that are repaired, sold, and
donated by the BSBC are safe, functional, and reliable. The bikes donated to the BSBC all need work. The lead mechanic will bring the skills and knowledge needed to fix these bikes, while supporting volunteers to develop their skills and confidence.
- See more about this role here.
*Programs Manager*
- The Programs Manager brings BSBC’s mission to life via partnerships,
community events, grantwriting, and building awesome relationships. From putting on skillshare workshops to finding the perfect partner to donate bikes to, you bring people into BSBC’s work who might not already be connected, and work alongside them to co-create magic neither of us could do alone.
- See more about this role here.
*Operations Manager*
- The Operations Manager maintains the behind-the-scenes magic of BSBC
to keep our facility open, supported, and up to speed. You’ll manage “the books” (the money!), manage systems for donations and payment processing, and make sure we’re up to date with the crucial stuff, like taxes, insurance, and bills.
- See more about this role here.
*Community Manager*
- The Community Manager is the doorway for our volunteers and members to
plug in and thrive within and around BSBC. You’ll host new member mixers and volunteer meetings, develop pathways for people to get involved, and be a friend to all involved in the co-op space.
- See more about this role here.
Are you looking for a full-time job and think you can cover most of these roles? Let us know! Are you an excellent bike mechanic looking for a part time gig? We’d love to hear from you too! Are you a great organizer and community-builder but can’t fix a bike to save your life? That’s ok, reach out! *Please see the job descriptions https://bsbc.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b0b649a09044d7f5eb44119d4&id=672c77eb8b&e=6eccaa0eaa for more information about each of the roles*, including expected hours and pay.
Ideally, the first day of work would be sometime in September 2022 to allow for training overlap and full handoff of responsibilities from John.
*If you are interested in one or more of these roles, please apply by July 28th AKA on July 27th at 11:59 PM.* APPLICATIONS HERE https://bsbc.co/jobs
*EEO: We are committed to building a creative and dynamic work environment that celebrates individual differences and diversity and treats everyone with fairness and respect. We do not discriminate in practices or employment opportunities on the basis of an individual’s race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, veteran status, disability, or any other category protected by federal, state, or local regulations. We strongly encourage candidates of color to apply.* *The Bradley Street Bicycle Co-op is a community bike shop working towards an equitable New Haven by getting more people on bikes.*
Questions? Comments? Shoot me an email, or better yet, let's get coffee and talk about it!
john@bsbc.co *Bradley Street Bicycle Co-op* 138 Bradley St New Haven, CT 06511 http://bsbc.co/ https://bsbc.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b0b649a09044d7f5eb44119d4&id=e1f4e6db16&e=6eccaa0eaa
Come say hi!
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participants (1)
Kai Addae