Ride Somewhere Far - new book for aspiring touring cyclists

Hi Think Tankers -
I have recently co-written and published a book called *Ride Somewhere Far: The Adventurer's Guide to Mindful Bike Touringhttp://www.lulu.com/shop/claire-bangser-and-brandon-hill/ride-somewhere-far/paperback/product-20534739.html *. It's a guidebook for new cyclists interested in using their bicycle as a vehicle for discovering, learning from, and creating the world they wish to live in. It combines personal narrative with practical touring advice and relevant resources for the aspiring two-wheeled traveler.
Our project (called The Wise Routes Projecthttp://wiseroutes.wordpress.com) leading into publishing this book has been super DIY. As recent college grads, we raised funds through a Kickstarter campaignhttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/beehill/the-wise-routes-project(and outside donations) last year that funded book planning/research during our 3 month bike tour down the Pacific coast. All of the time that has gone into creating the book has been completely volunteer, including the writing, illustrations, 12 young cyclist "journal" contributions, and the help of 4 excellent volunteer editors from the cycling and alternative education spheres.
We've self-published the book on Lulu's online marketplacehttp://www.lulu.com/shop/claire-bangser-and-brandon-hill/ride-somewhere-far/paperback/product-20534739.htmland now we'd love your help spreading the word to anyone you think might be interested in checking it out. It is specifically written for a young-ish audience, first time tourers with no assumed cycling experience who simply which to more deeply engage in the world around them via bicycle.
If you'd like to pick up a copy (it's only $12!), you can find it online herehttp://www.lulu.com/shop/claire-bangser-and-brandon-hill/ride-somewhere-far/paperback/product-20534739.html and if you'd like to buy a bulk order (for your bike shop!), send me an email and we can arrange a discount. Thanks in advance for helping us get our book into the right hands and for being the source of so much cool information during this research and writing process.
[image: Inline image 2] http://www.facebook.com/TheWiseRoutesProject (One of my illustrations from the book that I thought you might like)
Happy tailwinds, Claire
participants (1)
Claire Bangser