Fwd: Job Opportunity: Executive Director, Charlie's FreeWheels

Hey thinktank pals!
Charlie's is looking for a new Executive Director!
I've decided to take a step back and will be working with our team to fill this position. It's a great way to strengthen your non-profit/charity skills and to spread the good word about community bike spaces in Toronto!
Our team is looking for someone with project management, administrative and fundraising experience (any level or combination thereof). Experience working/volunteering with community bike spaces/projects is considered as a HUGE asset for this position.
Check out the posting for more information, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. www.CharliesFreeWheels.ca/jobs http://www.charliesfreewheels.ca/jobs
And spread the word!
*Alix Aylen (she/her)* Executive Director Charlie's FreeWheels 242.5 Queen Street E. M5A 1S3 Toronto, Ontario t. 416-856-5510 www.charliesfreewheels.ca
Sign up for our newsletter http://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=ed785a2666 Get more young people on bikes! Click here to donate to Charlies' FreeWheels. https://www.charliesfreewheels.ca/donate/
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Charlie's FreeWheels alix@charliesfreewheels.ca Date: Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 3:04 PM Subject: Job Opportunity: Executive Director, Charlie's FreeWheels To: alix@charliesfreewheels.ca
Our team is looking for a new Executive Director!
After working with Charlie's FreeWheels for four years, Alix Aylen is taking a step back from the Executive Director position and is looking forward to working with the team to find a new person to take on this role. Alix will continue to serve as Executive Director until a new candidate has been selected.
Our ideal candidate is exceptionally well organized and equally comfortable working with youth, staff, and donors. They will enjoy both the details of running an effective small organization as well as the strategic and creative activities involved in achieving our mission.
CFW is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and encourages and prioritizes applications from people identifying as Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, LGBTQ2S and present or previous residents of Regent Park, Moss Park & St. James Town.
The full posting can be found on our website: CharliesFreeWheels.ca/Jobs https://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=6aebfc571b&e=d2d3702a20
Deadline to apply is February 7, 2020 at 5pm!
Please help us to spread the word! All the best!
*Alix *&* the Charlie's FreeWheels team* [image: Twitter] https://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=62b15b152c&e=d2d3702a20 [image: Facebook] https://charliesfreewheels.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=796baa6919ab0f3b6ac6aefc7&id=944f141cd8&e=d2d3702a20 [image: Website] http://www.charliesfreewheels.ca *Copyright © Charlie's FreeWheels, All rights reserved.*
*Our mailing address is:* 242.5 Queen St. E, Toronto, ON, M5A 1S3
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participants (1)
Alix Aylen