Re: [TheThinkTank] carbon bike credits

Grey, Thanks for your response, I too have attempted to contact various cap and trade outfits with no response from any of them. You have had more luck. I do not trust the big boys to ever or in time for us to make faster or more dramatic changes to the car based transportation system get us money for using bicycles. The idea I am proposing is a regional, self administered, self funded and self actualized program. I do not want to wait for government or bureaucracy to sanction or fund our various cycle-centric organizations This is a program to collectively do it our selves. Your program is exactly the level that this system will benefit. Community bike shops like the Bike Kitchen earn funds through their wrenching and sales activities. Organizations such as bicycle coalitions and other traditional grant funded non-profits need a ready source of income. The promise side of this will help to identify and unite cyclist in addition to giving validity to our offset claims. Having a box on your web site by June of this year will allow you to sell the carbon credits you have received from local bicycle riders who have enrolled in your promise bike program. We can do this now. go to / This Wiki is for the development of the promise bike carbon credit exchange system.
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