if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive thread?
my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come across some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper), and we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.
we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks and making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!
thanks, liza

In most industries, the standard markup at retail is 50% or higher above your cost. Factor in buying the bike, and all the money you put towards it. Most retail stores actually mark up things 100% minimu and this goes for everything from clothing to shampoo to booze. Don't short yourself just cause you're an alternative. Of course you'll have some cheapo stuff, but if you've got real nice older bikes, get an idea of what they're worth via bike chatrooms, forums, craigslist, ebay and the like and then do your thing. You should research what a bike's approx worth is before spending money on the upgrades so you'll know if upgrading is worth it or not. Many bikes are probably worth their cash simply put together, let the customer pay for the upgrades.
Just my 3 cents

On 18-Oct-07, at 10:43 AM, Liza Mattana wrote:
if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive
thread?my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come
across some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper),
and we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks
and making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete
overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!thanks, liza
Hi Liz,
We tend to price good bikes over $100, and the lesser ones under
that. Within that range much of the pricing depends on how much work
the bike received, and its general quality.
In the case of the bikes you mention, they are not getting a full
overhaul, but time is being spent adding racks and fenders. If they
are in good working order I would price them at around $100. Too
much more than that and some folks start making comments about the
price of new bikes at Wallmart, which in turn I love to argue about. ;)
Much of this of course depends on how your shop operates and what
your income streams are. I noticed at your blog that used bikes
sales are a low priority, whereas at our shop they are the main
focus, and the sales account for at least 70% or our revenue (we are
self-sustaining and receive no outside funding).
In case anyone is interested, here's how we price our bikes:
We have two categories, Overhauled and As Is. The better quality
bikes (alloy wheels, decent brakes, non-cottered BBs) get overhauled
unless they are in such good shape that they don't need it. These
start at $100.
The lesser As Is ones (dept. store bikes, old single- and 3-speeds)
get a safety check and anything that needs to be replaced without
completely rebuilding it (if these bikes need too much work they are
usually scrapped for parts). We price these at $40 and up.
Cheers, Mark http://re-cycles.ca


I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... Here goes: At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all spend a lot of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the shop) or as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced between $15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is posting to the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and efficient. Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics (core/staff members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new parts put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the mechanic and the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new parts on it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The mechanic sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result in some cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month before a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get rich fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how sweet the frame is.
At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting for, things are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory; bikes in waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing are pretty similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz (the bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in Santa Cruz we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other peoples metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for all types of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a mechanic has gone over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is' value of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little unclear policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that went into the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is allocated 4hrs of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in the shop staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from the Bike Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how tasks are accomplished). Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. ride prone but ride proud, kyle
From: "Liza Mattana" pedals2people@gmail.com Reply-To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700
if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive thread?
my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come across some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper), and we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.
we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks and making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!
thanks, liza
-- Liza Mattana www.pedals2people.org Spokane, WA _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

We do someithing at Velocipede that I like. Even though we do try to set the price of the bike using all the factors people have mentioned, I also like to ask people interested in the bike how much they want to pay. If they say something ridiculously low, I'll give them a counter offer that is more reasonable, but still with in their means. This works for us for now because our overhead is still so low.
I came to this method just cause I never know what to charge for bikes, and never have the time to do the research on each bike to find out. I also like how it throws people for a loop and emphasizes that we are here to make bikes available to the public and while the money helps us to keep doing that, it is not our primary focus.
-beth velocipede bike project baltimore , md
I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... Here goes: At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all spend a lot of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the shop) or as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced between $15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is posting to the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and efficient. Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics (core/staff members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new parts put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the mechanic and the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new parts on it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The mechanic sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result in some cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month before a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get rich fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how sweet the frame is.
At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting for, things are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory; bikes in waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing are pretty similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz (the bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in Santa Cruz we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other peoples metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for all types of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a mechanic has gone over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is' value of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little unclear policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that went into the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is allocated 4hrs of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in the shop staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from the Bike Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how tasks are accomplished). Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. ride prone but ride proud, kyle
From: "Liza Mattana" pedals2people@gmail.com Reply-To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700
if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive thread?
my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come across some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper), and we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.
we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks and making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!
thanks, liza
-- Liza Mattana www.pedals2people.org Spokane, WA _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

great idea, beth
On 10/19/07, Velocipede Bike Project info@velocipedebikeproject.org wrote:
We do someithing at Velocipede that I like. Even though we do try to set the price of the bike using all the factors people have mentioned, I also like to ask people interested in the bike how much they want to pay. If they say something ridiculously low, I'll give them a counter offer that is more reasonable, but still with in their means. This works for us for now because our overhead is still so low.
I came to this method just cause I never know what to charge for bikes, and never have the time to do the research on each bike to find out. I also like how it throws people for a loop and emphasizes that we are here to make bikes available to the public and while the money helps us to keep doing that, it is not our primary focus.
-beth velocipede bike project baltimore , md
I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... Here goes: At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all spend a lot of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the shop) or as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced between $15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is posting
the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and efficient. Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics (core/staff members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new parts put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the mechanic
the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new parts on it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The
sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result in
cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month before a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get rich fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how sweet
frame is.
At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting for,
are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory; bikes
waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing are
similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz (the bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in Santa
we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other peoples metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for all
of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a mechanic has gone over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is' value of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little unclear policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that went into the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is allocated 4hrs of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in the
staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from the Bike Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how tasks are accomplished). Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. ride prone but ride proud, kyle
From: "Liza Mattana" pedals2people@gmail.com Reply-To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700
if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive thread?
my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come
some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper), and we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.
we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks and making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!
thanks, liza
-- Liza Mattana www.pedals2people.org Spokane, WA _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org

At Third Hand, we take in consideration the afore-mentioned quality and labor but generally two savy mechanics say what they'd pay for the bike if they wanted it and I price it at the average of the two quotes. Its fair, quick and easy.
On 10/19/07, Paul Park pauljosephpark@gmail.com wrote:
great idea, beth
On 10/19/07, Velocipede Bike Project info@velocipedebikeproject.org wrote:
We do someithing at Velocipede that I like. Even though we do try to set the price of the bike using all the factors people have mentioned, I also like to ask people interested in the bike how much they want to pay. If they say something ridiculously low, I'll give them a counter offer that is more reasonable, but still with in their means. This works for us for now because our overhead is still so low.
I came to this method just cause I never know what to charge for bikes, and never have the time to do the research on each bike to find out. I also like how it throws people for a loop and emphasizes that we are here to make bikes available to the public and while the money helps us to keep doing that, it is not our primary focus.
-beth velocipede bike project baltimore , md
I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... Here goes: At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all spend
lot of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the
or as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced
$15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is posting
the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and efficient. Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics (core/staff members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new parts put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the mechanic
the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new
on it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The
sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result in
cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month before a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get rich
fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how sweet
frame is.
At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting for,
are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory; bikes
waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing are
similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz (the bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in Santa
we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other
metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for all
of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a mechanic
gone over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is' value of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little unclear policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that
into the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is
4hrs of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in the
staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from the
Bike Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how tasks are accomplished). Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. ride prone but ride proud, kyle
From: "Liza Mattana" pedals2people@gmail.com Reply-To: The Think Tank < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700
if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive
my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come
some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper),
we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.
we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks
making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!
thanks, liza
-- Liza Mattana www.pedals2people.org Spokane, WA _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
-- PJ Park http://www.biketobrazil.blogspot.com http://www.imagestation.com/members/pjpark http://picasaweb.google.com/PaulJosephPark _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org

Maggie Fehling wrote:
At Third Hand, we take in consideration the afore-mentioned quality and labor but generally two savy mechanics say what they'd pay for the bike if they wanted it and I price it at the average of the two quotes. Its fair, quick and easy.
On 10/19/07, *Paul Park* <pauljosephpark@gmail.com mailto:pauljosephpark@gmail.com> wrote:
great idea, beth On 10/19/07, *Velocipede Bike Project* < info@velocipedebikeproject.org <mailto:info@velocipedebikeproject.org>> wrote: We do someithing at Velocipede that I like. Even though we do try to set the price of the bike using all the factors people have mentioned, I also like to ask people interested in the bike how much they want to pay. If they say something ridiculously low, I'll give them a counter offer that is more reasonable, but still with in their means. This works for us for now because our overhead is still so low. I came to this method just cause I never know what to charge for bikes, and never have the time to do the research on each bike to find out. I also like how it throws people for a loop and emphasizes that we are here to make bikes available to the public and while the money helps us to keep doing that, it is not our primary focus. -beth velocipede bike project baltimore , md > I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... > Here goes: > At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no > wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all spend a > lot > of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the shop) > or > as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced between > $15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is posting to > the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and > efficient. > Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics > (core/staff > members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new > parts > put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the mechanic and > the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new parts > on > it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The mechanic > sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the > desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result in some > cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month > before > a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get rich > fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how sweet the > frame is. > > At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting for, things > are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory; bikes in > waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing are pretty > similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz (the > bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in Santa Cruz > we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other peoples > metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for all types > of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a mechanic has > gone > over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is' > value > of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little > unclear > policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that went > into > the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is allocated > 4hrs > of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in the shop > staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from the > Bike > Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors > (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how > tasks > are accomplished). > Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. > ride prone but ride proud, > kyle > >>From: "Liza Mattana" <pedals2people@gmail.com <mailto:pedals2people@gmail.com>> >>Reply-To: The Think Tank < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org>> >>To: "The Think Tank" <thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org>> >>Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes >>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700 >> >>if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive thread? >> >> my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come across >> some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper), and >> we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to >> standardize the process. >> >> we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks and >> making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete >> overhauls. >>i >> know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be >> helpful! >> >> thanks, >> liza >> >> >>-- >>Liza Mattana >> www.pedals2people.org <http://www.pedals2people.org/> >>Spokane, WA >>_______________________________________________ >>Thethinktank mailing list >> Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> >>http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org <http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org> > > > _______________________________________________ > Thethinktank mailing list > Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> > http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org <http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org> > _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org <http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org> -- PJ Park http://www.biketobrazil.blogspot.com <http://www.biketobrazil.blogspot.com/> http://www.imagestation.com/members/pjpark <http://www.imagestation.com/members/pjpark> http://picasaweb.google.com/PaulJosephPark _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org <mailto:Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org <http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org>
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

I think Derailer here in denver gives its bikes away, or at least the parts to build your own bike. I like to take dumpster finds and yard sale bargains and fix 'em up (though im not a pro) and then give them away, or sometimes sell them at cost if the bike is desireable and I had to buy parts. Its cheaper than model planes or ships in bottles. Hey, I am going as a hipster prick for Haloween, and If any of you happen to be hipster pricks I could use some info on where to get the accessories, you know, the simple hat, the anti authority patches, the dark brown pants. I have been working on the sneer and caustic stare. Those, along with a marked attitude of superiority are the mark of a true prick! Well cheers and happy halloween! Art
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 20:20:51 -0600From: breginelli@gmail.comTo: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.orgSubject: Re: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes unsubscribeMaggie Fehling wrote:
At Third Hand, we take in consideration the afore-mentioned quality and labor but generally two savy mechanics say what they'd pay for the bike if they wanted it and I price it at the average of the two quotes. Its fair, quick and easy.
On 10/19/07, Paul Park pauljosephpark@gmail.com wrote: great idea, beth
On 10/19/07, Velocipede Bike Project < info@velocipedebikeproject.org> wrote: We do someithing at Velocipede that I like. Even though we do try to setthe price of the bike using all the factors people have mentioned, I also like to ask people interested in the bike how much they want to pay. Ifthey say something ridiculously low, I'll give them a counter offer thatis more reasonable, but still with in their means. This works for us for now because our overhead is still so low.I came to this method just cause I never know what to charge for bikes,and never have the time to do the research on each bike to find out. Ialso like how it throws people for a loop and emphasizes that we are here to make bikes available to the public and while the money helps us to keepdoing that, it is not our primary focus.-bethvelocipede bike projectbaltimore , md> I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... > Here goes:> At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no> wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all spend a> lot> of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the shop) > or> as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced between> $15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is posting to> the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and > efficient.> Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics> (core/staff> members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new> parts> put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the mechanic and > the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new parts> on> it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The mechanic> sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the > desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result in some> cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month> before> a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get rich > fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how sweet the> frame is.>> At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting for, things> are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory; bikes in > waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing are pretty> similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz (the> bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in Santa Cruz > we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other peoples> metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for all types> of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a mechanic has > gone> over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is'> value> of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little> unclear> policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that went > into> the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is allocated> 4hrs> of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in the shop> staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from the > Bike> Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors> (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how> tasks> are accomplished).> Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. > ride prone but ride proud,> kyle>>>From: "Liza Mattana" <pedals2people@gmail.com >>>Reply-To: The Think Tank < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> >>To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org>>Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes >>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700>>>>if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive thread?>>>> my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come across >> some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper), and>> we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to>> standardize the process.>>>> we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks and>> making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete>> overhauls.>>i>> know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be >> helpful!>>>> thanks,>> liza>>>>>>-->>Liza Mattana>> www.pedals2people.org>>Spokane, WA>>_______________________________________________>>Thethinktank mailing list>> Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org >>http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o... >>> _______________________________________________ > Thethinktank mailing list> Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o... >_______________________________________________Thethinktank mailing listThethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.orghttp://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o... -- PJ Parkhttp://www.biketobrazil.blogspot.com http://www.imagestation.com/members/pjpark http://picasaweb.google.com/PaulJosephPark _______________________________________________Thethinktank mailing listThethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.orghttp://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o... _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o... -- Ciao
Bobby Reginelli
720-203-5058 breginelli@gmail.com

Hello all-
One of our group is trying to get in contact with the Maya Pedal people to go volunteer, but he has gotten no response from them from the email on the website. Does anyone have a phone number or direct contact that they could pass on?
thanks!! Beth velocipede bike project baltimore, md

Hello Beth,
I am in regular contact with Maya Pedal so I can forward a message to them.
On 10/21/07 9:58 PM, "Velocipede Bike Project" info@velocipedebikeproject.org wrote:
Hello all-
One of our group is trying to get in contact with the Maya Pedal people to go volunteer, but he has gotten no response from them from the email on the website. Does anyone have a phone number or direct contact that they could pass on?
thanks!! Beth velocipede bike project baltimore, md
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...

http://www.mayapedal.org/contactos_in.html maybe try the phone number?
On 10/21/07, Velocipede Bike Project info@velocipedebikeproject.org wrote:
Hello all-
One of our group is trying to get in contact with the Maya Pedal people to go volunteer, but he has gotten no response from them from the email on the website. Does anyone have a phone number or direct contact that they could pass on?
thanks!! Beth velocipede bike project baltimore, md
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org

Greetings all,
Here's an offer of work that will probably pan out in the next few months into an intense and rewarding creative experience.
We need someone to help move our Earn-a-Bike curriculum and our manual that teaches people how to teach EaB to the next level. This is part of the Bicycle Education Enhancement program with the School District of Philadelphia, The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and NBW.
We have the basic material, which we have developed over the years with input from many people and agencies. What we need now is someone who has experience writing curricula for school districts in the past. I know most of you have done this kind of thing at your agencies, as have we. This isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about being employed by a school district to write for them, preferably writing something that has been published in a binding. We need help with adapting our current materials into a more professional form. Part of what we are doing here is creating materials for teachers who are not initially bicycle experts, so the best person to help us may well be someone who is not a techie, though it wouldn't hurt as long as you are someone who has a good appreciation of how technical manuals can be improved by limiting jargon.
This job would involve visiting Philadelphia for at least some of the time that we were working on the project, which I would estimate to be a few months. Specific tasks would include reviewing NBW's current Earn-a-Bike teacher's materials and Earn-a-Bike curriculum, working with NBW staff to improve and streamline these items, creating a look that unifies the Earn-a-Bike curriculum with the other materials for our project (bike rodeo, etc.)
If you are interested in helping us <b>and</b> have
1 Written curricula for a school district 2 Have created curriculum materials in a publishable form including graphics and layout.
please contact us with details of your experience.
Andrew C. Dyson Executive Director Neighborhood Bike Works Increasing opportunities for youth through bicycling
Check our Web Site: http://www.neighborhoodbikeworks.org
Neighborhood Bike Works 3916 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Office: (215) 386-0316 Cell: (215) 873-6695 FAX: (215) 386-7288

Our bike prices are fairly firm, but each Head Mechanic always wiggle
For parts there's quite a bit of wiggle room. When someone digs up
some Shimano 600 bits I simply ask them "what's it worth to you?".
Since they know what the 600 stuff is then they know it's not cheap
crap and almost never low-ball us.
I even had one guy pay what I thought was too much for two pairs of
white plastic fenders. He saw them in our shop and got quite excited
because he had been looking all over for them for his two vintage
Peugeots. When asked what he'd like to pay he said $20 per pair!".
$40 for old white fenders? I was not going to argue with him, and
wondered if I should've charged him more... ;)
We've had the odd theft over the years, and a few folks pull the old
"oh sorry, I don't have any money on me", after they've used shop
time and installed parts. We simply tell them "fine, you owe us
money, and if you don't pay up someday you can enjoy the bad karma
from ripping off a non-profit organization". (Good guilt trip, eh?)
Mark http://re-cycles.ca
On 19-Oct-07, at 11:32 AM, Velocipede Bike Project wrote:
We do someithing at Velocipede that I like. Even though we do try
to set the price of the bike using all the factors people have mentioned,
I also like to ask people interested in the bike how much they want to
pay. If they say something ridiculously low, I'll give them a counter offer
that is more reasonable, but still with in their means. This works for
us for now because our overhead is still so low.I came to this method just cause I never know what to charge for
bikes, and never have the time to do the research on each bike to find
out. I also like how it throws people for a loop and emphasizes that we
are here to make bikes available to the public and while the money helps us
to keep doing that, it is not our primary focus.-beth velocipede bike project baltimore , md
I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... Here goes: At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all
spend a lot of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the
shop) or as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced
between $15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is
posting to the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and efficient. Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics (core/staff members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new parts put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the
mechanic and the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new
parts on it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The
mechanic sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result
in some cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month before a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get
rich fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how
sweet the frame is.At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting
for, things are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory;
bikes in waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing
are pretty similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz
(the bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in
Santa Cruz we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other
peoples metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for
all types of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a
mechanic has gone over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is' value of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little unclear policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that
went into the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is
allocated 4hrs of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in
the shop staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from
the Bike Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how tasks are accomplished). Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. ride prone but ride proud, kyleFrom: "Liza Mattana" pedals2people@gmail.com Reply-To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700
if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive
thread?my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come
across some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old
stumpjumper), and we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and
racks and making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!thanks, liza
-- Liza Mattana www.pedals2people.org Spokane, WA _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank- bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank- bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank- bikecollectives.org

Good point Beth, I started to add that to the wiki. We actually have a restaurant that does that in Salt Lake too.
On 10/19/07, Velocipede Bike Project info@velocipedebikeproject.org wrote:
We do someithing at Velocipede that I like. Even though we do try to set the price of the bike using all the factors people have mentioned, I also like to ask people interested in the bike how much they want to pay. If they say something ridiculously low, I'll give them a counter offer that is more reasonable, but still with in their means. This works for us for now because our overhead is still so low.
I came to this method just cause I never know what to charge for bikes, and never have the time to do the research on each bike to find out. I also like how it throws people for a loop and emphasizes that we are here to make bikes available to the public and while the money helps us to keep doing that, it is not our primary focus.
-beth velocipede bike project baltimore , md
I actually can't remember if I've answered this question before... Here goes: At the Bike Church in Santa Cruz, bikes are sold either 'as is' (no wrenching done, although it is important to remember that we all spend a lot of time and intellectual labor GETTING the bike onto a hook in the shop) or as a mechanic's pet project. 'As is' bikes are typically priced between $15-$75 depending on all of the concerns that everyone else is posting
the list, and how much work needs to be done to make it safe and efficient. Desireability also plays a role in pricing. Bikes that mechanics (core/staff members) work over are priced by deducting the WHOLESALE price of new parts put on the bike, and then splitting the remainder between the mechanic
the shop. Thus, if a bike sells for $150, and there are $50 of new parts on it, the mechanic would take $50 and the shop would take $50. The
sets the asking price based on the amount of labor put in and the desirability factors mentioned above. True, such systems do result in
cherrypicking, so a bike has to be kicking around 'as is' for a month before a mechanic can take it on, and, honestly, NOONE is ever gonna get rich fixing up busted bikes in the middle of the night, no matter how sweet
frame is.
At BICAS, where I am about to rush off to a collective meeting for,
are slightly different. the 'as-is' bikes are called 'pergatory; bikes
waiting' (which I just love) and though the factors for pricing are
similar the prices tend to be a bit lower here than in Santa Cruz (the bikes, overall, are a bit more toward the huffy side though; in Santa
we turn those back at the gate, no room, no desire to haul other peoples metal recycling, whereas BICAS has a lot more room and need for all
of, uh, 'bikes'). At BICAS the 'floor bikes' (those that a mechanic has gone over) include in the price the RETAIL value of new parts, the 'as-is' value of the bike, and a designation for labor. The labor part is a little unclear policy-wise, as the mechanic approximates the amount of labor that went into the bike, but is paid as an an employee (each staff member is allocated 4hrs of paid work/week to wrench on floor bikes, and if it is slow in the
staff can work on them then too). This is the main difference from the Bike Church, where all of the core mechanics are independent contractors (convenient for income taxes as well as being the actual truth of how tasks are accomplished). Sorry that was kinda lenghty; I hope it is helpful. ride prone but ride proud, kyle
From: "Liza Mattana" pedals2people@gmail.com Reply-To: The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 07:43:13 -0700
if this has been answered before, can you link me to the archive thread?
my questions is how does your org price used bikes? we've come
some nice older bikes (bridgestone CB-0 and an old stumpjumper), and we're trying to figure out a way to price them, kind of a way to standardize the process.
we'll be turning them into commuter bikes with fenders and racks and making them safe and rideable, but we're not doing complete overhauls. i know this is a tricky question, but any advice you have will be helpful!
thanks, liza
-- Liza Mattana www.pedals2people.org Spokane, WA _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
participants (13)
Andy Dyson
Bobby Reginelli
Gwyndaf Jones
Jonathan Morrison
Jonathan Morrison
Kyle McKinley
Liza Mattana
Maggie Fehling
Mark Rehder
Mark Rehder
Paul Park
Velocipede Bike Project