Hi Everyone,
Happy New Year! We're gearing up for the fourth annual Youth Bike Summit and we hope you'll join us!
All the details are below. You can also check out our brand new *website http://youthbikesummit.org/* for updates and *register here http://www.eventbrite.com/e/youth-bike-summit-2014-tickets-9161924563?aff=eorg* .
*WHAT:* The 4th Annual National Youth Bike Summit *WHEN:* February 14-16, 2014 *WHERE:* The New School in New York, NY
*PARTICIPATE: *Join us at the 4th Annual National Youth Bike Summit! The Youth Bike Summit is a three-day conference geared toward youth, bikes, education, advocacy, and leadership. Meet people from different disciplines, backgrounds, and ages to learn, network, and explore how bicycling can be a catalyst for positive social change! Check out *these photos https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151444825112287.504822.62453932286&type=3* from last year's event.
*Last year we had nearly 400 youth and adults join us from 24 states and 6 countries and this year we're expecting even more -- Join us!*
*KEYNOTE CAMPAIGN:* You can also participate by joining our *nationwide letter-writing campaign*http://youthbikesummit.org/youth-bike-summit-2014/keynote-campaign/ to ask Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Obama to be the Keynote speakers of the Youth Bike Summit. More than 650 postcards and letters have already been sent and hundreds more are on their way. Add your voice! If you'd like to send a letter to support this effort, it can be sent directly to:
Michelle, Malia, and Sasha Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
*FOR MORE INFORMATION:* Visit *www.youthbikesummit.org*http://www.youthbikesummit.org/ You can also follow the Youth Bike Summit on *Facebook*https://www.facebook.com/pages/Youth-Bike-Summit/230384430374509 and *Twitter https://twitter.com/youthbikesummit!* #YBS14
*FOR OUT OF TOWNERS:* All YBS participants are offered a discounted rate at Hostelling International. The promo code is YBS2014 and can be booked directly through *www.hinewyork.org* http://www.hinewyork.org/. The discounted rate gives the traveler an option for a $39 economy dorm, $42 standard dorm, or $44 for a premium dorm. These rates are all per person / per night.
Thanks, Everyone! Please feel free to contact me with any questions. And thank you for helping to spread the word!
Best, Pasqualina
participants (1)
Pasqualina Azzarello