Fwd: Bike Clark County Shop Closure

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From: Peter Van Tilburg, Executive Director info@bikeclarkcounty.org Subject: Bike Clark County Shop Closure Date: March 19, 2020 at 9:20:02 AM PDT To: Peter Van Tilburg peter@bikeclarkcounty.org Reply-To: Peter Van Tilburg, Executive Director info@bikeclarkcounty.org
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Bike Clark County Shop Closure FLATTEN THE CURVE...but not your tires!
Bike Clark County nonprofit has made the difficult decision to close up our panniers for a short while and pedal on home. While our Bike Shop supports the community in many ways, we feel it is best for everyone during these difficult times to close our shop until further notice. We empathize for people whose only form of transportation is a bicycle, yet we feel it is best for the safety of all to temporarily close our doors.
BCC will need your support for the long haul but not the short spin. In the near months, follow federal and state guidelines. Stay home as much as possible but get outside for a walk, run, or spin about the neighborhood if you can. I personally have been touched by the kind generosity of my neighbors and our community these past few days.
Is your bike currently in the shop to get repaired? No worries, we got your back! We will have limited staff working through our backlog as fast and as safely as possible to get you back on two wheels. We will contact you for a private appointment to collect your ride. Credit Card payments are preferred as they are handsfree. COVID19 knows of no border, race, religion, or politics....Here's to coming together as a community, nation, and a planet for a better, stronger, and more loving tomorrow.
- Compulsively wash your hands.
- Don't touch your face [or anyone else's for that matter].
- Practice social distancing (6 feet for Pete!) [my new campaign slogan?]
- Stay home as much as possible or outside in the fresh air.
- If you use a reusable grocery bag wash it in the washing machine.
Like Matthew McConaughey expressed this week, we're looking for the green light after this red light and we can't wait to gear up our programs. Think of this time as the tough, slow pedal up a hill, one crank at a time, gaining height for a sweet decent. Look to the future.
We will miss seeing the smiling faces of customers, friends, family, and our steadfast group of Thursday night volunteers who have been with us over many years. We're excited to roll out our Bike2Leadership Middle School program, restarting all of our programs and bonding with our community in person once again.Thank you and see you outside!
Pedal On, Peter Van Tilburg, Executive Director https://bikeclarkcounty.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=906f24f8b378e0a84bf38b97a&id=df03a90dc7&e=1c5b0f1a67 https://bikeclarkcounty.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=906f24f8b378e0a84bf38b97a&id=28dd630d9f&e=1c5b0f1a67 https://bikeclarkcounty.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=906f24f8b378e0a84bf38b97a&id=e30be57470&e=1c5b0f1a67 Copyright © 2020 Bike Clark County, All rights reserved. Open Swim at BCC! Show up on a Thursday and work on some bikes!
Our mailing address is: Bike Clark County 1604 Main St Vancouver, WA 98660-2948
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