Hello All! My name is Judith Feist. I currently reside in Detroit, MI. During Bike!Bike! in LA this past year I had a few conversations about the possible collaborations that could take place with Bike workshops/coops and artists residencies. I had wanted to work on a database on locations of bike coops in conjunction with artists residencies. During the two presentations lead by Fabian this concept was rekindled and I wanted to actually begin work on this project. I think a first step would be to compile information on locations of different bicycle workshops/coops and then begin pairing them with residencies within a specific distance from those workshops/coops.
SO, I am writing to ask you to simply reply to this email with contact information of the coop where you spend time/live. OR coops that you have visited/spent time elsewhere than where you currently reside. It would be greatly appreciated. Also, this is not going to be limited to one specific location. If you have any questions please let me know. This project is very much in it's infancy, but it's something I've been thinking about since I began my graduate studies four years ago and never put time in to it...
A secondary thought would be if you are a maker/artists and have spent time at any residencies you enjoyed that information would be greatly appreciated as well. A huge thank you, in advance! Also, I look forward to seeing folks in Tijuana. Unfortunately, I'll not be making it to B!B! NE like previously planned...
Be well. Ride on. I hope you are well!
judith caroline feist (they/them)
https://judithfeist.wordpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/judithcarolinefeist/
*"*Radical simply means 'grasping things at the root'"- Angela Davis
"i don't think my art is political. i think it's about the stuff that doesn't let me sleep at night." -felix gonzalez-torres
I think [the bicycle] has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world...It gives a woman a feeling of freedom and self-reliance.~Susan B. Anthony
participants (1)
Judith Feist