San Fransisco Bike Coalition knows how to do bike advocacy

Hey Guys, There has been some questions about shops doing advocacy and running a shop. The San Fransisco Bicycle Coalition doesn't run a shop but they are one of the strongest advocacy groups in the country. If you're shop is thinking about doing advocacy the SF Bike Coalition is a great model. I recommend signing up for their newsletter.
See their current newsletter pasted below.
Ride On! Rich
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: SF Bicycle Coalition Date: Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:19 AM Subject: SFBC News: Winterfest is This Sunday! To: Rich Points
** If you have trouble reading this e-mail, please click here
*Dear Rich, Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 5/23/2013. Thank you for being a member! http://&org=451&lvl=100&ite=1659&lea=670621&ctr=0&par=1* November 27, 2012 Biker Bulletin News
- This Week - Polk Street and 2nd Street Community
Meetings<#13b42aa51eca3292_1> 2. Winterfest is This Sunday! Score Bikes, Art, & Vacations!<#13b42aa51eca3292_2> 3. The Fell Street Bikeway is Striped! <#13b42aa51eca3292_3> 4. Vote Today for Our Board of Directors <#13b42aa51eca3292_4> 5. Bike Parking Code Improvements <#13b42aa51eca3292_5> 6. Climate Ride Meet & Greet Wednesday <#13b42aa51eca3292_7> 7. Three Bicycle Safety Workshops in December <#13b42aa51eca3292_8> 8. Video: Bicycle Sounds <#13b42aa51eca3292_9> 9. Upcoming Events <#13b42aa51eca3292_10>
- This season, give the gift that gives back all year.
Get a SF Bicycle Coalition gift membership your friends and loved ones.
This Week - Polk Street and 2nd Street Community Meetings SF Bicycle Coalition has been working hard with our members and neighborhood partners to transform transportation on 2nd Street Polk Street Thanks to our members who have attended community meetings so far - your calls for protected bikeways, more greenery and safer crosswalks are being heard.
- The city will be presenting details on the one-way protected bikeway
option for 2nd Street this Wednesday the final community meeting we’ll need you to attend.
- On Saturday, the city will be presenting multiple options for a
reconfigured Polk Street. Join the Open House you want to see your trips on this critical north-south route improved!
Winterfest is This Sunday! Score Bikes, Art, & Vacations! -- the biggest bash we throw all year -- is finally here and we're excited to celebrate with you! Whether you are volunteering, bidding on auction items or just having a good time with your fellow bike-loving friends, Winterfest is the best way you can celebrate the holiday season with the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Your support keeps the SF Bicycle Coalition’s wheels turning to make sure our streets are safe and inviting for your daily travels.
*Take a sneak peak at the great selection of Winterfest Bikes !* We’ve just posted the attractive new rides waiting for your bids in the auction! From city rides to road bikes —there’s a bike for any type of rider.
- Looking for a unique ride created just for you? The *Custom Mission
Bicycle Sutro* is an internally geared bike, uniquely designed for city riding. The winner will pick out every color and component on the bike.
- Expand your horizons with the *Bike Friday Pocket Llama*. This bike
quick-folds in seconds for easy storage and transport, so you can throw it in the trunk and head for the hills or commute with it on BART.
- From centuries to after work spins, *Specialized's Secteur Sport Disc
Compact*, does it all. Donated by Mike’s Bikes, it features a svelte A1 Premium aluminum frame, powerful Avid BB5 disc brakes and a hill-flattening Shimano 18-speed drivetrain.
*Have you checked out the Winterfest Art Show yet ?* We’re thrilled to bring you 50 great pieces generously donated by local artists who are using their talents to bring better biking to San Francisco! Many of the pieces this year are bike or San Francisco themed!
*Need a vacation?* How about a week of biking or hiking followed by a soak in a hot tub with 180-degree views of Yosemite high country? The Winterfest Silent Auction has all sorts of great getaway adventures including a (5) day Yosemite retreat and a weekend in Inverness.
*Toast to a year of great biking!* Back by popular demand: $20 bottomless beverage commemorative glass. Fill it with New Belgium beer, Velo Vino wine, or delicious nonalcoholic drinks. $5/drink without glass. *Final Promotions: 3 ways to snag $20 bottomless pint!*
- Be a member! All members can use the $20 Early Bird Tickets
- Be a friend of a member! Perk of being a friend, use promo code:
“MemberFriend12” 3. Be a Biker Bulletin Reader! As thanks for reading, use promo code: "BikerBulletin"
Online ticket sales ends on Friday, 11/30 at noon. Get them while they are hot! *Tickets at the door increase to $25 for members and $50 for non-members (includes membership!)*
*Or Want to Get in Free?* Be a volunteer at the event and get in for free! We still need approximately 50 people to take us up on this sweet offer to make this party a success. There’s something for everyone! Volunteers get entry to the party and one free beverage ticket ($30 value) Sign up here to be a part of our 2012 Winterfest team! The Fell Street Bikeway is Striped! SFMTA has begun work on the Oak and Fell Pedestrian and Bikeway project and has completed striping the Fell Street bikeway. The buffered bikeway is now in the ground on Fell Street between Scott and Baker streets - providing much more room for the thousands of daily bike commuters on this stretch. We hope this is already improving your ride.
The SFMTA will continue work on the project making striping changes to Oak Street in the coming weeks and adding the physical buffers and pedestrian sidewalk extensions later in the Spring - visit more photos and information.
Vote Today for Our Board of Directors need you to cast your vote today our annual Board of Directors election. This year's election is more competitive than ever. We rely on the voices of our members to decide who will be responsible for ensuring that the SF Bicycle Coalition achieves its mission of promoting the bicycle for everyday transportation by developing the strategic direction of the organization, overseeing management and our financial health, raising funds for our work, and representing us in San Francisco's many communities. Each year, half of the 15-member board is elected to a two-year term by our membership -- that's you. Your vote is an important signal of confidence in the Board. Please read the candidate statements and vote today *Voting ends Wednesday, December 12.*
We are one of the few large, member-based organizations that elects our Board of Directors through a member vote. Do your part and vote today! you have trouble voting, please contact Bike Parking Code Improvements
Thanks to the advocacy of your SF Bicycle Coalition, the SF Planning Department is considering ways to strengthen the requirements for bike parking in new buildings. Right now, the law requires a few spots, but the Planning Department has been hard at work coming up with even stronger and more clear language to help make sure San Francisco is building for the growing number of people who bike to work and play. Do you have ideas on how the city could make bike parking even better? How many bike parking spots should be required for every new apartment built? Take a look at let us know what you like and what could be better. Climate Ride Meet & Greet Wednesday the SF Bicycle Coalition and Blake Holiday, Ride Director for the Climate Ride, on *Wednesday, November 28, from 6-8pm*, and hear from veteran riders and SF Bicycle Coalition members Jenny Shu and Susan Green. They’ll share their exciting stories on what it was like to pedal 320 miles for great causes like bike advocacy and climate change and how to easily fundraise for the cause. NEW this year -- Climate Ride CA in the spring from May 19-23.
Get a head start on your fundraising, and bring your questions for Blake, Jenny and Susan. This meet and greet is hosted by the SF Bicycle Coalition and will be held at Dolan Law Firm, 1438 Market Street. RSVP today ! Three Bicycle Safety Workshops in December’s never too early to start planning your New Year’s Resolution -- and we’ve got you covered. Have you wanted to learn the Rules of the Road? How to “Take the Lane”? How to best communicate with people on foot, on bike and behind the drivers wheel? Whatever your familiarity with biking -- a daily rider or never been on a bike before -- we can help you better understand how to bike safely, easily, and confidently!
Our free workshops, funded by the SFCTA, are open to anyone over the age of 14:
- Intro: Sat, December 1 | 4-5pm | Potrero Hill Library (1616 20th St.)
- Intro: Wed, December 12 | 6:30-7:30pm | Hamilton Condominiums (631
O'Farrell St.)
- TS101-1: Thurs. December 13 | 5:30-9:30 | SF Bicycle Coalition Offices
(833 Market Street)
RSVP today for these fun, free classes and get rolling in 2013! Video: Bicycle Sounds’re busy here at SF Bicycle Coalition Headquarters, prepping all the awesome bike love you’ll experience at Winterfest this Sunday. So in honor of a week that will culminate in a giant celebration of bikes, we thought we’d bring you this super cool short bike film shows one of the many reasons bikes are great.
Who knew a spoke card, some gears, and a chain could sound so pretty. Happy listening, and we’re looking to celebrating more bike awesomeness with you on Sunday!
Upcoming Events
Check out our online calendar of events To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us<> . *** Tuesday, November 27th ***
*Light Up the Night Service Station* *5-7pm | Haight/Western Addition*
With Daylight Savings comes a greater need for bicycle lights on our evening commute. With our amazing volunteers, we help to Light Up the Night by installing white front lights and red back lights on the bicycle of people who need them.
If you're riding in the dark without lights, we hope you will use your Membership Discount buy lights at one of our partner bike shops! If you’d like to be one of our light station hero’s, sign up here The locations are being kept under wraps in an effort to light up riders who truly need lights.
*SF Bicycle Coalition Board Meeting* *6:30-8:30pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor*
SF Bicycle Coalition Board meetings are open to all. Contact Leah at 431-BIKE x306 or for agenda and details.
*Bicycle Ambassador Training* *7:30-8:30pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor*
Interested in volunteering at service stations or other events? Then this training is a must! Learn ways to engage people, how to sign up new members, and more! Contact to RSVP. You must be a current SF Bicycle Coalition member to become a Bicycle Ambassador.
*** Wednesday, November 28th ***
*SF Bicycle Coalition Volunteer Night* *5-8pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor*
This twice-monthly SF Bicycle Coalition tradition has been happening for as long as we can remember and newcomers are always welcome. So stop by, snack on tasty treats, chat with fellow members, and help us keep our organization rolling. Dinner is provided. Bring a friend-the more the merrier! Don't forget to bring up your bike to the office! Special thanks to Rainbow Grocery generously providing snacks for our volunteers. Email Margaret to Volunteer.
*Climate Ride Meet & Greet* *6-8pm | Dolan Law Firm, 1438 Market St*
Have you thought about signing up for the Climate Ride, but held back because of the fundraising requirement or the distance? Come to our meet & greet and hear from past Climate Riders Jenny Shu and Susan Green, and find out how they did it! We'll also hear from Blake Holiday, Ride Director for the Climate Ride, who can answer your questions about the ride. Don't miss out on this incredible experience with other avid cyclists and leaders in environmental causes and sustainability. Be a part of the California ride on May 19-23, 2013
*2nd Street Improvement Project Community Meeting * * *6-8pm | CBS Interactive, 235 2nd Street, Enter via Tehama Street*
If you live, work, or travel on 2nd Street from Market Street to King Street, you won't want to miss this final community meeting. The city is looking to make biking and walking safer on 2nd Street and make it a more attractive place to spend time in.
City staff will be presenting detailed information on the one-way cycletrack option and this is a great opportunity for you to ask design questions and show your support for the bike and pedestrian safety improvements included in this option. See more information.
*SF Bicycle Coalition New Member Meet & Greet* *6:30-7:15pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor*
Been an SF Bicycle Coalition member less than a year? New members are invited to join us to learn about SF Bicycle Coalition advocacy, education and community programs that will make SF a model cycling city, and how you can get involved. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your friendly SF bike advocacy organization. Bring your bike up with you! RSVP to
*** Thursday, November 29th ***
*Community Meeting – Parking Management for the Northeast Mission ** *6:30–8pm | John O’Connell High School Auditorium, 2355 Folsom Street*
Whether you groove to Joni Mitchell or Talking Heads, you've got to love a story about a parking lot that becomes a park, especially in a neighborhood without enough open space. But the happy transformation of the PUC parking lot on 17th Street and Shotwell into a new park and gardens for the community isn't without a measure of stress -- the Northeast Mission is already parked-up much of the time, and the neighborhood's largely unmanaged parking is likely to get even more congested and challenging, with distracted circling and double-parking and traffic turbulence slowing transit and making streets more hazardous for bicycling and walking (among the many headaches).
As part of the approval process for the new park, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) was asked to develop a proposal to better manage parking in the Northeast Mission. The SFMTA invites you to get involved to shape the best plan possible -- they will be re-introducing the planning process at a community meeting this week:
Join your neighbors at this meeting to learn more about the project and how you can be involved. And visit the NE Mission project web page sign up to the project email list and learn other ways to get connected, or email, or call 415-701-4213.
*** Saturday, December 1st ***
*Family Biking: Bike to School Practice Training* *TBD*
Learn how to ride to school with your children with our on-road course. Our instructors will teach you and your children how to prepare and ride to school, including practice on a car-free space and on regular city streets with biking facilities. Parents with children of all ages are welcome, including children riding independently. All people under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring your own bikes and helmets. RSVP
*7th Annual Supermarket Street Sweep ** *11am-8pm | San Francisco Food Bank, 900 Pennsylvania Ave *
The Supermarket Street Sweep is an annual bike race that benefits the San Francisco Food Bank! For the past six years, hundreds of participants have zipped around the city to local supermarkets and brought back thousands of pounds of food to donate to this wonderful charity. Get more info on our blog
*Urban Bicycling Workshop: Intro to Safe Biking* *4-5pm | Potrero Hill Library (1616 20th St.)*
The SF Bicycle Coalition will be hosting a one-hour workshop on safe bicycling for everyone. Come learn about types of bikes, the rules of the road, and how to make your bike comfortable for everyday riding, including grocery shopping. All skill levels welcome and no bike necessary. This course is funded in part by SFMTA. RSVP at
*** Sunday, December 2nd ***
*17th Annual Winterfest Member Party, Auction & Art Show* *6-10:30pm | City View, Metreon Rooftop*
Don't miss the hottest bike party of the year at the 17th Annual Winterfest Party, Auction, & Art Show. Join over a thousand of your bike buddies in an evening of festivities, food, music, and bottomless New Belgium beer. Enjoy an evening of a fabulous 60 piece local art auction, get an unbeatable deal on 25 new bikes and bid on the chance to win over 200 silent auction items including tickets to the arts, local get-a-ways and tours and gift certificates for all your favorite restaurants and establishments.
Grab your friends and come celebrate at the best party of the year benefiting your local bicycle advocacy organization. Free Valet Bike Parking provided of course. Join the 150+ volunteers that help to put on Winterfest! Sign up online
*Big Ride to Winterfest ** *3pm | meet at Fulton St & Larkin St*
December is a busy month. Instead of our usual sponsored ride we are going to mix it up with a bigger ride to SF Bicycle Coalition's Winterfest. 18 mile ride looping around the city. Event Details
*** Tuesday, December 4th ***
*SF Bicycle Coalition Phone Bank* *5-8pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor*
Accept the challenge to chat up your fellow SF Bicycle Coalition members! Join the volunteers who keep the SF Bicycle Coalition membership strong. No cold-calling, just calls to friendly lapsed members offering an easy way to renew. Plan to stay for the thank-you dinner afterward and get to know your fellow volunteers. You must be a current or former member to volunteer. Contact
*(Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)*
*Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling* Become a member join a diverse group of 12,000 people who are committed to making San Francisco an easier and safer place to ride a bicycle. When you add your voice'll keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco! San Francisco Bicycle Coalition 833 Market Street, 10th floor San Francisco, CA 94103
Contact SF Bicycle Coalition staff
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition - 833 Market Street, 10th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94103 To review our Privacy Policy. The email address for you is If you no longer wish to receive email communication from San Francisco Bicycle Coalition you may unsubscribe
participants (1)
Rich Points