Re: [TheThinkTank] Thethinktank Digest, Vol 166, Issue 2

Blimey Josh...not in the US but what has been going on there, triggered by George Floyd's death, has lit a fuse around the world and (thankfully) we're seeing a lot of structural injustices being highlighted and examined right now.
re: "the Mechanical Gardens' visible support for and engagement with the BLM movement makes us unappealing to insurers. Carriers consider BLM and, I quote, "the whole George Floyd thing" to be a "touchy" and "hot button issue" (these are actual quotes from brokers! wtf!) and thus our involvement makes us an unattractive risk to take on."
I'm making the assumption that the Mechanical Gardens have a code of conduct or policy that states your non-negotiable values and is aligned for the greater good, community building and non-violence?...personally, I'd seek out another Insurer who shares your values...or....if you feel the EDC's values are closely aligned with your own, I'd also share the challenge with them...maybe they could recommend an Insurer or share a statement of solidarity that could act as leverage?
I'd also lean into rather than away from the Insurer/s who've stated this to find out more. Insurance is all about risk after all. Aligning with all those who support racial equality and justice should be less risky, not more so. I'd frame every conversation in terms of risk and what is being done to mititgate that risk
Warmest regards,
*Lawrence Mohammed* Director & Head Mechanic Pro Bike Service C.I.C. *+44 (0)77 222 58587* ** **
/[Location, NOT delivery address] Pro Bike Service C.I.C. Multi-Storey Car Park Lesney Avenue Olympic Park London E20 3BS *map location*
/ On 02/07/2020 21:03, wrote:
the Mechanical Gardens' visible support for and engagement with the BLM movement makes us unappealing to insurers. Carriers consider BLM and, I quote, "the whole George Floyd thing" to be a "touchy" and "hot button issue" (these are actual quotes from brokers! wtf!) and thus our involvement makes us an unattractive risk to take on.
participants (1)
Lawrence Mohammed