so you want to throw a benefit...

A growing number of people are offering to do benefits for us. And by "offering to do," I mean a person approaches us with an idea, does all the work and most of the promotion, and turns over share of the glory at the end.
I really want to encourage this trend.
Every once and a while, we run into a conflict of interest, and have to say "no, thank you." (Alleycats may be fun, but many of our friends object to seeing "Run red lights!" and "Support Neighborhood Bike Works!" on the same flier.) I don't much like turning people down, and want written guidelines I can share with would-be organizers.
Sometimes it seems like the goal is to use our name to help promote an event, rather than to have an event which helps us. This is okay, up to a point. It's not a benefit for us, though, if it doesn't raise money /for us/. I'd like to request a minimum donation -- either percent of proceeds, or flat amount of cash -- in order for an organizer to use our name, logo, or otherwise suggest it's a benefit for us. That said, I have no idea what would be appropriate. Ten percent? Fifty percent? A hundred dollars?
Does anyone have policies or feedback about these sorts of things? Can you share 'em?

We get a lot of that too. One key thing is that non-profits can get discounted rates on advertising, so it helps to have a non-profit "sponsor" [aka: lend their name] to the event and request ads under that non-profit. Most non-profits also have a mailing list they can promote the event too.
From my perspective, even if the event is a bust and we don't get a cut, as
long as we didn't use any of our resources we still had free advertising to get our name out. There are limits of course, the theme of the event has to fall somewhere under our mission statement -- which is pretty broad. However, due to the variety of event sizes and types I can't imagine enforcing set rates.
If anything I would recommend designating the most salesperson-like-haggler in your organization to negotiate the contracts.
participants (2)
Jonathan Morrison