Re: [TheThinkTank] bikebike 2010

Hey Thinktank,
We are very excited to be hosting the International Bike!Bike! conference here in Toronto next year. We will be having an initial organizational meeting sometime in the next few weeks and will decide then on the exact date. Most likely it will be at the end of July or sometime early August.
Care packages will be sent via snailmail in the spring, so if you did not receive one last year (like if you are just starting a new project/shop) you should submit your address/contact to the Wiki as well as emailing it to us here (
We know that crossing the border may be an issue - we have done it three years running - and may require a bit of work for many of you. But you have 11 months to get things processed. The delegates from MOBO have offered to help anyone needing assistance in processing or applying for their passport - they say it is not as difficult as you may think!
We'll let you know when the website and forums are up and running. We would love to see more people talking over the website this year.
Thanks to everyone in Minneapolis and all over the continent for making Bike!Bike! 2009 a great success and wonderful experience.
Love, Ainsley, Geoff, and the Bike Pirate crew.
participants (1)