Neighborhood Bike Works seeks Executive Director in Philadelphia

*Neighborhood Bike Works seeks Executive Director*
Neighborhood Bike Works is a youth development program in Philadelphia that provides opportunities through bicycling. Our primary program, Earn-a-Bike classes, teaches bike maintenance, repair, and safe, effective, riding skills. We also offer a summer day camp, educational programs, and advanced programs for earn-a-bike graduates and programs for adults. We also overhaul and sell bikes. Programs are held at several sites in Philadelphia and nearby.
We seek a leader who is committed to youth development and bicycling and who is experienced in program management. The ED is responsible for overseeing programs and staff, maintaining financial and program records, fundraising (including grant-writing and contracting), cooperating with program partners, and representing NBW to the public. We hope to fill the position by August and no later than September 2010.
Applicants should send resume and letter outlining qualifications to
participants (1)
Neighborhood Bike Works