Car sharing in community

Hello TheThinkThank, maybe a bit weird subject as we are talking about bikes most of the time, but we just bought an old van so we can transport many bikes and sounsystem on tricycle and stuff from and to our voluntary bike coop, Bikekitchen Bratislava in Slovakia. We are now lookiing for some policy for sharing the car in our community, even though we trust each other we would like to have some rules so everything will work fine. We expect three kinds of use - mostly use for purposes of our bikekitchen, then renting it to friendly coops and then personal use of our core members. Does anybody have any experience with that? Thanks a lot.
With love,
Dan Bikekitchen Bratislava

Have you considered "zipcar"? Their website is and you can contact them there to request info.
On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Dan Kollár wrote:
Hello TheThinkThank, maybe a bit weird subject as we are talking about bikes most of the time, but we just bought an old van so we can transport many bikes and sounsystem on tricycle and stuff from and to our voluntary bike coop, Bikekitchen Bratislava in Slovakia. We are now lookiing for some policy for sharing the car in our community, even though we trust each other we would like to have some rules so everything will work fine. We expect three kinds of use - mostly use for purposes of our bikekitchen, then renting it to friendly coops and then personal use of our core members. Does anybody have any experience with that? Thanks a lot.
With love,
Dan Bikekitchen Bratislava
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This is the car sharing system in Québec. Every driver needs to 1st check off the condition of the car, i.e. whether the gas gauge is at the agreed-upon level, the odometer records the correct kilometres at the journey’s start, the car is clean, not damaged.
Every driver fills in their membership number to record in duplicate these details on paper. At journey's end , the driver records the number of kilometres, refills the gas to required level. Communauto pays for the fuel. The costs are according to both time and distance covered, in addition to annual membership fee.
Valerie, Montreal
From: Thethinktank [] On Behalf Of Hil H Sent: 5 mai 2017 13:16 To: The Think Tank Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Car sharing in community
Have you considered "zipcar"? Their website is and you can contact them there to request info.
On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Dan Kollár wrote:
Hello TheThinkThank,
maybe a bit weird subject as we are talking about bikes most of the time, but we just bought an old van so we can transport many bikes and sounsystem on tricycle and stuff from and to our voluntary bike coop, Bikekitchen Bratislava in Slovakia. We are now lookiing for some policy for sharing the car in our community, even though we trust each other we would like to have some rules so everything will work fine. We expect three kinds of use - mostly use for purposes of our bikekitchen, then renting it to friendly coops and then personal use of our core members.
Does anybody have any experience with that?
Thanks a lot.
With love,
Bikekitchen Bratislava
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participants (3)
Dan Kollár
Hil H
Valerie Free