Job Opening- People Power: Hiring New Executive Director- Apps due May 2nd

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People Power of Santa Cruz County
Executive Director Position Announcement
People Power Mission Statement We promote the use of bicycles, utility tricycles, bike-trailers, skateboards, walking, and other non-motorized transit.
We are committed to helping government, citizens, and businesses overcome their dependence on the automobile.
Our goal is to demonstrate that better alternatives to the car exist, while improving conditions for bicyclists in Santa Cruz County.
Who We Are People Power is Santa Cruz County's advocate for human-powered transportation.
We imagine a human-scale world and work to make it a reality through educational efforts, community outreach, and grassroots political lobbying.
Our 300 members come from diverse backgrounds and have a variety of complementary concerns and issues: quieter neighborhoods, safer routes to schools, short- and long-distance bike lanes and paths, auto-free public space, smart public planning, and reduction of pollution, global warming, and wars over oil. These seemingly diverse concerns are all addressed by the movement towards human-powered transportation and away from fossil fuels.
We started in 1991 as a response to the first oil war. Our founders, Jim and Jessica Denevan, organized several bike ride demonstrations including one from Santa Cruz to San Francisco. We developed a ten-year plan for the city and county of Santa Cruz. Since then, much of our vision has become reality, especially in Santa Cruz city including bikes on buses, bike lanes on major streets, contra-flow bike lanes on one-way bottlenecks, and bike parking.
We are currently focused on county-wide issues and projects, particularly the rail trail between Davenport, Felton, and Watsonville, and the containment of a movement to widen Highway 1.
Position Title: Executive Director
Reports to: Steering Committee
Desired Qualifications
- Proven ability to lead an organization
- Experience in fundraising, grant writing, and increasing and retaining
group membership
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Extensive knowledge of social movements
- Ability to work collaboratively with others
- Experience managing volunteers
- Ability to work effectively with elected officials and public-sector
- Commitment to using a bicycle for transportation while working
- Knowledge of and experience with financial management, budgeting and
- Ability to use computer software, including Office suite, email, web
browsers, messaging, and conferencing applications
- Availability to work occasional nights and weekends
Compensation $18-22/hour, 25-40 hours weekly. Hours and pay dependent on qualifications and ability to do successful fundraising.
How to Apply: Applications must be received by May 2, 2012, 5:00 PM. Send the following items to No phone calls please.
- Résumé
- List of three professional references with contact information
- A written description of why you wish to become a leader in the
bicycle advocacy movement (minimum one page).
Description of Duties and Responsibilities Management and Administration Financial
- Work with the People Power bookkeeper to oversee the organization’s
- Make day-to-day financial decisions in consultation with bookkeeper,
based on policies set by the Steering Committee.
- Ensure sound financial planning, management, reporting and
organizational accountability.
Coordinate Volunteers
- Recruit volunteers (including college interns) for People Power and
for the bicycle movement as a whole.
- Match volunteers with meaningful work for which they are qualified.
- Cultivate and train leaders both within People Power and within the
bicycle movement.
- Support leaders in their work, subject to projects and campaigns being
approved by the Steering Committee.
Coordinate paid staff
- Supervise 1 to 2 high school Interns with an emphasis on their
education and personal development.
- Supervise adult paid staff.
- Supervise the Greenways to School program.
- Coordinate hiring for all of the above positions.
Working with the Steering Committee
- Attend monthly Steering Committee meetings.
- Recruit and screen Steering Committee members.
- Work with the Chair of the Steering Committee to prepare for and
coordinate monthly meetings.
- Inform Steering Committee policy decisions regarding specific
campaigns and general operations.
- Make interim decisions (between Steering Meetings) as needed and in
accordance with policy.
Fundraising and Public Relations Fundraising
- Increase revenue (including grants) to ensure funding for operations
and the Executive Director position.
- Recruit new members as an integral part of all other activities with
the goal of adding 100 members annually.
- Grow and support merchandise sales, valet parking, and other in-kind
revenue sources.
Public Relations
- Act as a voice for People Power and for cyclists with the press and
the public at large.
- Coordinate the publication of the Update (with the Update editor),
issue press releases, email action alerts, and announcements through social media including Facebook and Twitter. Update website content.
- Work with membership coordinator on member retention efforts.
- Coordinate volunteers serving at events.
- Coordinate campaigns for specific projects, including maintaining
relationships with, and directly lobbying, elected officials.
- Coordinate endorsements of candidates for elected office and ballot
measures and propositions.
- Maintain and improve relationships with relevant staff members and
partners (Friends of the Rail Trail, Santa Cruz County Cycling Club, etc.).
- Do research on policy and process related to campaigns.
- Create and/or collaborate with other groups to organize and publicize
events that support People Power’s mission.
Tawn Kennedy
Director, Green Ways to School A project of People Power The Hub for Sustainable Transportation
(831) 425 0667 Cell: 428-5109
participants (1)
Tawn Kennedy