Re: [TheThinkTank] Bike sales out of control.

i don't really have a solution for you, other than to shut down sales or limit them to very specific hours. do just enough to meet your needs. if you sell out, you sell out, and so be it.
whatever you do, don't get sucked into selling for sales' sake.
working bikes in chicago is just now recovering (afaik) from a bunch of years of being overwhelmed by the demand for their bikes.
i remember the shop opening at noon and being empty by 2.30 pm.
- -ben
On Jan 19, 2009, at 12:08 AM, Patrick VDT wrote:
So we have an interesting problem. We have become so engrossed with raising money that 95% of our time
is spent selling off what was donated to us. We are seriously putting in 100 hours a week building and selling
but only 2-4 hours on programs.Im so fed up with it im going to start giving away all the bikes
that would have been sold to other charities in town.Money is not an issue for a at least two years. . . .
Please help, we are turning into a real shop that sells only to
college students with $100 shoes.
participants (1)
an undercover cop