NYS on bikecollectives.org map (plus BBNE headsup)

in preparing this i realized that bikecollectives.org has been redone (which looks great!) and we are no longer on the map, and many of the shops below neither. how do we get on there?
i registered for an account, but cant seem to find out how to get a node on the map. also, importantly, i would like to get all these nodes on the map. does that basically mean someone from each site must register? if so, it should be a little easier, imo. if anyone knows how to get on the map let me know know. for the purposes of this talk I am giving, I guess I will have to make our own NYS map, though i hate to reinvent the wheel, when it looks so good.
Matt in Utica: maybe you and I can work together to get NYS more represented, or perhaps that is a way NYBC could help?
http://bikeatoga.org/ Saratoga Springs, NY http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://gobikebuffalo.org/programs/community-workshop/http://www.recycleabicycle.org/ http://www.communitybikes.org/ Hamilton, NY
Also BikeBike Northeast is being planned for August of 2014 in Boston. IS ANYONE IN THAT WORKING GROUP ON THIS LIST? or did I just become the de facto liason ;)
Andrew in Troy, NY
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:40 PM, breathingplanet . <breathingplanet@gmail.com
Greetings, My colleague and I are charged with giving a brief presentation to a big cycling club about community bike projects in NYS this coming week. I am looking to make contact with as many representatives as possible, and mainly am looking for projects in addition to the ones listed below.
Whats the context here? Well, the New York Bicycling Coalition has met with a few of us and is exploring how they can get involved in supporting the community bike project movement. For starters, they want to network us in some way and profile our work on a part of their website. but for starters... *who are we?* (and do we check email:)) The little talk we are giving will kind of kick off this endeavour in a way because the club demographically represents their 'base' to some extent.
here is a list of active projects i know of: http://bikeatoga.org/ http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://www.recycleabicycle.org/
-i have heard that there is a project at Vassar college. truth? -there used to be Biketopia in plattsburgh. still happenin? -there was once something at SUNY Cortland -anyone know whats happening in Ithaca these days? -Binghamton? Buffalo?
if you are a representative of an active NYS community bike project, please be in touch and send me a brief statement on your current 'status' and a link to a picture you think is a good representative for a powerpoint. otherwise i will do my best internet harvest.
Thanks all!
Andrew Lynn Troy Bike Rescue troy, ny
-- ------__o ----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947

Yeah, the map pulls data from bikebike.org and I think there may be an issue pulling down new data right now. Also I totally agree that bikebike.org could be a LOT easier to use which is why I'm currently rebuilding it, hopefully I can get some more rails developers on it soon so that we can speed up the process. If you need a map for a presentation email me off list, I can take a deeper look into what's going on with bikecollectives or throw a new one together fairly easily if you want it styled differently. There's also this map which is not updated dynamically but currently still has more organizations than bikecollectives or bikebike. .godwin
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 20:53:37 -0500 From: breathingplanet@gmail.com To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] NYS on bikecollectives.org map (plus BBNE headsup)
in preparing this i realized that bikecollectives.org has been redone (which looks great!) and we are no longer on the map, and many of the shops below neither.
how do we get on there?
i registered for an account, but cant seem to find out how to get a node on the map. also, importantly, i would like to get all these nodes on the map. does that basically mean someone from each site must register? if so, it should be a little easier, imo. if anyone knows how to get on the map let me know know. for the purposes of this talk I am giving, I guess I will have to make our own NYS map, though i hate to reinvent the wheel, when it looks so good.
Matt in Utica: maybe you and I can work together to get NYS more represented, or perhaps that is a way NYBC could help?
http://bikeatoga.org/ Saratoga Springs, NY http://troybikerescue.org
http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester)
Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://gobikebuffalo.org/programs/community-workshop/
http://www.communitybikes.org/ Hamilton, NY
Also BikeBike Northeast is being planned for August of 2014 in Boston. IS ANYONE IN THAT WORKING GROUP ON THIS LIST?
or did I just become the de facto liason ;)
Andrew in Troy, NY
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:40 PM, breathingplanet . breathingplanet@gmail.com wrote:
Greetings, My colleague and I are charged with giving a brief presentation to a big cycling club about community bike projects in NYS this coming week. I am looking to make contact with as many representatives as possible, and mainly am looking for projects in addition to the ones listed below.
Whats the context here? Well, the New York Bicycling Coalition has met with a few of us and is exploring how they can get involved in supporting the community bike project movement. For starters, they want to network us in some way and profile our work on a part of their website. but for starters... who are we? (and do we check email:)) The little talk we are giving will kind of kick off this endeavour in a way because the club demographically represents their 'base' to some extent.
here is a list of active projects i know of: http://bikeatoga.org/http://troybikerescue.org
http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester)
Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://www.recycleabicycle.org/
-i have heard that there is a project at Vassar college. truth? -there used to be Biketopia in plattsburgh. still happenin? -there was once something at SUNY Cortland
-anyone know whats happening in Ithaca these days? -Binghamton? Buffalo?
if you are a representative of an active NYS community bike project, please be in touch and send me a brief statement on your current 'status' and a link to a picture you think is a good representative for a powerpoint. otherwise i will do my best internet harvest.
Thanks all!
Andrew Lynn Troy Bike Rescue troy, ny
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947 -- ------__o
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947 ____________________________________ The ThinkTank mailing List Unsubscribe from this list

Dear de facto liaison, thanks for assuming this position!! I'm very psyched for BBNE and I'm willing to serve as de facto assistant liaison in case you need someone to run out and grab your lunch or clean your bike. I'll talk with you off the list about a map showing NYS shops. And we can make sure our neighbors get registered so they show up on the bikecollectives.org map. Matt in Utica
PS - *THANK YOU!!!* to the folks who worked to get the site and wiki back up and running, I'm sure you know how much this helps everyone but want to make sure I say it.
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:53 PM, breathingplanet . <breathingplanet@gmail.com
in preparing this i realized that bikecollectives.org has been redone (which looks great!) and we are no longer on the map, and many of the shops below neither. how do we get on there?
i registered for an account, but cant seem to find out how to get a node on the map. also, importantly, i would like to get all these nodes on the map. does that basically mean someone from each site must register? if so, it should be a little easier, imo. if anyone knows how to get on the map let me know know. for the purposes of this talk I am giving, I guess I will have to make our own NYS map, though i hate to reinvent the wheel, when it looks so good.
Matt in Utica: maybe you and I can work together to get NYS more represented, or perhaps that is a way NYBC could help?
http://bikeatoga.org/ Saratoga Springs, NY http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://gobikebuffalo.org/programs/community-workshop/http://www.recycleabicycle.org/ http://www.communitybikes.org/ Hamilton, NY
Also BikeBike Northeast is being planned for August of 2014 in Boston. IS ANYONE IN THAT WORKING GROUP ON THIS LIST? or did I just become the de facto liason ;)
Andrew in Troy, NY
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:40 PM, breathingplanet . < breathingplanet@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings, My colleague and I are charged with giving a brief presentation to a big cycling club about community bike projects in NYS this coming week. I am looking to make contact with as many representatives as possible, and mainly am looking for projects in addition to the ones listed below.
Whats the context here? Well, the New York Bicycling Coalition has met with a few of us and is exploring how they can get involved in supporting the community bike project movement. For starters, they want to network us in some way and profile our work on a part of their website. but for starters... *who are we?* (and do we check email:)) The little talk we are giving will kind of kick off this endeavour in a way because the club demographically represents their 'base' to some extent.
here is a list of active projects i know of: http://bikeatoga.org/ http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://www.recycleabicycle.org/
-i have heard that there is a project at Vassar college. truth? -there used to be Biketopia in plattsburgh. still happenin? -there was once something at SUNY Cortland -anyone know whats happening in Ithaca these days? -Binghamton? Buffalo?
if you are a representative of an active NYS community bike project, please be in touch and send me a brief statement on your current 'status' and a link to a picture you think is a good representative for a powerpoint. otherwise i will do my best internet harvest.
Thanks all!
Andrew Lynn Troy Bike Rescue troy, ny
-- ------__o ----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
-- ------__o ----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/vanslyke.matthew%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a>

yep yep. except, i registered TBR, and it is not showing up, so its not just a matter of registering... though that seems crucial for communications and participation in general. a
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Matthew VanSlyke <vanslyke.matthew@gmail.com
Dear de facto liaison, thanks for assuming this position!! I'm very psyched for BBNE and I'm willing to serve as de facto assistant liaison in case you need someone to run out and grab your lunch or clean your bike. I'll talk with you off the list about a map showing NYS shops. And we can make sure our neighbors get registered so they show up on the bikecollectives.org map. Matt in Utica
PS - *THANK YOU!!!* to the folks who worked to get the site and wiki back up and running, I'm sure you know how much this helps everyone but want to make sure I say it.
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:53 PM, breathingplanet . < breathingplanet@gmail.com> wrote:
in preparing this i realized that bikecollectives.org has been redone (which looks great!) and we are no longer on the map, and many of the shops below neither. how do we get on there?
i registered for an account, but cant seem to find out how to get a node on the map. also, importantly, i would like to get all these nodes on the map. does that basically mean someone from each site must register? if so, it should be a little easier, imo. if anyone knows how to get on the map let me know know. for the purposes of this talk I am giving, I guess I will have to make our own NYS map, though i hate to reinvent the wheel, when it looks so good.
Matt in Utica: maybe you and I can work together to get NYS more represented, or perhaps that is a way NYBC could help?
http://bikeatoga.org/ Saratoga Springs, NY http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://gobikebuffalo.org/programs/community-workshop/http://www.recycleabicycle.org/ http://www.communitybikes.org/ Hamilton, NY
Also BikeBike Northeast is being planned for August of 2014 in Boston. IS ANYONE IN THAT WORKING GROUP ON THIS LIST? or did I just become the de facto liason ;)
Andrew in Troy, NY
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:40 PM, breathingplanet . < breathingplanet@gmail.com> wrote:
Greetings, My colleague and I are charged with giving a brief presentation to a big cycling club about community bike projects in NYS this coming week. I am looking to make contact with as many representatives as possible, and mainly am looking for projects in addition to the ones listed below.
Whats the context here? Well, the New York Bicycling Coalition has met with a few of us and is exploring how they can get involved in supporting the community bike project movement. For starters, they want to network us in some way and profile our work on a part of their website. but for starters... *who are we?* (and do we check email:)) The little talk we are giving will kind of kick off this endeavour in a way because the club demographically represents their 'base' to some extent.
here is a list of active projects i know of: http://bikeatoga.org/ http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://www.recycleabicycle.org/
-i have heard that there is a project at Vassar college. truth? -there used to be Biketopia in plattsburgh. still happenin? -there was once something at SUNY Cortland -anyone know whats happening in Ithaca these days? -Binghamton? Buffalo?
if you are a representative of an active NYS community bike project, please be in touch and send me a brief statement on your current 'status' and a link to a picture you think is a good representative for a powerpoint. otherwise i will do my best internet harvest.
Thanks all!
Andrew Lynn Troy Bike Rescue troy, ny
-- ------__o ----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
-- ------__o ----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/vanslyke.matthew%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/breathingplanet%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a>

This is not necessarily meant to begin a long thread, hopefully this helps with troubleshooting. Utica Bike Rescue registered before the crash and shows up on the map without having to re-register.
On Mar 5, 2014, at 3:22 PM, "breathingplanet ." breathingplanet@gmail.com wrote:
yep yep. except, i registered TBR, and it is not showing up, so its not just a matter of registering... though that seems crucial for communications and participation in general. a
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Matthew VanSlyke vanslyke.matthew@gmail.com wrote: Dear de facto liaison, thanks for assuming this position!! I'm very psyched for BBNE and I'm willing to serve as de facto assistant liaison in case you need someone to run out and grab your lunch or clean your bike. I'll talk with you off the list about a map showing NYS shops. And we can make sure our neighbors get registered so they show up on the bikecollectives.org map. Matt in Utica
PS - THANK YOU!!! to the folks who worked to get the site and wiki back up and running, I'm sure you know how much this helps everyone but want to make sure I say it.
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:53 PM, breathingplanet . breathingplanet@gmail.com wrote: in preparing this i realized that bikecollectives.org has been redone (which looks great!) and we are no longer on the map, and many of the shops below neither. how do we get on there?
i registered for an account, but cant seem to find out how to get a node on the map. also, importantly, i would like to get all these nodes on the map. does that basically mean someone from each site must register? if so, it should be a little easier, imo. if anyone knows how to get on the map let me know know. for the purposes of this talk I am giving, I guess I will have to make our own NYS map, though i hate to reinvent the wheel, when it looks so good.
Matt in Utica: maybe you and I can work together to get NYS more represented, or perhaps that is a way NYBC could help?
http://bikeatoga.org/ Saratoga Springs, NY http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://gobikebuffalo.org/programs/community-workshop/ http://www.communitybikes.org/ Hamilton, NY
Also BikeBike Northeast is being planned for August of 2014 in Boston. IS ANYONE IN THAT WORKING GROUP ON THIS LIST?
or did I just become the de facto liason ;)Andrew in Troy, NY
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:40 PM, breathingplanet . breathingplanet@gmail.com wrote: Greetings, My colleague and I are charged with giving a brief presentation to a big cycling club about community bike projects in NYS this coming week. I am looking to make contact with as many representatives as possible, and mainly am looking for projects in addition to the ones listed below.
Whats the context here? Well, the New York Bicycling Coalition has met with a few of us and is exploring how they can get involved in supporting the community bike project movement. For starters, they want to network us in some way and profile our work on a part of their website. but for starters... who are we? (and do we check email:)) The little talk we are giving will kind of kick off this endeavour in a way because the club demographically represents their 'base' to some extent.
here is a list of active projects i know of: http://bikeatoga.org/ http://troybikerescue.org http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester) Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://www.recycleabicycle.org/
-i have heard that there is a project at Vassar college. truth? -there used to be Biketopia in plattsburgh. still happenin? -there was once something at SUNY Cortland -anyone know whats happening in Ithaca these days? -Binghamton? Buffalo?
if you are a representative of an active NYS community bike project, please be in touch and send me a brief statement on your current 'status' and a link to a picture you think is a good representative for a powerpoint. otherwise i will do my best internet harvest.
Thanks all!
Andrew Lynn Troy Bike Rescue troy, ny
-- ------__o
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947-- ------__o
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/vanslyke.matthew%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/breathingplanet%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
-- ------__o
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/vanslyke.matthew%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a>

Andrew, I checked and I found Troy Bike Rescue registered as a user but no organization. Just log in, go to 'My Account' at the top right and click 'Create a new Organization', you should see the map on bikecollectives.org updated within a hour. I'm fully aware that this mixup is due to bad user experience which is one of the primary reasons we're rebuilding. If that doesn't work or you or have any other issues, please contact me off list, I'll make sure to TBR gets on the map.
From: vanslyke.matthew@gmail.com Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 15:34:40 -0500 To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] NYS on bikecollectives.org map (plus BBNE headsup)
This is not necessarily meant to begin a long thread, hopefully this helps with troubleshooting. Utica Bike Rescue registered before the crash and shows up on the map without having to re-register. On Mar 5, 2014, at 3:22 PM, "breathingplanet ." breathingplanet@gmail.com wrote:
yep yep. except, i registered TBR, and it is not showing up, so its not just a matter of registering... though that seems crucial for communications and participation in general. a
On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Matthew VanSlyke vanslyke.matthew@gmail.com wrote:
Dear de facto liaison, thanks for assuming this position!! I'm very psyched for BBNE and I'm willing to serve as de facto assistant liaison in case you need someone to run out and grab your lunch or clean your bike. I'll talk with you off the list about a map showing NYS shops. And we can make sure our neighbors get registered so they show up on the bikecollectives.org map.
Matt in Utica PS - THANK YOU!!! to the folks who worked to get the site and wiki back up and running, I'm sure you know how much this helps everyone but want to make sure I say it.
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:53 PM, breathingplanet . breathingplanet@gmail.com wrote:
in preparing this i realized that bikecollectives.org has been redone (which looks great!) and we are no longer on the map, and many of the shops below neither.
how do we get on there?
i registered for an account, but cant seem to find out how to get a node on the map. also, importantly, i would like to get all these nodes on the map. does that basically mean someone from each site must register? if so, it should be a little easier, imo. if anyone knows how to get on the map let me know know. for the purposes of this talk I am giving, I guess I will have to make our own NYS map, though i hate to reinvent the wheel, when it looks so good.
Matt in Utica: maybe you and I can work together to get NYS more represented, or perhaps that is a way NYBC could help?
http://bikeatoga.org/ Saratoga Springs, NY
http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester)
Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://gobikebuffalo.org/programs/community-workshop/
http://www.communitybikes.org/ Hamilton, NY
Also BikeBike Northeast is being planned for August of 2014 in Boston.
or did I just become the de facto liason ;)
Andrew in Troy, NY
On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 9:40 PM, breathingplanet . breathingplanet@gmail.com wrote:
Greetings, My colleague and I are charged with giving a brief presentation to a big cycling club about community bike projects in NYS this coming week. I am looking to make contact with as many representatives as possible, and mainly am looking for projects in addition to the ones listed below.
Whats the context here? Well, the New York Bicycling Coalition has met with a few of us and is exploring how they can get involved in supporting the community bike project movement. For starters, they want to network us in some way and profile our work on a part of their website. but for starters... who are we? (and do we check email:)) The little talk we are giving will kind of kick off this endeavour in a way because the club demographically represents their 'base' to some extent.
here is a list of active projects i know of: http://bikeatoga.org/http://troybikerescue.org
http://albanybikerescue.org/ http://uticabikerescue.org/ http://www.rcommunitybikes.net/ (rochester)
Electric City Bike Rescue (schenectady; no website yet) http://times-up.org/bike-co-op http://www.recycleabicycle.org/
-i have heard that there is a project at Vassar college. truth? -there used to be Biketopia in plattsburgh. still happenin? -there was once something at SUNY Cortland
-anyone know whats happening in Ithaca these days? -Binghamton? Buffalo?
if you are a representative of an active NYS community bike project, please be in touch and send me a brief statement on your current 'status' and a link to a picture you think is a good representative for a powerpoint. otherwise i will do my best internet harvest.
Thanks all!
Andrew Lynn Troy Bike Rescue troy, ny
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947 -- ------__o
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947 ____________________________________ The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/vanslyke.matthew%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a> ____________________________________ The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/breathingplanet%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a> -- ------__o
----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947 ____________________________________ The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org/vanslyke.matthew%40gmail.com?unsub=1&unsubconfirm=1">Unsubscribe from this list</a> ____________________________________ The ThinkTank mailing List Unsubscribe from this list
participants (4)
breathingplanet .
Godwin !
Matt VanSlyke
Matthew VanSlyke