Re: [TheThinkTank] the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought (Bicycle Collective, Utah))

Hi all,
The (Utah) Bicycle Collective closed on March 13th. Our mechanics worked in the shop with social distancing and hand washing measures (IF they felt comfortable coming to work). Our staff worked hard for 2 weeks to shift online and began taking bike and limited parts purchase by appointment only after those 2 weeks. Customers must browse our *online inventory and pick one bike to test ride. Then book a 20 minute time slot with us. In case the bike is not to their liking they must come with another in mind or we may pick out another that is their size for them. We do curbside service except for payment, then wipe down everything with sanitizer. All staff wear their air filter masks and gloves when interacting with customers. Only one at a time allowed in the shop to pay.
We will begin taking repair services by appointment (curbside dropoff) at the end of this week - something we have never done before. We are normally a DIY shop.
Our other programs and donations are closed. I've been working to engage volunteers online through community engagement and online workshop ideas.
Click this link to see our new Showroom there's an explanation of services (more announcements to come out tomorrow) here .
Does anyone have safe practices or ideas for taking donations? We've thought of creating a quarantine area (moving aside items in our storage unit to make part of it a quarantine area, leave bikes there for 2 weeks or so before touching). Or sanitizing outside before bringing inside. Having donors schedule an appointment for drop off. Ring doorbell and leave by door. If need a donation receipt they can call.
Any safe practices or ideas for accepting clients who need a bicycle for transportation (we have a charitable program where they can for free or by volunteering 6 hours)? Still working on this one, as our populations may be more susceptible to the virus, given it is a large part of the homeless population.
*Essen Skabelund* *Volunteer and Program Coordinator* Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective 2312 S. West Temple, SLC, UT 84115 801-328-2453
*The mission of the Bicycle Collective is to promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation and as a cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier, and safer society. The Collective provides refurbished bicycles and educational programs to the community, focusing on children and lower income households.*
On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 2:04 PM <> wrote:
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than "Re: Contents of Thethinktank digest..." Today's Topics:
- Re: the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought (BICAS)
- Re: the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought (Deb Salls)
- Re: the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought (Jesse Cooper)
- Re: the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought (Cyclista Nicholas)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: BICAS To: The Think Tank Cc: Bcc: Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 15:47:52 -0700 Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought Thanks everybody. I know many of us have had to make a new decision every two days with the changing world around us so quickly.
BICAS has 14 hourly wage staff, all of whom can still be paid by coming in to refurbish bikes at the shop that will eventually be for sale after all this is over, as long as they work far away from each other and clean and disinfect everything after. Our Community Tools, classes, and retails spaces have been shut down since mid-March, which is a heavy financial burden. We are applying for local emergency grants and probably also for the CARES Act loan.
We have also decided to re-open mid-April for extremely limited services - no members of the public will be allowed into the building, but staff will provide sliding scale repairs to make bikes safe and rideable (no needless changes and upgrades), prioritizing frontliners whose bike is their main mode of transportation and/or people who cannot afford repairs at retail shops (many of which never closed here in Arizona because our governor has declared almost everything "essential" *eye roll emoji*.)
I am still concerned about the prospect of people congregating outside the building, but we have said if it becomes an issue, we will have to close the shop completely again and disband everyone.
Can anyone else who is staying open/providing some services respond about your safety protocols? How do you space folks apart? Do you wipe down bikes that come in? Do you cover the handlebars with something? Do you use DIY masks? We would love to benefit from everyone's collective creativity on "risk management." Thank you.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 11:26 AM Audrey Wiedemeier wrote:
Pardon, but that last link is not the correct one. Here is the link to the folder with all our covid 19 docs:
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 1:23 PM Audrey Wiedemeier wrote:
Carlyn: I appreciate you asking for folks to respond kindly. I'll be asking this of our volunteers and patrons who've been somewhat gruff.
Bob: Opening stronger than ever is right!
As of right now the Bike Library is closed, however, pending approval from our board, we would like to start offering a "curbside bike checkout" that is by appointment only.
Here is the link to those documents. Check out the one titled: Proposal for Curbside Checkout.
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 5:49 PM Cyclista Nicholas <> wrote:
I've been worried about our workstation becoming a contamination depot, of course. All public surfaces, even if they are decontaminated regularly, will be to some extent.
However, there is a significant percentage of our target demographic that relies on us for daily survival, and mainly I refer to the homeless. These are people who, if they didn't have our workstation, would just be doing some other sketchy thing contamination-wise to stay operational.
The other sectors of our demographic don't need this kind of help, and probably have their own air pumps and remedial tools at home. I'm at the shop alone several times a week, and have a good idea who uses the station and when. Honestly, I don't think it's really being used except by a handful of solitary people, and they're mostly using the air pump.
As for other public-facing activities, we're open for retail, and customers are instructed not to touch anything except bikes that are being testridden. This is another area that we don't face significant traffic, we get possibly one or two customers per day at most in these times.
As for decontaminating bikes, I wipe down the seat, controls, grips, and top tube after each test ride, and when doing intake on a customer bike.
Speaking of customer bikes, we are not a shop that does repair for people, we only teach people how to do repairs themselves. However, recently we got a typical misguided question via Facebook about how much we charged for a given repair, and it occurred to me that since we weren't allowing people to repair the bikes themselves, and had a decrease in things to do as a result of closing open shop, we might as well accept bikes for repair during this period. This is not something we advertise anywhere other than in direct response to a spontaneous request, and we make it clear to each customer that this is not a regular thing. We've had three customers of this type thus far. I feel that this transactional dynamic is one that's very easy create as a controlled process, and decontaminating bikes under this circumstance is trivial. Just another technical thing to do to a bike among the usual array of procedures.
As for classification as an essential service, automobile repair garages are typically classified as essential services. We are a transportation provider and as assist to people who use their bikes to buy groceries and keep medical appointments. Bicycles are not a luxury and they are not primarily a recreational toy, they are a fundamental life utility and in some cases people rely on them to survive.
I queried Claire from Vélorution Paris deliberately here to provide an example to the list of recognition that bicycles are an essential service - the city of Paris recognizes this. As of a few days ago, New York City does now as well.
Of course, this means that if we *are* an essential service, this makes it even more imperative that we create and adhere to strict protocols to protect the community we serve even as we struggle to empower them.
Stay strong, healthy and hopeful cyclistas!
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2020-03-26 22:09, Bob Giordano wrote:
Hi Carlyn,
at Free Cycles Missoula we've closed completely, not even doing emergency bikes/repairs/drop offs, anything. we'll have a good crop of sale bikes when we reopen, and a clean, organized shop.
Not doing outside public repair stands for the reasons you've mentioned.
We aim to reopen june 1st- could be earlier or later- we just wanted a date in our staff of 4's head.
Our staff of 4 are working safely and responsibly together, altho we've taken zones. We even have 4 separate doors, 3 separate bathrooms, each have a tool kit, etc. We're also mentally and physically prepared to stay away from the shop completely, if needed, which it looks more and more like.
Our staff have been making these nimble and quick decisions, keeping our small board up to date as needed, and they are supportive of what we need to do.
As we clean up around here, we're not doing 'free piles' outside (too much public handling of stuff). We're staging trash, thrift store, recycling piles. However we've had a couple trusted folks take scrap steel away.
We plan to reopen stronger than ever, and ultimately we feel that is best for us and the community. Missoula has been very supportive and understanding.
2 of us are also focusing on grants, all 4 of us are taking time to think deeply, to share writings, and slow down.
Bob Giordano, Free Cycles Missoula
Quoting Carlyn Arteaga
I appreciate you sharing all your thoughts and ideas.
At BICAS in Tucson we had to dismantle our outdoor fix a flat
Staff working alone inside the shop witnessed clumps of people congregating very close to each other and at least one individual who was there
3 hours coughing on everything. As much was we wanted to help people out, we couldn't justify the germ spreading station we had created.
We have approved a skeleton plan for opening for limited repair services in a couple weeks. How are others handling this? How do you do intakes? By appointment only or do you take walk ins? How are you protecting
people and the public? How are you sanitizing bikes you work on? And in what ways do you see your services as an "essential service,"
in mind that any interfacing with the public right now involves some amount of risk, for which the ultimate potential consequence is death? Or if
have decided to remain closed, how did you arrive at that decision,
that there are people who need bike help and are not going to be able to access it?
I know these are the Big Questions (esp the last couple) we're all grappling with right now, I just wanted to have some frank conversations about why doing what we're doing right now so we can all chew it
Please be kind with one another as we respond. None of us has the playbook for this crisis or truly even enough data yet to know which
will end of being the right ones in the end. Thank you all in advance, ~Carlyn
*Carlyn Arteaga*
*pronouns: they/them/theirs*
Youth Program Coordinator
2001 N. 7th Ave. | Tucson, AZ 85701 | Shop: 520-628-7950 | | Facebook | Instagram
*Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling with our greater Tucson community.*
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2001 N 7th Ave | Tucson, AZ 85705 | Shop: 520-628-7950 | | Facebook | Instagram
*Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling with our greater Tucson community.*
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Deb Salls To: The Think Tank Cc: Bcc: Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 16:11:23 -0700 Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought Caryn
I can talk to you more about this if you would like. We are working on this too. We have a pretty extensive Safety Precautions document and we are open for appointment-only bike repair with our Bike Shop.
In short, we do do these steps below for safety in the Bike Shop (with some other steps for other areas of our org) We closed everything to the public in early March in an 'abundance of caution' to figure out what is going on with the COVID situation and last week 're-opened' with appointment only services, an ecommerce store and we have been doing a bunch of posting of special parts, frames, and bikes on eBay. Also we are still doing bike giveaways to low-income individuals by appointment-only or through community partners that are providing essential services. (FYI Seattle as of March 25 is in a "Stay-at-Home" mandate and a limited list of things have been deemed 'essential services)
Bike Works Bike Shop is CLOSED to the public- No entry into our facilities is allowed by members of the public
Repair service(s) are offered by appointment only. Customers can email or phone to schedule their appointment and discuss the services they think are in need. Payment will be taken over the phone when work is completed or through our website. We are giving 50% discounts on repairs ( parts and labor) for grocery store workers, medical staff and social services professionals providing other essential services.
We will follow these steps for safety precautions:
1.) Customers will drop their bicycles at the porch and lock up using the provided combination word lock. Locks will be sanitized each time a staff person uses it. Word locks will have their combination changed at the start of each day with a record kept of each word used and on which day.
2.) Mechanics will disinfect the bikes before bringing them into the shop, assess the best service for the bicycle and call the customer to confirm service needed
3.) Once repairs are completed the bikes will be disinfected again, customers will be called to arrange pick up and we will return to the porch and lock up with combo lock. *Point person for this process: Lead Mechanic
4.) Mechanics will use gloves at all times while working on bicycles
5.) Physical Distancing *must *be used in the workplace of at least 6 feet at all times. One mechanic will work using the stands on the sales floor while a second will occupy the upper level Sun Room. Mechanics can access the shop through separate doorways to mitigate exposure (porch entrance and side door to Blue Room).
6.) Shared spaces such as the bathroom and office will be cleaned with each use. The office computer will be used *only* for business-related needs. Personal use while on break, etc. will be prohibited. Please refrain from using the kitchenette to prepare food.
7.) Clean AND disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, phones and doorknobs. Dirty surfaces should be cleaned with soap and water prior to disinfection.
8.) Avoid using other employees’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible. If necessary, clean and disinfect them before and after use.
Here is an article from the Seattle Bike Blog about this
I hope this helps. Also, I should say- our Safety Precaution document is a working document and will change as the CDC or state or local public health or government officials recommend more / different things... like masks-- or whatever might come next and will also continue to incorporate any changes that staff think we should make to our practices to make them more safe.
Deb Deb Salls *Executive Director* she/her pronouns what's this? 206.695.2607
*Bike Works promotes the bicycleas a vehicle for change to empoweryouth and build resilient communities.* *Bike Shop: *3709 S Ferdinand St, Seattle, WA 98118,+Seattle,+WA+98118/@47.5576203,-122.2879379,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x54906a0c217011bf:0x636bcae5fac16123!8m2!3d47.5576203!4d-122.2857492 *Office, Warehouse & Classrooms: *3715 S Hudson St #111, Seattle, WA 98118,+Seattle,+WA+98118/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x54906a0ea2b3bb1d:0xc31eaefbc937e82d?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRv7KImaHiAhVM-lQKHWhJC4UQ8gEwAHoECAoQAQ
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 3:48 PM BICAS wrote:
Thanks everybody. I know many of us have had to make a new decision every two days with the changing world around us so quickly.
BICAS has 14 hourly wage staff, all of whom can still be paid by coming in to refurbish bikes at the shop that will eventually be for sale after all this is over, as long as they work far away from each other and clean and disinfect everything after. Our Community Tools, classes, and retails spaces have been shut down since mid-March, which is a heavy financial burden. We are applying for local emergency grants and probably also for the CARES Act loan.
We have also decided to re-open mid-April for extremely limited services
- no members of the public will be allowed into the building, but staff
will provide sliding scale repairs to make bikes safe and rideable (no needless changes and upgrades), prioritizing frontliners whose bike is their main mode of transportation and/or people who cannot afford repairs at retail shops (many of which never closed here in Arizona because our governor has declared almost everything "essential" *eye roll emoji*.)
I am still concerned about the prospect of people congregating outside the building, but we have said if it becomes an issue, we will have to close the shop completely again and disband everyone.
Can anyone else who is staying open/providing some services respond about your safety protocols? How do you space folks apart? Do you wipe down bikes that come in? Do you cover the handlebars with something? Do you use DIY masks? We would love to benefit from everyone's collective creativity on "risk management." Thank you.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 11:26 AM Audrey Wiedemeier wrote:
Pardon, but that last link is not the correct one. Here is the link to the folder with all our covid 19 docs:
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 1:23 PM Audrey Wiedemeier wrote:
Carlyn: I appreciate you asking for folks to respond kindly. I'll be asking this of our volunteers and patrons who've been somewhat gruff.
Bob: Opening stronger than ever is right!
As of right now the Bike Library is closed, however, pending approval from our board, we would like to start offering a "curbside bike checkout" that is by appointment only.
Here is the link to those documents. Check out the one titled: Proposal for Curbside Checkout.
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 5:49 PM Cyclista Nicholas <> wrote:
I've been worried about our workstation becoming a contamination depot, of course. All public surfaces, even if they are decontaminated regularly, will be to some extent.
However, there is a significant percentage of our target demographic that relies on us for daily survival, and mainly I refer to the homeless. These are people who, if they didn't have our workstation, would just be doing some other sketchy thing contamination-wise to stay operational.
The other sectors of our demographic don't need this kind of help, and probably have their own air pumps and remedial tools at home. I'm at the shop alone several times a week, and have a good idea who uses the station and when. Honestly, I don't think it's really being used except by a handful of solitary people, and they're mostly using the air pump.
As for other public-facing activities, we're open for retail, and customers are instructed not to touch anything except bikes that are being testridden. This is another area that we don't face significant traffic, we get possibly one or two customers per day at most in these times.
As for decontaminating bikes, I wipe down the seat, controls, grips, and top tube after each test ride, and when doing intake on a customer bike.
Speaking of customer bikes, we are not a shop that does repair for people, we only teach people how to do repairs themselves. However, recently we got a typical misguided question via Facebook about how much we charged for a given repair, and it occurred to me that since we weren't allowing people to repair the bikes themselves, and had a decrease in things to do as a result of closing open shop, we might as well accept bikes for repair during this period. This is not something we advertise anywhere other than in direct response to a spontaneous request, and we make it clear to each customer that this is not a regular thing. We've had three customers of this type thus far. I feel that this transactional dynamic is one that's very easy create as a controlled process, and decontaminating bikes under this circumstance is trivial. Just another technical thing to do to a bike among the usual array of procedures.
As for classification as an essential service, automobile repair garages are typically classified as essential services. We are a transportation provider and as assist to people who use their bikes to buy groceries and keep medical appointments. Bicycles are not a luxury and they are not primarily a recreational toy, they are a fundamental life utility and in some cases people rely on them to survive.
I queried Claire from Vélorution Paris deliberately here to provide an example to the list of recognition that bicycles are an essential service - the city of Paris recognizes this. As of a few days ago, New York City does now as well.
Of course, this means that if we *are* an essential service, this makes it even more imperative that we create and adhere to strict protocols to protect the community we serve even as we struggle to empower them.
Stay strong, healthy and hopeful cyclistas!
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2020-03-26 22:09, Bob Giordano wrote:
Hi Carlyn,
at Free Cycles Missoula we've closed completely, not even doing emergency bikes/repairs/drop offs, anything. we'll have a good crop of sale bikes when we reopen, and a clean, organized shop.
Not doing outside public repair stands for the reasons you've mentioned.
We aim to reopen june 1st- could be earlier or later- we just wanted a date in our staff of 4's head.
Our staff of 4 are working safely and responsibly together, altho we've taken zones. We even have 4 separate doors, 3 separate bathrooms, each have a tool kit, etc. We're also mentally and physically prepared to stay away from the shop completely, if needed, which it looks more and more like.
Our staff have been making these nimble and quick decisions, keeping our small board up to date as needed, and they are supportive of what we need to do.
As we clean up around here, we're not doing 'free piles' outside (too much public handling of stuff). We're staging trash, thrift store, recycling piles. However we've had a couple trusted folks take scrap steel away.
We plan to reopen stronger than ever, and ultimately we feel that is best for us and the community. Missoula has been very supportive and understanding.
2 of us are also focusing on grants, all 4 of us are taking time to think deeply, to share writings, and slow down.
Bob Giordano, Free Cycles Missoula
Quoting Carlyn Arteaga
> I appreciate you sharing all your thoughts and ideas. > > At BICAS in Tucson we had to dismantle our outdoor fix a flat
> Staff working alone inside the shop witnessed clumps of people > congregating > very close to each other and at least one individual who was there
> 3 > hours coughing on everything. As much was we wanted to help people > out, we > couldn't justify the germ spreading station we had created. > > We have approved a skeleton plan for opening for limited repair > services in > a couple weeks. How are others handling this? How do you do
> By > appointment only or do you take walk ins? How are you protecting
> people and the public? How are you sanitizing bikes you work on?
> in > what ways do you see your services as an "essential service,"
> in > mind that any interfacing with the public right now involves some > amount of > risk, for which the ultimate potential consequence is death? Or if
> have > decided to remain closed, how did you arrive at that decision,
> that > there are people who need bike help and are not going to be able to > access > it? > > I know these are the Big Questions (esp the last couple) we're all > grappling with right now, I just wanted to have some frank > conversations > about why doing what we're doing right now so we can all chew it
> > Please be kind with one another as we respond. None of us has the > playbook > for this crisis or truly even enough data yet to know which
> will > end of being the right ones in the end. > Thank you all in advance, > ~Carlyn > > -- > > *Carlyn Arteaga* > > *pronouns: they/them/theirs* > > Youth Program Coordinator > > *BICAS* > > 2001 N. 7th Ave. | Tucson, AZ 85701 | Shop: 520-628-7950 > > | | Facebook > | Instagram > > > > > *Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to
> in > affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative
> with > our greater Tucson community.*
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2001 N 7th Ave | Tucson, AZ 85705 | Shop: 520-628-7950 | | Facebook | Instagram
*Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling with our greater Tucson community.* ____________________________________
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jesse Cooper To: The Think Tank Cc: Bcc: Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2020 17:23:42 -0700 Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought Our Community Bikes is opened for limited hours with only the service department operating through appointments only. We will be expanding our service hours next week. We have a very large base of low income and front line working riders, so we would like to meet their needs, while monitoring our potential to be a vector.
We have distancing protocols, and disinfecting protocols now in place. These were pieced together with the help of both our federal health guidelines, WHO and CDC, and as they work for the Red Cross, have also have some of these protocols. Most of the recommendations are similar anyhow.
Cleaning protocols
Refer to CDC interim recommendations here:
OCB General Enhanced Protocol
Staff and volunteers who are not feeling well are asked to stay home
Door signage reminding clients and visitors who are not feeling well or who suspect they have been exposed to COVID-19 to stay home and not come inside
The door to the shop should be locked and clients are asked to knock as we won’t be answering the phone to capacity
Appointments are necessary, as we will minimize the number of people coming through the shop who are not able to receive service.
Staff must maintain the recommended 2m distance for social distancing at all times.
There will be a taped line on the floor to help observe this at the front counter. Enter the required amount on the electronic transaction machine and step away from the counter to allow the customer to approach.
Wipe down common services between each client (e.g. debit machine pinpad, register keys, keyboard, mouse, pens, counter, doorknob).
An alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%-95% alcohol content should be available for all clients upon entering the shop.
When possible, we will equip staff with personal protective equipment like gloves and masks.
To consider
If we have any forms or paperwork that normally require sign-off, we should look at whether we can adapt that process (e.g. verbal confirmation rather than requiring a signature)
Staff will do an assessment of areas of risk within the shop and follow procedures to minimize the risk. Some areas of detail like dirty rags, disinfecting the disinfecting spray bottle, phones, doorknobs, toilet plunger, keypads, keyboards, keyboard mice, electronics buttons, tool cases and tools, drawer knobs, cash register keys and trays, keys, bin handles, etc
Where necessary, additional measures will be put in place in accordance with recommendations of public health officials.
Cleaning surfaces:
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.)
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Cleaning tools and tool cases:
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.)
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Cleaning bikes on drop off:
Receive bike and use a wheel prop to stand bike in place
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.)
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Continue with intake
Cleaning bikes at pick up:
After work is completed use a wheel prop to stand bike in place
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.)
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
After payment is processed direct client to maneuver the bike out of the building
Cleaning parts for individual sale
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.)
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Outstanding tasks
Tape customer limits at till, and outside the door for line up if required?
Some important messaging
The health and safety of our staff, volunteers and clients is our top priority.
We recognize that access to bikes is important for physical and mental health, and that for many people cycling provides a social distancing alternative to public transportation. With that in mind we are looking at ways to adjust the way the shop works to continue to serve the community.
We encourage everyone to follow all recommendations outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada. What you can do to prevent illness:
Regularly wash your hands with warm water and soap, or use hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Frequently clean and disinfect common surfaces like desk, countertops, doorknobs, phones, remote controls, keyboards, and phones
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
Practise social distancing – staying home as much as possible and keeping 2 metres between you and others
Monitor your personal health and stay home if you are sick, even if your symptoms are mild
Remember to be aware of the spread of misinformation. Credible sources of information about COVID-19 include, or via the dedicated COVID-19 line at 1-888-COVID19.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 4:11 PM Deb Salls wrote:
I can talk to you more about this if you would like. We are working on this too. We have a pretty extensive Safety Precautions document and we are open for appointment-only bike repair with our Bike Shop.
In short, we do do these steps below for safety in the Bike Shop (with some other steps for other areas of our org) We closed everything to the public in early March in an 'abundance of caution' to figure out what is going on with the COVID situation and last week 're-opened' with appointment only services, an ecommerce store and we have been doing a bunch of posting of special parts, frames, and bikes on eBay. Also we are still doing bike giveaways to low-income individuals by appointment-only or through community partners that are providing essential services. (FYI Seattle as of March 25 is in a "Stay-at-Home" mandate and a limited list of things have been deemed 'essential services)
Bike Works Bike Shop is CLOSED to the public- No entry into our facilities is allowed by members of the public
Repair service(s) are offered by appointment only. Customers can email or phone to schedule their appointment and discuss the services they think are in need. Payment will be taken over the phone when work is completed or through our website. We are giving 50% discounts on repairs ( parts and labor) for grocery store workers, medical staff and social services professionals providing other essential services.
We will follow these steps for safety precautions:
1.) Customers will drop their bicycles at the porch and lock up using the provided combination word lock. Locks will be sanitized each time a staff person uses it. Word locks will have their combination changed at the start of each day with a record kept of each word used and on which day.
2.) Mechanics will disinfect the bikes before bringing them into the shop, assess the best service for the bicycle and call the customer to confirm service needed
3.) Once repairs are completed the bikes will be disinfected again, customers will be called to arrange pick up and we will return to the porch and lock up with combo lock. *Point person for this process: Lead Mechanic
4.) Mechanics will use gloves at all times while working on bicycles
5.) Physical Distancing *must *be used in the workplace of at least 6 feet at all times. One mechanic will work using the stands on the sales floor while a second will occupy the upper level Sun Room. Mechanics can access the shop through separate doorways to mitigate exposure (porch entrance and side door to Blue Room).
6.) Shared spaces such as the bathroom and office will be cleaned with each use. The office computer will be used *only* for business-related needs. Personal use while on break, etc. will be prohibited. Please refrain from using the kitchenette to prepare food.
7.) Clean AND disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, phones and doorknobs. Dirty surfaces should be cleaned with soap and water prior to disinfection.
8.) Avoid using other employees’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible. If necessary, clean and disinfect them before and after use.
Here is an article from the Seattle Bike Blog about this
I hope this helps. Also, I should say- our Safety Precaution document is a working document and will change as the CDC or state or local public health or government officials recommend more / different things... like masks-- or whatever might come next and will also continue to incorporate any changes that staff think we should make to our practices to make them more safe.
Deb Deb Salls *Executive Director* she/her pronouns what's this? 206.695.2607
*Bike Works promotes the bicycleas a vehicle for change to empoweryouth and build resilient communities.* *Bike Shop: *3709 S Ferdinand St, Seattle, WA 98118,+Seattle,+WA+98118/@47.5576203,-122.2879379,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x54906a0c217011bf:0x636bcae5fac16123!8m2!3d47.5576203!4d-122.2857492 *Office, Warehouse & Classrooms: *3715 S Hudson St #111, Seattle, WA 98118,+Seattle,+WA+98118/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x54906a0ea2b3bb1d:0xc31eaefbc937e82d?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRv7KImaHiAhVM-lQKHWhJC4UQ8gEwAHoECAoQAQ
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 3:48 PM BICAS wrote:
Thanks everybody. I know many of us have had to make a new decision every two days with the changing world around us so quickly.
BICAS has 14 hourly wage staff, all of whom can still be paid by coming in to refurbish bikes at the shop that will eventually be for sale after all this is over, as long as they work far away from each other and clean and disinfect everything after. Our Community Tools, classes, and retails spaces have been shut down since mid-March, which is a heavy financial burden. We are applying for local emergency grants and probably also for the CARES Act loan.
We have also decided to re-open mid-April for extremely limited services
- no members of the public will be allowed into the building, but staff
will provide sliding scale repairs to make bikes safe and rideable (no needless changes and upgrades), prioritizing frontliners whose bike is their main mode of transportation and/or people who cannot afford repairs at retail shops (many of which never closed here in Arizona because our governor has declared almost everything "essential" *eye roll emoji*.)
I am still concerned about the prospect of people congregating outside the building, but we have said if it becomes an issue, we will have to close the shop completely again and disband everyone.
Can anyone else who is staying open/providing some services respond about your safety protocols? How do you space folks apart? Do you wipe down bikes that come in? Do you cover the handlebars with something? Do you use DIY masks? We would love to benefit from everyone's collective creativity on "risk management." Thank you.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 11:26 AM Audrey Wiedemeier <> wrote:
Pardon, but that last link is not the correct one. Here is the link to the folder with all our covid 19 docs:
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 1:23 PM Audrey Wiedemeier <> wrote:
Carlyn: I appreciate you asking for folks to respond kindly. I'll be asking this of our volunteers and patrons who've been somewhat gruff.
Bob: Opening stronger than ever is right!
As of right now the Bike Library is closed, however, pending approval from our board, we would like to start offering a "curbside bike checkout" that is by appointment only.
Here is the link to those documents. Check out the one titled: Proposal for Curbside Checkout.
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 5:49 PM Cyclista Nicholas <> wrote:
I've been worried about our workstation becoming a contamination depot, of course. All public surfaces, even if they are decontaminated regularly, will be to some extent.
However, there is a significant percentage of our target demographic that relies on us for daily survival, and mainly I refer to the homeless. These are people who, if they didn't have our workstation, would just be doing some other sketchy thing contamination-wise to stay operational.
The other sectors of our demographic don't need this kind of help, and probably have their own air pumps and remedial tools at home. I'm at the shop alone several times a week, and have a good idea who uses the station and when. Honestly, I don't think it's really being used except by a handful of solitary people, and they're mostly using the air pump.
As for other public-facing activities, we're open for retail, and customers are instructed not to touch anything except bikes that are being testridden. This is another area that we don't face significant traffic, we get possibly one or two customers per day at most in these times.
As for decontaminating bikes, I wipe down the seat, controls, grips, and top tube after each test ride, and when doing intake on a customer bike.
Speaking of customer bikes, we are not a shop that does repair for people, we only teach people how to do repairs themselves. However, recently we got a typical misguided question via Facebook about how much we charged for a given repair, and it occurred to me that since we weren't allowing people to repair the bikes themselves, and had a decrease in things to do as a result of closing open shop, we might as well accept bikes for repair during this period. This is not something we advertise anywhere other than in direct response to a spontaneous request, and we make it clear to each customer that this is not a regular thing. We've had three customers of this type thus far. I feel that this transactional dynamic is one that's very easy create as a controlled process, and decontaminating bikes under this circumstance is trivial. Just another technical thing to do to a bike among the usual array of procedures.
As for classification as an essential service, automobile repair garages are typically classified as essential services. We are a transportation provider and as assist to people who use their bikes to buy groceries and keep medical appointments. Bicycles are not a luxury and they are not primarily a recreational toy, they are a fundamental life utility and in some cases people rely on them to survive.
I queried Claire from Vélorution Paris deliberately here to provide an example to the list of recognition that bicycles are an essential service - the city of Paris recognizes this. As of a few days ago, New York City does now as well.
Of course, this means that if we *are* an essential service, this makes it even more imperative that we create and adhere to strict protocols to protect the community we serve even as we struggle to empower them.
Stay strong, healthy and hopeful cyclistas!
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2020-03-26 22:09, Bob Giordano wrote: > Hi Carlyn, > > at Free Cycles Missoula we've closed completely, > not even doing emergency bikes/repairs/drop offs, > anything. we'll have a good crop of sale bikes when > we reopen, and a clean, organized shop. > > Not doing outside public repair stands for the > reasons you've mentioned. > > We aim to reopen june 1st- could be earlier or > later- we just wanted a date in our staff of 4's > head. > > Our staff of 4 are working safely and responsibly > together, altho we've taken zones. We even have > 4 separate doors, 3 separate bathrooms, each have > a tool kit, etc. We're also mentally and physically > prepared to stay away from the shop completely, if > needed, which it looks more and more like. > > Our staff have been making these nimble and quick > decisions, keeping our small board up to date as > needed, and they are supportive of what we need to do. > > As we clean up around here, we're not doing 'free piles' > outside (too much public handling of stuff). We're staging > trash, thrift store, recycling piles. However we've had > a couple trusted folks take scrap steel away. > > We plan to reopen stronger than ever, and ultimately > we feel that is best for us and the community. Missoula > has been very supportive and understanding. > > 2 of us are also focusing on grants, all 4 of us are > taking time to think deeply, to share writings, and > slow down. > > Bob Giordano, Free Cycles Missoula > > > Quoting Carlyn Arteaga > >> I appreciate you sharing all your thoughts and ideas. >> >> At BICAS in Tucson we had to dismantle our outdoor fix a flat station. >> Staff working alone inside the shop witnessed clumps of people >> congregating >> very close to each other and at least one individual who was there for >> 3 >> hours coughing on everything. As much was we wanted to help people >> out, we >> couldn't justify the germ spreading station we had created. >> >> We have approved a skeleton plan for opening for limited repair >> services in >> a couple weeks. How are others handling this? How do you do intakes? >> By >> appointment only or do you take walk ins? How are you protecting your >> people and the public? How are you sanitizing bikes you work on? And >> in >> what ways do you see your services as an "essential service," keeping >> in >> mind that any interfacing with the public right now involves some >> amount of >> risk, for which the ultimate potential consequence is death? Or if you >> have >> decided to remain closed, how did you arrive at that decision, knowing >> that >> there are people who need bike help and are not going to be able to >> access >> it? >> >> I know these are the Big Questions (esp the last couple) we're all >> grappling with right now, I just wanted to have some frank >> conversations >> about why doing what we're doing right now so we can all chew it over. >> >> Please be kind with one another as we respond. None of us has the >> playbook >> for this crisis or truly even enough data yet to know which decisions >> will >> end of being the right ones in the end. >> Thank you all in advance, >> ~Carlyn >> >> -- >> >> *Carlyn Arteaga* >> >> *pronouns: they/them/theirs* >> >> Youth Program Coordinator >> >> *BICAS* >> >> 2001 N. 7th Ave. | Tucson, AZ 85701 | Shop: 520-628-7950 >> >> | | Facebook >> | Instagram >> >> >> >> >> *Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate >> in >> affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling >> with >> our greater Tucson community.* > > > ____________________________________ > > The ThinkTank mailing List > > Unsubscribe from this list here: > ____________________________________
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2001 N 7th Ave | Tucson, AZ 85705 | Shop: 520-628-7950 | | Facebook | Instagram
*Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling with our greater Tucson community.* ____________________________________
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cyclista Nicholas To: Cc: Bcc: Date: Fri, 03 Apr 2020 04:09:53 +0000 Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] the virus and community bike shops, essential services thought Deb, your procedure game is strong! Impressive.
I already responded re: our procedures above, but since Carlyn is asking again, to paraphrase, we're:
-not allowing any open shop activities, i.e. no participant activities at all -one customer inside the shop at a time (people who come together, like parents buying bikes for their children, count as a single customer) -prohibiting individuals who are ill in any way from being in the space -maximum two workers in the shop at a time -decontaminating bikes before and after working on them -washing hands as soon as we arrive at the shop and before we touch anything except the door controls and the light switches (which we sanitize later) -washing again any time that we touch our clothing, bodies, phones, or anything outside the shop
The one thing we seem to be doing differently than some is *not* cleaning the tools and surfaces in the shop any more than average. People are simply not allowed to touch anything unless they've washed beforehand, are expected not to touch their face, body, clothing, or personal effects during work with their hands, and are reminded that since the shop may harbor any kind of pathogens, to wash again before leaving. A.B.W. seems like the way of the moment.
~cyclista Nicholas
On 2020-04-03 00:23, Jesse Cooper wrote:
Our Community Bikes is opened for limited hours with only the service department operating through appointments only. We will be expanding our service hours next week. We have a very large base of low income and front line working riders, so we would like to meet their needs, while monitoring our potential to be a vector.
We have distancing protocols, and disinfecting protocols now in place. These were pieced together with the help of both our federal health guidelines, WHO and CDC, and as they work for the Red Cross, have also have some of these protocols. Most of the recommendations are similar anyhow.
Cleaning protocols
Refer to CDC interim recommendations here:
OCB General Enhanced Protocol
Staff and volunteers who are not feeling well are asked to stay home
Door signage reminding clients and visitors who are not feeling well or who suspect they have been exposed to COVID-19 to stay home and not come inside
The door to the shop should be locked and clients are asked to knock as we won’t be answering the phone to capacity
Appointments are necessary, as we will minimize the number of people coming through the shop who are not able to receive service.
Staff must maintain the recommended 2m distance for social distancing at all times.
There will be a taped line on the floor to help observe this at the front counter. Enter the required amount on the electronic transaction machine and step away from the counter to allow the customer to approach.
Wipe down common services between each client (e.g. debit machine pinpad, register keys, keyboard, mouse, pens, counter, doorknob).
An alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%-95% alcohol content should be available for all clients upon entering the shop.
When possible, we will equip staff with personal protective equipment like gloves and masks.
To consider
If we have any forms or paperwork that normally require sign-off, we should look at whether we can adapt that process (e.g. verbal confirmation rather than requiring a signature)
Staff will do an assessment of areas of risk within the shop and follow procedures to minimize the risk. Some areas of detail like dirty rags, disinfecting the disinfecting spray bottle, phones, doorknobs, toilet plunger, keypads, keyboards, keyboard mice, electronics buttons, tool cases and tools, drawer knobs, cash register keys and trays, keys, bin handles, etc
Where necessary, additional measures will be put in place in accordance with recommendations of public health officials.
Cleaning surfaces:
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous
system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.) -
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Cleaning tools and tool cases:
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous
system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.) -
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Cleaning bikes on drop off:
Receive bike and use a wheel prop to stand bike in place
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous
system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.) -
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Continue with intake
Cleaning bikes at pick up:
After work is completed use a wheel prop to stand bike in place
Wear disposable gloves and fist spray down with soapy water
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous
system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.) -
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
After payment is processed direct client to maneuver the bike out of the building
Cleaning parts for individual sale
Wipe clear with a clean disposable towel and spray with disinfectant
(70% plus IsoPropyl Alcohol or diluted bleach solution of 4 teaspoons per quart of water)
WARNING : Do NOT MIX IsoPropyl with bleach! This will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause damage to the nervous
system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, and skin.) -
Let sit and wipe
Dispose of used towel / rag in garbage as well as the gloves
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
Outstanding tasks
Tape customer limits at till, and outside the door for line up if required?
Some important messaging
The health and safety of our staff, volunteers and clients is our top priority.
We recognize that access to bikes is important for physical and mental health, and that for many people cycling provides a social distancing alternative to public transportation. With that in mind we are looking at ways to adjust the way the shop works to continue to serve the community.
We encourage everyone to follow all recommendations outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada. What you can do to prevent illness:
Regularly wash your hands with warm water and soap, or use hand sanitizer for at least 20 seconds
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Frequently clean and disinfect common surfaces like desk, countertops, doorknobs, phones, remote controls, keyboards, and phones
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
Practise social distancing – staying home as much as possible and keeping 2 metres between you and others
Monitor your personal health and stay home if you are sick, even if your symptoms are mild
Remember to be aware of the spread of misinformation. Credible sources of information about COVID-19 include, or via the dedicated COVID-19 line at 1-888-COVID19.
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 4:11 PM Deb Salls wrote:
I can talk to you more about this if you would like. We are working on this too. We have a pretty extensive Safety Precautions document and we are open for appointment-only bike repair with our Bike Shop.
In short, we do do these steps below for safety in the Bike Shop (with some other steps for other areas of our org) We closed everything to the public in early March in an 'abundance of caution' to figure out what is going on with the COVID situation and last week 're-opened' with appointment only services, an ecommerce store and we have been doing a bunch of posting of special parts, frames, and bikes on eBay. Also we are still doing bike giveaways to low-income individuals by appointment-only or through community partners that are providing essential services. (FYI Seattle as of March 25 is in a "Stay-at-Home" mandate and a limited list of things have been deemed 'essential services)
Bike Works Bike Shop is CLOSED to the public- No entry into our facilities is allowed by members of the public
Repair service(s) are offered by appointment only. Customers can email or phone to schedule their appointment and discuss the services they think are in need. Payment will be taken over the phone when work is completed or through our website. We are giving 50% discounts on repairs ( parts and labor) for grocery store workers, medical staff and social services professionals providing other essential services.
We will follow these steps for safety precautions:
1.) Customers will drop their bicycles at the porch and lock up using the provided combination word lock. Locks will be sanitized each time a staff person uses it. Word locks will have their combination changed at the start of each day with a record kept of each word used and on which day.
2.) Mechanics will disinfect the bikes before bringing them into the shop, assess the best service for the bicycle and call the customer to confirm service needed
3.) Once repairs are completed the bikes will be disinfected again, customers will be called to arrange pick up and we will return to the porch and lock up with combo lock. *Point person for this process: Lead Mechanic
4.) Mechanics will use gloves at all times while working on bicycles
5.) Physical Distancing *must *be used in the workplace of at least 6 feet at all times. One mechanic will work using the stands on the sales floor while a second will occupy the upper level Sun Room. Mechanics can access the shop through separate doorways to mitigate exposure (porch entrance and side door to Blue Room).
6.) Shared spaces such as the bathroom and office will be cleaned with each use. The office computer will be used *only* for business-related needs. Personal use while on break, etc. will be prohibited. Please refrain from using the kitchenette to prepare food.
7.) Clean AND disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, phones and doorknobs. Dirty surfaces should be cleaned with soap and water prior to disinfection.
8.) Avoid using other employees’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible. If necessary, clean and disinfect them before and after use.
Here is an article from the Seattle Bike Blog about this
I hope this helps. Also, I should say- our Safety Precaution document is a working document and will change as the CDC or state or local public health or government officials recommend more / different things... like masks-- or whatever might come next and will also continue to incorporate any changes that staff think we should make to our practices to make them more safe.
Deb Deb Salls *Executive Director* she/her pronouns what's this? 206.695.2607
*Bike Works promotes the bicycleas a vehicle for change to empoweryouth and build resilient communities.* *Bike Shop: *3709 S Ferdinand St, Seattle, WA 98118 <,+Seattle,+WA+98118/@47...
*Office, Warehouse & Classrooms: *3715 S Hudson St #111, Seattle, WA 98118 <,+Seattle,+WA+98118/data=!...
On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 3:48 PM BICAS wrote:
Thanks everybody. I know many of us have had to make a new decision every two days with the changing world around us so quickly.
BICAS has 14 hourly wage staff, all of whom can still be paid by coming in to refurbish bikes at the shop that will eventually be for sale after all this is over, as long as they work far away from each other and clean and disinfect everything after. Our Community Tools, classes, and retails spaces have been shut down since mid-March, which is a heavy financial burden. We are applying for local emergency grants and probably also for the CARES Act loan.
We have also decided to re-open mid-April for extremely limited services
- no members of the public will be allowed into the building, but
staff will provide sliding scale repairs to make bikes safe and rideable (no needless changes and upgrades), prioritizing frontliners whose bike is their main mode of transportation and/or people who cannot afford repairs at retail shops (many of which never closed here in Arizona because our governor has declared almost everything "essential" *eye roll emoji*.)
I am still concerned about the prospect of people congregating outside the building, but we have said if it becomes an issue, we will have to close the shop completely again and disband everyone.
Can anyone else who is staying open/providing some services respond about your safety protocols? How do you space folks apart? Do you wipe down bikes that come in? Do you cover the handlebars with something? Do you use DIY masks? We would love to benefit from everyone's collective creativity on "risk management." Thank you.
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 11:26 AM Audrey Wiedemeier wrote:
Pardon, but that last link is not the correct one. Here is the link to the folder with all our covid 19 docs:
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 1:23 PM Audrey Wiedemeier wrote:
Carlyn: I appreciate you asking for folks to respond kindly. I'll be asking this of our volunteers and patrons who've been somewhat gruff.
Bob: Opening stronger than ever is right!
As of right now the Bike Library is closed, however, pending approval from our board, we would like to start offering a "curbside bike checkout" that is by appointment only.
Here is the link to those documents. Check out the one titled: Proposal for Curbside Checkout.
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30 C: (515) 450-1651
On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 5:49 PM Cyclista Nicholas <> wrote:
> I've been worried about our workstation becoming a contamination > depot, > of course. All public surfaces, even if they are decontaminated > regularly, will be to some extent. > > However, there is a significant percentage of our target > demographic > that relies on us for daily survival, and mainly I refer to the > homeless. These are people who, if they didn't have our > workstation, > would just be doing some other sketchy thing contamination-wise to > stay > operational. > > The other sectors of our demographic don't need this kind of help, > and > probably have their own air pumps and remedial tools at home. I'm > at > the > shop alone several times a week, and have a good idea who uses the > station and when. Honestly, I don't think it's really being used > except > by a handful of solitary people, and they're mostly using the air > pump. > > As for other public-facing activities, we're open for retail, and > customers are instructed not to touch anything except bikes that > are > being testridden. This is another area that we don't face > significant > traffic, we get possibly one or two customers per day at most in > these > times. > > As for decontaminating bikes, I wipe down the seat, controls, > grips, > and > top tube after each test ride, and when doing intake on a customer > bike. > > Speaking of customer bikes, we are not a shop that does repair for > people, we only teach people how to do repairs themselves. > However, > recently we got a typical misguided question via Facebook about > how > much > we charged for a given repair, and it occurred to me that since we > weren't allowing people to repair the bikes themselves, and had a > decrease in things to do as a result of closing open shop, we > might as > well accept bikes for repair during this period. This is not > something > we advertise anywhere other than in direct response to a > spontaneous > request, and we make it clear to each customer that this is not a > regular thing. We've had three customers of this type thus far. I > feel > that this transactional dynamic is one that's very easy create as > a > controlled process, and decontaminating bikes under this > circumstance > is > trivial. Just another technical thing to do to a bike among the > usual > array of procedures. > > As for classification as an essential service, automobile repair > garages > are typically classified as essential services. We are a > transportation > provider and as assist to people who use their bikes to buy > groceries > and keep medical appointments. Bicycles are not a luxury and they > are > not primarily a recreational toy, they are a fundamental life > utility > and in some cases people rely on them to survive. > > I queried Claire from Vélorution Paris deliberately here to > provide an > example to the list of recognition that bicycles are an essential > service - the city of Paris recognizes this. As of a few days ago, > New > York City does now as well. > > Of course, this means that if we *are* an essential service, this > makes > it even more imperative that we create and adhere to strict > protocols > to > protect the community we serve even as we struggle to empower > them. > > Stay strong, healthy and hopeful cyclistas! > > ~cyclista Nicholas > > > On 2020-03-26 22:09, Bob Giordano wrote: > > Hi Carlyn, > > > > at Free Cycles Missoula we've closed completely, > > not even doing emergency bikes/repairs/drop offs, > > anything. we'll have a good crop of sale bikes when > > we reopen, and a clean, organized shop. > > > > Not doing outside public repair stands for the > > reasons you've mentioned. > > > > We aim to reopen june 1st- could be earlier or > > later- we just wanted a date in our staff of 4's > > head. > > > > Our staff of 4 are working safely and responsibly > > together, altho we've taken zones. We even have > > 4 separate doors, 3 separate bathrooms, each have > > a tool kit, etc. We're also mentally and physically > > prepared to stay away from the shop completely, if > > needed, which it looks more and more like. > > > > Our staff have been making these nimble and quick > > decisions, keeping our small board up to date as > > needed, and they are supportive of what we need to do. > > > > As we clean up around here, we're not doing 'free piles' > > outside (too much public handling of stuff). We're staging > > trash, thrift store, recycling piles. However we've had > > a couple trusted folks take scrap steel away. > > > > We plan to reopen stronger than ever, and ultimately > > we feel that is best for us and the community. Missoula > > has been very supportive and understanding. > > > > 2 of us are also focusing on grants, all 4 of us are > > taking time to think deeply, to share writings, and > > slow down. > > > > Bob Giordano, Free Cycles Missoula > > > > > > Quoting Carlyn Arteaga > > > >> I appreciate you sharing all your thoughts and ideas. > >> > >> At BICAS in Tucson we had to dismantle our outdoor fix a flat > station. > >> Staff working alone inside the shop witnessed clumps of people > >> congregating > >> very close to each other and at least one individual who was
> for > >> 3 > >> hours coughing on everything. As much was we wanted to help
> >> out, we > >> couldn't justify the germ spreading station we had created. > >> > >> We have approved a skeleton plan for opening for limited repair > >> services in > >> a couple weeks. How are others handling this? How do you do > intakes? > >> By > >> appointment only or do you take walk ins? How are you protecting > your > >> people and the public? How are you sanitizing bikes you work on? > And > >> in > >> what ways do you see your services as an "essential service," > keeping > >> in > >> mind that any interfacing with the public right now involves some > >> amount of > >> risk, for which the ultimate potential consequence is death? Or
> you > >> have > >> decided to remain closed, how did you arrive at that decision, > knowing > >> that > >> there are people who need bike help and are not going to be able
> >> access > >> it? > >> > >> I know these are the Big Questions (esp the last couple) we're
> >> grappling with right now, I just wanted to have some frank > >> conversations > >> about why doing what we're doing right now so we can all chew it > over. > >> > >> Please be kind with one another as we respond. None of us has the > >> playbook > >> for this crisis or truly even enough data yet to know which > decisions > >> will > >> end of being the right ones in the end. > >> Thank you all in advance, > >> ~Carlyn > >> > >> -- > >> > >> *Carlyn Arteaga* > >> > >> *pronouns: they/them/theirs* > >> > >> Youth Program Coordinator > >> > >> *BICAS* > >> > >> 2001 N. 7th Ave. | Tucson, AZ 85701 | Shop: 520-628-7950 > >> > >> | | Facebook > >> | Instagram > >> > >> > >> > >> > >> *Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to > participate > >> in > >> affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative > recycling > >> with > >> our greater Tucson community.* > > > > > > ____________________________________ > > > > The ThinkTank mailing List > > > > Unsubscribe from this list here: > > >
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2001 N 7th Ave | Tucson, AZ 85705 | Shop: 520-628-7950 | | Facebook | Instagram
*Through advocacy and bicycle salvage, our mission is to participate in affordable bicycle transportation, education, and creative recycling with our greater Tucson community.* ____________________________________
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We continue to have bikes donated in the rack in front of the shop, whether we allow it or not. We've been bringing them to a small outside 'quarantine' area, leaving for 5 days.
Seems that coronavirus can live up to 2-4 days on plastic and metal, in general.
Bob Giordano, Free Cycles Missoula
Quoting Essen Skabelund
Hi all,
The (Utah) Bicycle Collective closed on March 13th. Our mechanics worked in the shop with social distancing and hand washing measures (IF they felt comfortable coming to work). Our staff worked hard for 2 weeks to shift online and began taking bike and limited parts purchase by appointment only after those 2 weeks. Customers must browse our *online inventory and pick one bike to test ride. Then book a 20 minute time slot with us. In case the bike is not to their liking they must come with another in mind or we may pick out another that is their size for them. We do curbside service except for payment, then wipe down everything with sanitizer. All staff wear their air filter masks and gloves when interacting with customers. Only one at a time allowed in the shop to pay.
We will begin taking repair services by appointment (curbside dropoff) at the end of this week - something we have never done before. We are normally a DIY shop.
Our other programs and donations are closed. I've been working to engage volunteers online through community engagement and online workshop ideas.
Click this link to see our new Showroom there's an explanation of services (more announcements to come out tomorrow) here .
Does anyone have safe practices or ideas for taking donations? We've thought of creating a quarantine area (moving aside items in our storage unit to make part of it a quarantine area, leave bikes there for 2 weeks or so before touching). Or sanitizing outside before bringing inside. Having donors schedule an appointment for drop off. Ring doorbell and leave by door. If need a donation receipt they can call.
Any safe practices or ideas for accepting clients who need a bicycle for transportation (we have a charitable program where they can for free or by volunteering 6 hours)? Still working on this one, as our populations may be more susceptible to the virus, given it is a large part of the homeless population.
*Essen Skabelund* *Volunteer and Program Coordinator* Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective 2312 S. West Temple, SLC, UT 84115 801-328-2453
*The mission of the Bicycle Collective is to promote cycling as an effective and sustainable form of transportation and as a cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier, and safer society. The Collective provides refurbished bicycles and educational programs to the community, focusing on children and lower income households.*
participants (2)
Bob Giordano
Essen Skabelund