Hi Folks,
Our community bicycle cooperative, La Bikery, is looking to start up a small bike rental business. We plan to create a survey to small organizations who run bicycle rentals so we can learn as much from you as possible as we plan! First step, we need a list of folks to contact.
*What small-scale bike rental outfits do you know of?*
Cheers, Jennifer Kay La Bikery Moncton, New Brunswick www.labikery.com

Hi! We've set up a free bike rental outfit here in Wellington nz, and are starting another one down in Invercargill. It's been a fun spin off of Mechanical Tempest, our bike collective. We've got a fleet of about 8 bikes, that anyone can rent for a week (up to a month if you really want), that comes with a helmet, lights and a combo lock (that also has a key that we keep just in case).
We did a lightweight crowdfunding campaign to raise about a grand - https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/1688.
Here's the Wellington Wünderbike site http://wunderbike.blogspot.co.nz/ (which I'd like to redo at some point)
Here's the code of honour http://wunderbike.blogspot.co.nz/p/membership_26.html that potential members agree to.
The membership form http://wunderbike.blogspot.co.nz/p/membership-form.html
I've also made a little open source app https://github.com/jdoud/wunderbike-rails for tracking rental status of the bikes (so we can check and see if a bike is available without going down to where we store them). Here's an example of it http://frozen-chamber-7656.herokuapp.com/rentals, and here's the code https://github.com/jdoud/wunderbike-rails. I'd love to build more features into it at some stage for member authentication, uploading pictures and descriptions of the bikes and a calendar system where people could reserve the bikes.
It's been a great experience that has support of local council. Good luck and let me know if we can help at all!
Cheers, Jesse

Most of the co-ops I've dealt with that wanted to do this found the insurance issues prohibitive. But if you *sell* bikes and have very specific return policies on sales ("15% restocking fee on all returned bikes, 30 day maximum on returns", as one example), your group isn't liable for what the owner does with the bike between buying it and returning it.
On Saturday, July 5, 2014 7:48 PM, Jennifer Kay jen.louise.kay@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Folks,
Our community bicycle cooperative, La Bikery, is looking to start up a small bike rental business. We plan to create a survey to small organizations who run bicycle rentals so we can learn as much from you as possible as we plan! First step, we need a list of folks to contact.
What small-scale bike rental outfits do you know of?
Cheers, Jennifer Kay La Bikery Moncton, New Brunswick www.labikery.com
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href="http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a>

Consider listing through spinlister.com. They provide insurance.
On Friday, July 4, 2014, Jennifer Kay jen.louise.kay@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Folks,
Our community bicycle cooperative, La Bikery, is looking to start up a small bike rental business. We plan to create a survey to small organizations who run bicycle rentals so we can learn as much from you as possible as we plan! First step, we need a list of folks to contact.
*What small-scale bike rental outfits do you know of?*
Cheers, Jennifer Kay La Bikery Moncton, New Brunswick www.labikery.com

We've looked into Spinlister and found the rates high, I believe it was 40%. We have decided on https://www.rentabikenow.com/ instead as they provide liability insurance but not theft. THeir rates are about 15%
Mark Friis
Executive Director, Inland Empire Biking Alliance
PO Box 9266
Redlands, CA 92375
*mfriis@iebikingalliance.org* https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/mfriis@iebikingalliance.org
On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Ariel C ariel.climer@gmail.com wrote:
Consider listing through spinlister.com. They provide insurance.
On Friday, July 4, 2014, Jennifer Kay jen.louise.kay@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Folks,
Our community bicycle cooperative, La Bikery, is looking to start up a small bike rental business. We plan to create a survey to small organizations who run bicycle rentals so we can learn as much from you as possible as we plan! First step, we need a list of folks to contact.
*What small-scale bike rental outfits do you know of?*
Cheers, Jennifer Kay La Bikery Moncton, New Brunswick www.labikery.com
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a>

See Everybody's Bike Rentals in Portland. Not connected to Bike Farm but we are friends and now they operate out of our former space. When folks come into our shop looking for bikes to rent we typically refer them here.
On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Mark Friis iebafriis@gmail.com wrote:
We've looked into Spinlister and found the rates high, I believe it was 40%. We have decided on https://www.rentabikenow.com/ instead as they provide liability insurance but not theft. THeir rates are about 15%
Mark Friis
Executive Director, Inland Empire Biking Alliance
PO Box 9266
Redlands, CA 92375
*mfriis@iebikingalliance.org* https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/mfriis@iebikingalliance.org
On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Ariel C ariel.climer@gmail.com wrote:
Consider listing through spinlister.com. They provide insurance.
On Friday, July 4, 2014, Jennifer Kay jen.louise.kay@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Folks,
Our community bicycle cooperative, La Bikery, is looking to start up a small bike rental business. We plan to create a survey to small organizations who run bicycle rentals so we can learn as much from you as possible as we plan! First step, we need a list of folks to contact.
*What small-scale bike rental outfits do you know of?*
Cheers, Jennifer Kay La Bikery Moncton, New Brunswick www.labikery.com
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
The ThinkTank mailing List <a href=" http://lists.bikecollectives.org/options.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org">Unsubscribe from this list</a>
participants (6)
Ariel C
Ess Jay
Jennifer Kay
Jesse Doud
Mark Friis
Vincent Levy