Two Wheels Good: Bike Movies at The Sanctuary for Independent Media

Call for Submissions
Troy Bike Rescue & The Sanctuary for Independent Media want your bike-inspired movies for our TWO WHEELS GOOD screening in May. We are seeking films/videos of all genres and styles between 1 and 20 minutes in length.
Submission Deadline: April 17, 2009
Please forward this little email far & wide in the hopes that we will get some great audio/visual materials for building biking in the NY capital region.
Send your film/video as a DVD or Data DVD to:
Two Wheels Good c/o A. Lynn 167 9th St. Troy, NY 12180
or, email a link to a *hiqh quality* file to
Get more information on the Sanctuary for Independent Media here:
The Two Wheels Good event is co-sponsored by the New York Bicycling Coalition
participants (1)
andrew lynn