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**Bold Text**
This text has a footnote reference[^note]
[^note]: Foonotes for testing.
Docs » Hyperkitty’s Email Rendering Edit on GitLab Hyperkitty’s Email Rendering Hyperkitty supports rich text rendering of Emails. Due to the fact the most people writing emails aren’t always aware that they are writing markdown, a prime philosophy of renderer is to prevent common plain-text to be mangled by rendering them as markdown.
Hyperkitty currently recognizes some rules that are used to parse the content of an email and render them as HTML with some CSS styling applied.
Enabling Markdown Rendering In Postorius UI, under Setttings -> Archiving -> Archive Rendering Mode, MailingList owners can choose between Plain Text and Markdown text.
Hyperkitty will use that to choose between the simple text renderer and markdown renderer.
Text Renderer Text renderer is the default renderer for the Emails since the default value of archive_rendering_mode setting for MailingLists is text. Text renderer supports the following rules only:
Signature Rule PGP Signature Rule Autolink Rule Quote Rule Markdown Renderer Markdown renderer support all the rendering rules mentioned in the Rendering Rules section below.
New in version 1.3.4.
Rendering Rules Rules are essentially markup that are given special meaning such that they affect how the rendered text looks. Apart from well known Markdown rules (which are documented later in this page), there are some other rules that is supported by Hyperkitty’s renderer that make sense in the context of an Email.
Signature Rule Email signatures are often delimited by --<SPACE>\n. That is recognized as the boundary of the email and hyperkitty.lib.renderer.plugin_signature() parses that to produce a greyed out signature at the bottom of the email. An empty space after two dashes -- is important and used as a standard email signature delimiter.
For example, something like:
-- Thanks, My Name http://example.com PGP Signature Rule PGP signature rule recognizes inline PGP signatures that looks like this:
----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- This is the text.
It is parsed and collapsed into a paragraph with a quote switch (...PGP SIGNATURE...) to expand the collapsed signature.
Autolink Rule This recognizes the URLs in the text which may or may not be included in angle brackets (http://example.com) and converts them to Hyperlinks. It will also truncate the text to 76 characters with following ... characters if the length of the URL is longer than 76 characters.
This rule will also convert Email addresses into mailto:aperson(a)example.com URLs. It does not verify the validity of the Email address or even if the email address is a valid email address. The parsing is naive in many ways.
Quote Rule Or, Blockquote rule. This rule recognizes the lines starting with one or more > and converts them to blockquotes. They are also collapsed with a switch (...) for expanding and collapsing each section. Hyperkitty currently will parse upto 6 levels of nested quotes.
A different color styling is provided for each level of blockquote to make it easy to differentiate between a user’s reply and the previous user’s reply and so on and so forth.
For example, each level is indicated with a >:
This is level 1 quote
This is Level 2 quote
This level 3 quote.
Each of them are collapsed with their own quote switch (...) to expand or collapse them.
The rendering of the blockquote can often times be found to be buggy, where text from a higher level quoting will appear under lower level quote when there are sentence breaks. Like for example:
This line of sentence will be broken unintentionally
into the lower
level because of the improper folding of the email text
some of the email clients.
This type of text will appear with a mixed level of quoting and can often times be very hard to read. This is caused by email client adding hard line breaks in the sentences when replying which makes it impossible to differentiate between the level of quote.
Hyperkitty’s current parser is unable to deal with these embarrassing quote wraps and will unfortunately present the text as mixed levels of quotes. As the current parser evolves, it might be possible to provide a better rendering experience for this with some heuristics.
Image Rule Remote image support for Hyperkitty is optional and disabled by default due to the fact that they can often be used to track users. Hyperkitty also doesn’t have support to upload attachments when replying from web interface, which makes it hard to support inline images.
To enable the support for images, administrators can add HYPERKITTY_RENDER_INLINE_IMAGE = True to Hyperkitty’s settings.py.
The default value of above setting is False and all Markdown image syntax is just ignored. If the above setting is set to True, the images are rendered inline with the text.
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Bold **Bold Text** Italics *Italics* Horizontal Rule
inline code for text
Multi-line code segment
Code can also be indented by 4 spaces without any backticks.