Finances 2014, FYI
Geoff Heath, Mechanical Director The Winnipeg Repair Education N' Cycling Hub 1057 Logan Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3E 3N8 http://www.thewrench.ca
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ollin envoltorio@gmail.com Date: Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 12:48 PM Subject: Re: BikeBike Finances? To: momoko saunders analyst@bikefarm.org Cc: "seesaw3636 ." jason.mulhausen@gmail.com, Third Hand Bicycle Cooperative thirdhandbikes@gmail.com, Geoff Heath mech@thewrench.ca
Yes, find them attached. We made them available to this years hosts right away. Amounts are in MXN unless specified. It's spanish but should be pretty straight forward. Here's a copy of the transfer we made to detroit too. Let me know if anything else is needed, i'm excited to see you all!
[image: PayPal] https://www.paypal.com/mx Ha enviado un pago Id. de transacción: 1FM13692LR091600H https://www.paypal.com/mx/vst/id=1FM13692LR091600HEstimado/a Gdl en Bici: Ha enviado un pago por $2,097.84 USD a Back Alley Bikes. Tenga en cuenta que este pago puede tardar un poco en aparecer en la lista de Movimientos recientes en la sección Descripción general de su cuenta. Ver los detalles de esta transacción en línea https://www.paypal.com/mx/vst/id=1FM13692LR091600H
Su estado de cuenta de PayPal está disponible en cualquier momento. Solo tiene que iniciar sesión en su cuenta en https://www.paypal.com/mx/ cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_history. Para corregir cualquier error, favor de comunicarse con nosotros a través del Centro de Ayuda, en https://www.paypal.com/mx/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_contact_us.
Importe que ha enviado: $2,097.84 USD Fecha de envío: 29 de abril de 2016 Asunto del correo electrónico del pago: Tranferencia de Fondos Gdl en Bici Mensaje del correo electrónico del pago: Hello Here is the funds from Gdl en Bici Best Regards /Antonio VacaAtentamente, PayPal
On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:13 AM, momoko saunders analyst@bikefarm.org wrote:
Hi all,
Hope all is well with you! Are you coming to this years bikebike in Detroit? If so, I'm excited to see you all.
Anyhow, I was wondering if either of you had financial records/recording from when you hosted bikebike. Just generally how much money did it take to put on bikebike.
Attached are samples from previous years.
Please feel free to add any other pertinent docs to your reply. I can make sure they are all publicly available for future hosts.
Thanks for you help! -Momoko
participants (1)
Geoff Heath