Hi, Yes, Jim Bledsoe is from the Los Angeles' "Bicycle Kitchen". Here in LA we have three individual community bike shops: the Bicycle Kitchen near Hollywood, the Bike Oven in Highland Park, and I'm with the BikeRoWave in Santa Monica. The BikeRoWave choose to get a POS software called Retail ICE that is going to be installed this week. We pieced together the rest from ebay, and some donations. We bought a touch screen and a bar code scanner, to make things easy for the staff. We looked at Intuits 'QuickBook POS' that retails for over $1500, but the Inventory Committee decided to go with the Retail ICE system that comes with tutorials and learning dvd's which was $75. It is cheaper if you don't buy the added dvd's. Total for the whole package was under $700. That includes: The POS software(looks very powerful, with bookkeeping and tax functions), a touch screen moniter, a hand wand scanner, a full sized Scanner/printer. We had a cash drawer and a receipt printer donated to use. We are not accepting credit card payments so no need for the card scanner. I'm really excited for the system to get going, as I envision it helping in soo many ways. Sales, inventory, taxes, contacts, all will be streamlined. As the Inventory Manager/C.F.O. I am looking forward to getting my work load down. I'll provide a more detailed description of Items in the system and a report on its operation soon. I am extreamly busy but will try to answer any questions as soon as I can. I can be reached at getgern(at)gmail.com