On 11-Jan-08, at 10:58 PM, Peter Morsch wrote:
Other Burning Q's I have: -cutting new threads into the BB shells of old, cottered-crank
Raleighs to make 'em compatible with new seale BBs.
The ubiquitous Sheldon Brown covers the various options with old
-Effective (i.e., non-destructive) Cottered Crank removal (and re- usage)
You really do need the correct press to get the pins out. While Park
and the other companies no longer make these, a new model is still
It'd be worth the expense just to save some nice old bikes.
-ways to prevent cold weather pawl freeze up in cassette hubs
Use internal gear hubs! While they also use pawls I've never had one
stick on me (while I *have* had them stick on derailer winter
bikes). Ok, so that did not really answer your question...
-Cheap lights for bikes (I've heard tell of some creative holiday
string-light setups)
HPVOoO here in Ottawa have done the holiday lights for fun. You need
the new LED lights (for least amount of battery drain), a battery,
and a voltage inverter. See the first link at:
Add it all up and the average LED headlight is cheaper. Another
option, old bottle-style tire-rubbing dynamo lights, though they are
a drag (literally) when on, and don't stay on when you stop.
-ideas for rust proofing/rust prevention concerning steel frames,
spokes, hub bodies, etc... the stuff that typically looks drippy
and nasty.
Vaseline! Coating your bike in this stuff will also make the it more
aero, because the wind will just slip right by. ;)
Mark (the always-helpful)