We just had a couple bike stolen from velocipede in baltimore as well. They came in and took two bikes, one which an EABer had been working on for a very long time. It really sucked. In response we've started to get more serious about our greeter position. Basically we want to have some one at the front desk at all times who signs in volunteers and keeps tabs on who's coming in and out of the shop cause it can get pretty crazy in there.
However I still have a nagging feeling that in some way this thievery is our own fault. We have struggled with having kids come in to the open shop, but in the end we found that it got too crazy. Kids under 16 now are only allowed in the shop with a responsible adult. In baltimore that really limits who can come in the shop. Kid's who can't find someone to come in with them can also join our mentor program, where we find someone over 18 that will agree to supervise them at shop. However in order to join we must first contact their parent/guardian. With the population who has been coming into the shop randomly we haven't had any luck with calling parents--not one has ever called us back. So that puts a serious barrier up for kids under 16 who want to use the shop. We know we need a kid's program, but haven't been able to make that happen yet except with established groups that already have kids they are working with. So if a young person whose already been denied most privledges such as decent schooling and housing comes in to the shop and sees all the bikes that they can't have because they don't have a parent/guardian who is willing or able to come in with them or even call us back then i understand the desire to take things...
This does not make stealing bikes ok...However the whole things just leaves a bad taste in my mouth...I feel a little like we are failing.... -beth
To create accountability to the shop and the shop community on the part of our youngest members: We have a youth mentor on staff who is paid to be there for the kids on Saturdays, Sundays, and Tuesdays for the summer. The kids have their own workbench and their own tool box. The biggest problem with their toolbox is keeping adults from using it. The kids may collectively work on one project at a time, supervised by the youth mentor. If they want a new bike, they must trade in a completely working bike. If they want to come to the shop during other sessions, they must bring their own supervision. We also do races around the parking lot and award them prizes. It's really cute. We've also recently sent the kids home with permission slips and a youth agreement form that they must sign (Thanks Phoenix Bikes!!). And we're about to start making them name tags.
We also supervise two teens who are refugees per summer. They come to us through the International Rescue Committee, which seems to have a highly structured intern program. These kids are always amazing. Part of the lesson here is, if you're going to get interns, partner with an agency that has a really thorough program so someone outside of your shop is holding them accountable and giving them the necessary tools (for example, they do job readiness workshops with the kids where they teach them how to make professional phone calls and how to choose clothing that is appropriate for the kind of job they have).
Meanwhile, back at the shop...Kids and adults who have difficulty abiding by basic ground rules are all given fair warning before they're asked to leave (unless one does something WAY out of line, but we've been working hard to stop things before that happens). We've asked more adults than children to leave.
As for the kids who are looking for a place to hang around and test boundaries, rather than repair bikes, they have come and gone. Their needs are too great for us. The best we can do is offer support for bike repair and a compassionate community for willing participants on a few days out of the week.
As for thieving adults, what bothers me the most are the folks who take things and then flip them on Craig's List. Not cool.
Finally, greeting people as they arrive, asking them to sign in, and providing a monthly volunteer orientation helps us keep things positive in the shop.
-rachael _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.o...