wait wait wait.
running a community bike shop or co-op is being "in business"?
furthermore, if "your" mechanics fight you, what claim do you have for being a bike collective?
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 5:52 AM, Bruce Lien bikedadlien@yahoo.com wrote:
The problem with this sell,sell,sell approach is that it can put you in clear "competition" with bike shops. We want/must be friendly with the local bike shops. Additionally, unless you have a large account with the wholesalers, your account will be shut down. (I know, mine was under this sell philosphy.)
--- On Tue, 1/20/09, BovineOaks@aol.com BovineOaks@aol.com wrote:
From: BovineOaks@aol.com BovineOaks@aol.com Subject: [TheThinkTank] sales out of control. To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 4:45 PM
Mechanics will fight this note tooth and nail. They do not believe that the knowledge they have earned makes them worthy of professional benefits.
Sell sell sell if you are afraid of selling hire a sales person, Sell bikes, sell classes, sell parts, so you can afford rent, healthcare, salaries, and afford to give back to the community more than you take from it.
You are not in business to get broke, you are there to give the community a resource. Earning a Bike is different than undervaluing your bike building/ repair services. If someone is give you their time you can give them a discount on your professional services.
Sell your service for top dollar, give back to your volunteers and pay your employees. YOU ARE IN BUSINESS Non for Profit is not a go broke fast scheme.
If you are broke all the time how can you give to the community when you are sick or injured? How can you afford to get the tools or the training you need for your staff? How can you afford to take your youth or adults on events or programs outside the shop? You are Worth a lot, charge for it, respect those that volunteer and promote volunteerism for its discounts if you feel the need to give away cheap bikes.
SELL SELL SELL you are worth it.
Christopher Wallace Chicago
P.S. I love selling classes, it is a great way to find inspired volunteers. Adult students can become Mechanics, educators, promoters, lawyers, mentors, shippers, government liaisons, and more than you can even dream of. SELL Classes
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