The question often comes up: how do we store our bikes?
With our new shop we have lots of vertical space in the rear room, but
because we moved right at the start of our busy season we did not have
time to get anything set up. So bikes got piled on top of bikes (in a
rough order), and as we got them done they flew out the door. Now that
winter has set in up here and sales have dropped off we are getting
bikes ready for next year, but can't just add them back into the pile
for fear of possibly undoing half of what we just repaired.
So we bought some industrial shelving. The best part was that the
supplier we dealt with also sells used stuff. They said "we have some
pieces that are a bit rusty but perfectly functional, and they'll be
much cheaper" to which I replied "sounds like a lot of our bikes!".
We've started out with 9 sections (3x3) along the back wall. The
crossmembers are 9' wide and the supports are 12' high. A sheet of
4'x8' 5/8" thick plywood was added to each middle and upper section as
decking, to which we also added similar sheets of flake-board that we
had lying around (for extra strength). With the bottom sections the
bikes just sit right on the floor. The first and second rows will hold
bikes, while the top rows will be for overflow or infrequently-needed
items (24 x 1 3/8 tires, anyone?). We have on order a 4' high rolling
ladder for getting bikes onto the middle rows. The top rows will need
our 10' ladder for access (which is why bikes won't go up there).
We were able to fit 17 bikes per section, with handlebars turned but
pedals left on. This will hold most our supply of As Is bikes, and
since this has worked out so well we'll be getting more shelving to
hold our overhauled bikes. I've asked the supplier (Arlo Shelving
here in Ottawa) to just set aside for us whatever used stuff they come
across, because the goal is to eventually ring the room with shelving,
at least in a U shape, or all four walls.
And while we had folks around today we also did some other improvements.
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drumbent/sets/72157625577697535
Mark Rehder - Coordinator re-Cycles Community Bike Shop http://re-cycles.ca