i just meant unsustainable in its current format.
i can't see 5000 people showing up to any of our shops for the weekend and having even close to the same kind of experience i have at the three i was lucky to have been to.
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Reno Bikes renobikeproject@gmail.comwrote:
Disagree that it become "unsustainable". Eventually it gets to a point where it "is" sustainable.
At that point everyone chips in a small amount of money and then the people who spend countless hours organizing get compensated for their time. Then they can spend more time making it even better.
Just another way to look at it.
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 2:01 PM, veganboyjosh@gmail.com wrote:
there's also the fact that as this movement grows and gains momentum AND members, more folks will be interested in attending BikeBike! every year. which, at a certain point, becomes unsustainable. can you imagine what the weekend would be like with 1000 attendees? 5000? would your organization want to put it on if it did?
there's obviously no threshold at which it becomes "too big",but i think it'll happen in a sort of organic way, with a shop here or there not attending "The Big One" or shifting their focus to a more regional "version".
and i think this is what's been happening in the last few years.
for the record, i think it's an awesome thing and i'm very happy to be witnessing it.
it is frustrating and sad to think that it's only going to get harder for all of us to come together for a kick ass weekend anymore, but that just means we're succeeding.
what would it mean if none of us had a busy season?
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Plan B nolabikeproject@gmail.comwrote:
Hey Rich,
There's a lot of different seasons. Ours is September through May, so I understand your anguish, but if New Orleans gets it next year, We're shooting for late September...which means a lot of University folks might not make it, but y'all will. Just wanted to point it out.
Love ya! Victor
Victor Pizarro Project Organizer Plan B, The New Orleans COmmunity Bike Project
On 1/20/2012 1:38 PM, R Points wrote:
So I just checked the Bike! Bike! website and I see that this years event is scheduled for June 21-24. Why? This is literally the peak of the season and makes it impossible for us to attend.
We've been to 3 Bike! Bike!'s in the past and they were some of the most magical, inspiring events for our group; invaluable. It's a shame that we will again not be able to attend this year.
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