I think the danger referred to may be with someone taking the brakes off the bike because they seeing other people riding brake-less and then using the freewheel side. Not sure though. Maybe Victor can enlighten us since it was he that suggested the possibility. To Wanda and Victor, I am sure the person who did not sign there name did not leave it off because they were gutless. Hell, I rarely sign my name to e-mails because I am just used to having my name in my e-mail address.
I do not think anyone was attacking Victor for having a different opinion, but for, seemingly, acting elitist. I say seemingly, because it may have not been with an elitist intention but with the disgust of a big faceless corporation, knowing from ripping off underground culture as it was, jumping onto the fixie bandwagon. Some people may have seen it as elitist, I had an issue with the flip-flopping to the safety issue.
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:25 PM, Sam Santos lalato@gmail.com wrote:
Can someone explain to me the risks or dangers with flip flop hubs? I've never heard there was a risk involved, but I'm a novice to this sort of thing... so an explanation would be nice.
Thanks! --sam
-----Original Message----- From: thethinktank-bounces@bikecollectives.org [mailto:thethinktank-bounces@bikecollectives.org] On Behalf Of ronald ferrucci Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:01 AM To: The Think Tank Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Gross.
UrbanOutfitters is "popularizing flip-flop hubs without conscientious effort to explain the inherent risk in operation in the interest of (huge)profit"
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