i'm sure it generally depends on your financial needs, but at sopo, we ask for a suggested donation of $5 a part. it makes it real simple. sure, on the occasion that something nice comes in, we set it aside in our "good shit" cabinet. we've found that sometimes people can't give us anything, but most of the time, people give us more. it just sort of works out :)
here is what we do -> http://www.sopobikes.org/pricing
On 9/18/07, freeridemp@riseup.net freeridemp@riseup.net wrote:
Hey all, We sell a lot of parts to people fixing up their bikes and some of our newer head mechanics have been asking for a suggested price list for used parts. Anybody have a good one they could email? Hell you could even post it to POB 196 Montpelier, VT 05601-0196
Thanks! Colin Gunn Freeride Montpelier www.freeridemontpelier.org freeridemp@riseup.net
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