Here is his sons email address:
From: wendy.monroe@usermail.com Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011 10:45:26 +0200 To: thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Does anyone know a Mike Cipolla, who left his Univega Alpina mountain bike in Amsterdam, the Netherlands?
Hello Bike Think Tankers, My excuses for being off-topic, but a Dutch friend of mine has been trying to reach a Californian named Mike Cipolla, who left a very nicely kept 1995-vintage mountain bike on his balcony, five years ago.Mike was supposed to come back for it, someday. About 18 months ago, he and Arie fell out of email contact. Arie tells me that he is pretty sure Mike is/was a professional bike mechanic, and worked in a bike collective of some sort. He is in his late 20s or early 30s.The bike is in excellent condition, the wheels are within a millimeter of being perfectly true. There is also a folding Rhode Gear trailer that goes with it. Arie would like the use of his balcony back, as well as to get back in touch with Mike.Clearly the Univega was well-loved, and we want to make one last effort to find Mike before getting rid of it. If anyone knows or IS that Mike Cipolla, please email me at wendy@fietsfee.nl, or Arie Taal.. (I guess you already have his email address, Mike.) Thanks, everyone, for reading this.. Sincerely, Wendy Monroe
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