Mark, sorry I'd didn't explain myself better yesterday.
I agree with you that many commercial chain lubes aren't really worth the money. I used "Rock and Roll" for a while and have the same comment as you.
So I too used motor oil and later a mixture of 1/4 motor oil and 3/4 paint thinner. This latter actually works much better as it quickly penetrates to the part of the chain that need the lubrication.
However, this year the head mechanic at our coop recommended Finish Line. I tried it and discovered 1) it was very clean and 2) I didn't need to lube as often. There is some petroleum agent in it, but there's also some wax. So I've moved over to Finish Line and so has the shop.
As for bearing surfaces, we have been using lithium grease - usually in a tube, which allows for clean dispensing. For non-bearing surfaces, we use a cheaper lithium grease that we dispense with a small art brush. This latter is great for seat posts and the like.
Anyway if you are in a mood for experimenting, buy a $5 bottle of Finish line sometime and see if it works for you.
Gervase Gallant
Des Moines Bike Collective: Commuter Corner http://dsmcommutercorner.wordpress.com/
--- On Mon, 11/22/10, Mark Rehder mark@re-cycles.ca wrote:
From: Mark Rehder mark@re-cycles.ca Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Lubes, choice of and sources. To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 11:45 PM Well, I would venture that one need not put a lot of oil on, but of course some folks like to soak their chains. For what it's worth I've heard no complaints about our usage of this stuff, from either staff or bike buyers.
My experience with wax lubes is that they need constant replacement when it's wet, but they certainly are cleaner to work with. We sell a lot of decent bikes, but we sell far more cheap bikes to folks that may or may not pay attention to bike maintenance. So if a bike goes out with oil that will stay on it the chain might last that much longer.
On my personal bikes I'm still using up an old gallon of 30W motor oil. A bit messy, but I have well-lubed and happy chains. I've just reminded myself of the "chain lube wars" on cycling discussion groups, so I'll go no further. ;)
Mark Rehder - Coordinator re-Cycles Community Bike Shop http://re-cycles.ca
On 23-Nov-10, at 12:27 AM, Gervase Gallant wrote:
Chain saw oil is pretty terrible for your chain...
major grit and dirt magnet. Also makes working on the bike extremely dirty work.
At our coop, we use Finish line wax lube, usually dry.
Here's the wet version: http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3965288&ci...
A little goes a long way. Gervase Gallant
Des Moines Bike Collective: Commuter Corner http://dsmcommutercorner.wordpress.com/
--- On Mon, 11/22/10, Mark Rehder mark@re-cycles.ca
From: Mark Rehder mark@re-cycles.ca Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Lubes, choice of and
To: "The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Date: Monday, November 22, 2010, 8:14 PM We get various stuff donated to us (I've come to despise WD40), but in terms of what
to buy we
took a tip from a local shop and use winter-weight
oil. The reasoning is 1) it is fairly thin, 2) it
down a bit better into the environment, and 3) one
can use
it in old internal-gear hubs (apparently perfect
Sturmey-Archers). :)
We buy gallon jugs and pour into plastic oil
We used to get our bearing grease donated to us by
wholesaler, but that stopped for some reason
(never quite
found out why) and so now we just buy a pail of
grease from Canadian Tire and put it into smaller containers.
From a Green standpoint, I once asked my dad (a metallurgist) about using a non-petroleum-based
formula. He
said one could use grease made from whatever
veggie source,
but that it would break down very quickly due to
the heat
from friction. So while it would work be prepared
overhaul your hubs every couple of weeks (or
So it seem that as long as one is dealing with metal-on-metal the petroleum-based stuff seems to
be a
necessary evil. That said, perhaps some bright
minds may
find an organic solution to this some day.
Mark Rehder - Coordinator re-Cycles Community Bike Shop http://re-cycles.ca
On 18-Nov-10, at 12:08 PM, Brian wrote:
Hello everybody...
Would you please share your thoughts
concerning your
choice in lubes you use. Specifically:
- Chain lube. We use Prolink -
expensive but
good performance. Would like a more "green"
- General oil-like lube, we use
Triflow. It's
For both, we buy bulk and refill the smaller
Could you please share your experiences and
strategies? Perhaps some sort of automotive
instead of triflow? Anybody currently
directly by a lube company?
Brian SLO Bike Kitchen Co-founder www.slobikekitchen.org San Luis Obispo, CA
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