Can we have this email refined to a report!!!! I think its all important stuff, no time for me to review it all myself.
Good chat thou
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:12 PM, Gern Blanston getgern@gmail.com wrote:
Here at the BikeRoWave, we use Park CT-3's, and CT-7's.Buying the replacement pins in quantities of a dozen at a time.
We use the Silca SuperPista Floor pumps. we have 3, one is usually in back needing a rebuild,(parts are available for replacement), Breakage is often the top hose clip, the gauge(I don't know what the person did to break it), or the gasket. We have a small air compressor for the problem valve stems, like the Airzound horns. Yes parts break, but you maybe able to replace just the bent/broken pieces, of certain tools, like pins for chain tools and bottom bracket tools. We keep the high $$ tools in the back office so the head mechanic must get it for the customer, giving the chance to teach the safe and proper use, and see them used correctly.
Josh's Perfect Advice Tools break. but as to the chain tool and pumps: I like the Park tool (CT-3?- threaded replacable pin). before I hand someone a chaintool at the Bikechurch, or use one, I look at two things: spin the handle to see if the pin is bent, and look closely at the end to see iff it's mushroomed. if either is the case, use in that condition can brake the pin or cause it to become stuck in the chain/unthread itself, etc.- all negative situations.
if the pin is mushroomed, grind the edges off to a little bevel. (we have a terrible little hand crank grinder for such tasks). If it's bent, replace it.
as far as pumps go. . . silca pumps are the most durable and most servicable. generally, the presta chuck is ruined by folks shoving it on a schrader valve- clear labeling and user education is the answer. I am generally responsible (as oposed to irresponsible) for the pumps here, and they need frequent maintenence- my complaint is about the lack of good schrader chucks.
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Sherief sgaber@gmail.com wrote:
Hello all,
This is Sherief from the Austin Yellowbike, and I was hoping to pool the thinktank's experience with shop tools prone to breakage and the like. We're currently having huge issues keeping up with Chain Tools and Presta Valve pumps especially... it feels like not a week goes by without at least one of each of these tools breaking. W/r/t the chain tools, we recently switched from the nicer Park tools to the cheapest we could get out of the catalog, but with the way those break there's effectively no net savings and even when they are functioning the new cheap ones are no good. We try to make sure people know how to use the tools before they do, etc. But my question(s) today is: Do people have any similar experience out there with broken/breakable tools-- specifically good ways to prevent these breakages? Does anyone have any recommendations for good chain tools /PV pumps that can withstand a bit of overeager volunteerin g?
Best, Sherief
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