18 Mar
18 Mar
4:51 p.m.
Anibal, We had the same impulse a couple years ago, but did not follow through so I can't offer results, but here is our draft survey, attached. I hope it helps. Jim
Jim Sheehan
Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op
1823 Columbus Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216 830 2667
On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Anibal Davila caffenated@gmail.com wrote:
> hey all,
> to gain some insight into the universal problem of getting and keeping
> volunteers, im currently working on a survey. I suspect people hesitate to
> tell me in person that they think the place is dirty, the volunteers are
> rude and that i should shave more often, but people love giving that kind of
> input anonymously.
> I want to find out the differences between regular clients and casual
> volunteers. I also want to find out what keeps casual volunteers from
> becoming regular volunteers.
> I imagine disseminating it through all of our electronic outlets (list
> serve, facebook group, Flickr group) as well using printed out forms in the
> shop.
> Has anyone done this before? i would love to see other peoples
> surveys/polls. Did you get useful data from it? problems in collection?
> thanks!
> Anibal, Bikepirate
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