On 11-May-08, at 8:01 AM, bike against wrote:
That's for sure! Last year, when I was putting in a tool request to
MEC, I asked for one of the pricier Topeak floor pumps. MEC now
carries the Filzer brand of gear (since Park no longer sells to them)
and they asked us to try the cheaper Filzer pump because "if any can
test a bike product it's your shop!". And they're right!
And that pump has actually held up quite well, except for the handle
coming off (it was just glued on) and a bit of electrical tape
wrapped in various ways solved that problem. I've just ordered
another one, as well as a replacement head and hose to keep one of
our older no-Filzer pumps functioning.
I also ordered four of the 2-notch Suntour freewheel removers,
because we know that's an item that dies on a regular basis.