On 28-May-08, at 3:19 PM, Erik Ryberg wrote:
I am convinced--though admittedly not for any studied reason-- that
many people buy department store bikes because they need cheap
transportation, not because they want a cool-looking mountain bike
with full suspension and they think they get that at Wal-Mart.
Which leads me to believe that there is a market for simple bikes
of decent quality that are inexpensive.
I think it can go both ways, as some folks do get seduced by the idea
of a full-susp. bike for only $200.
Get this - I had a guy challenge me as to the pricing of our
overhauled bikes. He could not understand why a shiny (but crappy)
Huffy full-suspension bike was selling for less than the cosmetically-
challenged basic Rocky Mountain mtb. beside it. This guy was in his
60's, and all he could see was "shiny equals good". I told him that
the Rocky Mtn. was a much better bike, and for street riding (with
slick tires) vastly preferable to the Huffy, but he didn't seem to
get it...