I did a full episode of a radio show with all bike songs last year. Most fit under the "punk" umbrella. Some pop punk, power violence, thrash, hardcore, etc.
Mostly about bikes. some were more anti-car than pro-bike, but they might work. Also some are decidedly NSFW. Any that weren't FCC compliant were edited ahead of airtime.
Note: The Receptionists are from Vancouver and have at least one messenger amongst their members. most of their songs are bike/messenger related, available here: https://thereceptionists.bandcamp.com/
The radio show playlist: RVIVR - Derailer The Blank Fight - This Bike + This Guitar Action Patrol - Bike Cop The Vindictives - Bike Why I Hate - As The Sun Does Set, The Cars Still Crash Warriors - Born To Ride Vena Cava - This Bike Is A Pipe Dream Velocipede - Boy With Fire Bombs VACATION - Rattrick's Day 2k9 Descendents - Bikeage Buford - Pedal On Atom & His Package - Cross Country Atom And His Package Tour Via Bicycle Charles Bronson - Bike Pig On A Rope Galaxian - Hutch Dead Things - Lemmy Rides a BMX The Receptionists - I Got Away Grade - Stolen Bikes Ride Faster Red City Radio - Bike Thief The Ergs! - Stay The Hell Away From That Bike Shoppe Lipstick Homicide - Who Stole Molly's Bike Fighting Cause - Broken Spokes Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Drive By Blowjob On A Bicycle Kids. - Gods (I Ride My Bike On Rooftops) The McRackins - Bike Fight The Pissed Officers - Be Nice To Bikes Power Of IV - Ride On!!! Power of IV - Ride on Pt. 2 Screaming Skull - The Bike Lane This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb - Murder Bike Tommy Lasorda - Rode My Bike The Urchin - Bike Song Everready - Fuck Cars The Creeps - Car Crash Braid - That Car Came Out Of Nowhere Rocket For Ethiopia - I Wanna Puke On Your Car The Tone - Car Crash Television
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 9:50 PM, Jim Sheehan jim@ohiocitycycles.org wrote:
I'm Going Back on the Bicycle by Tommy Sands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCBdgq1ips0 (great message and lyrics -- could use a re-mix by Rhymefest and the other folks at Blackstone/experimental station, though)
Pink Floyd's "Bike" is cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPMXt9Me_Fo
We had a bike-ped bridge access campaign in Cleveland last decade: this song By Ari Lesser was a part of that modest success: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GP3XJquJ_8
This "how to load a bike on a bus" video is a winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoFFg0W9UME
BTW@neil -- I agree (but not because I'm anti-helmet) that Stay in Your Lane is a bit confusing. Most of Chicago's bike infrastructure is in the door zone, so advice about that should be in their video -- but maybe it's just hard to rhyme with. But they get in most of the other main stuff, and the kids' dancing is dope (currently correct term?).
I think maybe they were going for a redemption narrative showing the "customer" dude at first riding like an idiot (passing right-turning cars fast in the bike lane, running a light with a ped in the crosswalk etc.), and then, after they hug at the end, "getting it" and riding cool (except for the dorky left turn signal). Any insights, *J. Michael*? Does Blackstone use this for education? If so, how?
I'll start a separate thread asking for your favorite bike safety videos, because this is something we really need at OCBC. Good ones seem to be really hard to make well: getting it clear, correct, and cool (or at least not boring) seems to be one of those pick-only-two propositions.
Stay in Your Lane is at least cool, which makes it far from the worst example of lame bike safety videos with questionable advice (see LAB's old Enjoy the Ride https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s5hJhLBUec with a clueless driveway rideout in the very first instructional riding segment at 6:55). Jim
Jim Sheehan Executive Director Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667 OhioCityCycles.org jim@ohiocitycycles.org
On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 2:54 PM, Catarina Gutierrez <catgutierrez@gmail.com
I'm here for this! We are in the Wellington Pride Festival next month and need some tunes for our choreographers. Keep sharing!
Catarina NZ 022 1545 049 skype gutierrezable twitter https://twitter.com/mecatarina | website https://mecatarina.com/ | linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/pub/catarina-gutierrez/42/a9a/889
On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 8:45 AM, Sunny Nestler programs@bikecoop.ca wrote:
Wow thanks for sending that video along! Can't wait to see what else is out there 🤘
*Sunny Nestler*, *Programs Manager* AMS Bike Co-op University of British Columbia 604-822-2453 <(604)%20822-2453> | bikecoop.ca | @ubcbike
On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 11:33 AM, neil neisei@comcast.net wrote:
ugh! helmet scare propaganda! the people in this video would be safer if they skipped the styrofoam hats and didn't ride in the door zone. instead of stay in your lane it should be stay out of the door zone!
On Feb 8, 2018, at 11:10 AM, J Michael Eugenio wrote:
Blackstone made this bike safety video with Rhymefest! exp.st/staylane
J. Michael Eugenio Communications Associate experimentalstation.org 773 241-6044 @expstation: facebook / twitter / instagram
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