13 Jan
13 Jan
3 p.m.
I agree that trademarking a name that is used by so many not-for-profits is a little unsettling. I know nothing about lawsuits (or the law, really) but i do find this trademark offensive.
danielle reCycles bike coOp Arkansas
Erik Ryberg ryberg@seanet.com wrote:
you're an attorney at law...let's do it. what do we win?
Well, all we win is the right to keep calling our build a bike classes "build a bike classes" without fear of lawsuits and threatening cease and desist letters from attorneys for the corporate team-building industry.
I should think that would be worth something, though.
Erik B. Ryberg
Attorney at Law
445 West Simpson Street
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 622-3333
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