We went through this a few years ago. I think much depends on what
your org. needs done that would require paying someone to ensure it
gets done. What sort of tasks are you talking about? Bookkeeping?
Staffing on certain days (like weekends)?
At our shop the paid role came from within. I was basically doing
much of that extra work that needs doing, and after a few years there
was enough of it that I needed to get some compensation in order to
keep that level of time commitment going. Fortunately, our core
group is pretty cohesive and almost everyone agreed to the idea (one
never liked it, and eventually quit).
I currently get a monthly honourarium, but once we incorporate
(papers should come through next month) we'll be re-examining that. I
like to think that we have avoided most authoritarian issues mainly
because I have no power. But two others in our group are on this
list so I'll let them tell me if I'm full of crap. ;)
So if there is someone in your group asking for some compensation, I
think that could be easily dealt with. Having to hire from outside
can obviously be more problematic, because your group may feel they
have to supervise this "outsider", at least for the first while. And
that's often not a task most volunteers want to take on.
Mark Rehder - General Manager re-Cycles Bicycle Co-op http://re-cycles.ca
On 11-Apr-10, at 10:55 AM, Ainsley Naylor wrote:
Hey folks We have been avoiding the very loaded *paid position* conversation
for about 2 years here at Pirates. As we are getting even busier
than every before, and making more than enough money to cover our
operation costs, I think it is time to start hashing out various
ideas for ways to pay for certain tasks to be done.I don't think we are in the market to have a paid coordinator or
shop manager, as it would be too likely to lead to authoritarian
issues and would take up too much of our extra cash. Do folks have
suggestions or examples of small-scale employment or honorarium
models that have worked for them?To give you a guideline let's talk about paying out less than $600
a month.thanks! ainsley.