Greetings bicycle loving folks,
We are currently recruiting an AmeriCorps member for the 2020-21 program year. This is a good opportunity for someone interested in starting a career in bike and pedestrian focused advocacy and/or youth engagement. Please see the listing below (or attached pdf), and share with any contacts you think might be interested.
Thanks for reading,
Intercity Transit seeks an AmeriCorps Volunteer to serve as the Education and Outreach Assistant. Intercity Transit's Walk N Roll program collaborates with schools and community partners to offer educational programming that encourages the use of walking, biking, and using public transit for transportation. The AmeriCorps Member will teach youth and families about environmentally friendly transportation options through a variety of hands-on education and outreach activities. Activities teach participants skills in bike and pedestrian safety, bike mechanics, and how to ride public transit. The Member will help participants learn life-long skills to prepare them for the possibility of choosing a car free future. For application information and a complete position description, please visit: https://my.americorps.gov/mp/listing/viewListing.do?id=95537&fromSearch=...http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DEwA_YDfAsWH3pmGVV5ciUAfb3gjs8TRVDX4XFKx62DEZseFR4nEf6resHR00f03-7O4_6d60hW2_9n1vMbp-KiktWa8017Kx1PCYglF-MoTZALPDFThT7GwBb1o0mjF9iRvj3g8DZii_MIaR5bSSwleH-jdpSR3eAiGYo0umU0k8LkwtR6hsvDZj7vG-p0NYzzhanTvCCvkWdsAdsBtli7o60VA1GmG0TvrHRFoVRE=&c=3snphCA890XMLsDRHELYf4CuY9IRerEnsRmxctpFpIrpcym__2YReg==&ch=Ia7GwfU1tZP6_Q5uV9BV-FL07xMvMedTpPEo2L_BUEAlo8wVRkxRxw==
David Coppley Walk n' Roll Program Assistant Intercity Transit 360-705-5817 (office) 360-701-8379 (cell) PO Box 659 Olympia, WA 98501 dcoppley@intercitytransit.commailto:dcoppley@intercitytransit.com Follow us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/WalkNRollIT/ & Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/walknrollit/
David Coppley Walk n' Roll Program Assistant Intercity Transit 360-705-5817 (office) 360-701-8379 (cell) PO Box 659 Olympia, WA 98501 dcoppley@intercitytransit.commailto:dcoppley@intercitytransit.com Follow us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/WalkNRollIT/ & Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/walknrollit/