We run a truckload once a quarter and pay ten bucks to have our county transfer station to recycle them. Apparently different 'dumps' even just here in California charge different amounts. It's a confusing item. Wish more of them got taken in the meantime for projects, but...
Also, we've been posting our tubes, tires, and metal scrap to free on craigslist so if any gets claimed before they get recycled, bonus. However, space prevents us from storing more then a banana box of used tubes, and the outdoor staging piles of tires and metal scrap.
-Ed Bici Centro Santa Barbara
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:15 AM, MoBo Bicycle Co-op < mobobicyclecoop@gmail.com> wrote:
We give ours to some local artists who make bike jewlery with them and we share a space with a gardens program who uses them for planters and boxes.
Ellie MoBo Bicycle Co-op
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:59 PM, Alexander Volfson < alex.ooforyou@gmail.com> wrote:
At least two uses off the top of my head: tire boots and mudflaps. Also Fenders ;)
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Reno Bikes renobikeproject@gmail.comwrote:
TIRE FIRE! On Jul 30, 2012 6:30 PM, "Tom Dettloff" tomdett@yahoo.com wrote:
Try and artist or art coop. I have seen a lot of art based on used tires, both art featuring recycled material and bicycle specific art.
On 7/30/2012 7:02 PM, Andrew L wrote:
hey all!
i know this has been a thread some time ago, but i would like some sounding off on what folks are doing to dispose of OR upcycle spent tires.
we have a build up!!
thanks for the help in advance!
Andrew Troy Bike Rescue Troy, NY
-- ------__o ----_`<,_ ---(_)/ (_) andrew lynn 518-573-7947
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-- MoBo Bicycle Cooperative a project of The Village Green Foundation 1415 Knowlton St. Cincinnati, OH www.mobobicyclecoop.org
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