That document points out a lot of distinct problems that are important to consider. However, with a few exceptions, it doesn't ground itself in examples of *how or why these are specifically white problems*.
Additionally it:
-demonizes some utilitarian goals, such as perfectionism -demonizes goals that are crucial to wisdom, such as objectivity (not to suggest subjectivity is inherently detrimental to that process) -attaches debatable characteristics and behaviors to well-known words -demonizes goals that are crucial for struggling nonprofit organizations, such as a sense of urgency -contradicts itself by criticizing lack of transparency in decision and rule making while also criticizing documentation -sets up a condition wherein one can be accused of white supremacy by defending, say, perfectionism or objectivity
Many of the issues presented in the document are clearly important ones we all face, and the gist is worth meditating on. The document is, however, an "oldie"... in that it needs several redrafts.
One might even say... urgently.
Apologies in advance to everyone (including Angel) for any flame war this might erupt.
cyclista Nicholas
On 2018-10-10 15:25, Angel York wrote:
old but good
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